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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. As far as the Awards show specifically goes, this is the most likely reason. When in doubt, follow the money, after all. The other reasons probably factor in more in things like scoring issues and so on.
  2. @lynnidolz that 'evil genius thing' is exactly how outrage marketing works. They do something annoying or outrageous and it gets people talking. @sweetwater But Nekomasamune is cute! He deserves more traffic than ISU.
  3. In all fairness, Nationals happened in the middle of a blizzard that made driving unsafe, but still, the numbers are very telling.
  4. Hmm. Maybe, maybe not. I think it's a mistake to assume that the reason is because he's an Asian, specifically. That might be why, but it could also just be because he's not Russian or not American, which isn't the same thing. I mean, Nathan is also Asian. Yes, he's an American, but if the discrimination against Yuzu were only about race, then Nathan would also have the same trouble. I think it's mostly about not being from a country and/or skating federation that wields clout in the ISU. The two things are sort of similar, but not quite. In other words if the situation were reversed and a white guy were to be Japan's top skater, they'd still get no respect from the ISU.
  5. Here's the graph for confirmed cases per million inhabitants. As you can see, Sweden has the highest number of any European country: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/21176/covid-19-infection-density-in-countries-most-total-cases/ And this topic is derailing the forum, so that's the last I'm going to say about it.
  6. The thing is, it isn't going to. If the actual sport in all its greatness and beauty can't attract viewers, an awards show/Ari Zakarian vanity project ain't gonna do it no matter how they massage the bios. Anyway, at this point they're practicing 'outrage marketing' (it's a thing, trust me). They're deliberately trying to stir up the hornet's nest of angry fanyus by slighting Yuzu in order to draw attention. It's a sleazy, cheap trick. Ugh. Sweden's virus arc has not been good. I don't feel at all comfortable with the idea of having World's there even if it's a year away. Let's hope there's a vaccine by that time.
  7. I feel the same. I'm waiting before I decide what to buy, this time.
  8. What I wouldn't give for that Masquerade clear file!!!
  9. Unfortunately, they're pretty typical of NBC Olympic sports coverage as a whole...it's all cringe-worthy and often inappropriate. It's like they can't find a single professional in the whole country.
  10. Thanks for translating that. Somehow the image of microbaby Shun watching baby Romeo Yuzu and being inspired is just
  11. I also found this image: https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/yuzuru-hanyu-of-japan-competes-in-the-mens-short-program-news-photo/1062290810?adppopup=true which I'm not sure anyone here has seen - at least I've never seen it published anywhere. Y'all should have a scroll through the Getty Images site there - it's a treasure trove of the many, many moods of Yuzu
  12. oh dear...I hope none of the American skaters here for training end up getting harassed. Take this as a sign of the growing panic with which we here north of border view the uncontrolled spread of the virus in the US. It's sad that it comes to this: https://ca.yahoo.com/news/canadian-drivers-u-licence-plates-080000587.html
  13. Tuna and cheese together, oh God . I know it's a thing, like in tuna melts, but I just... can't. As a steady diet, wow. Boys! My one photo to prove Yuzu the most beautiful would be this one: https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/yuzuru-hanyu-of-japan-performs-in-the-mens-free-skating-news-photo/1063209168 I just love that Origin Ina Bauer.
  14. getting way off topic here, but some kinds of asthma you can outgrow. Mine used to be much worse - in my twenties, I wound up in urgent care needing immediate help - but now all I get is a bit wheezy and can often get by with very little medication, going years between attacks. I hope Yuzu's asthma is the kind you eventually outgrow.
  15. Tuna quesadillas? I can't even imagine...
  16. Brian has mentioned in passing (in interviews) that she is pretty helpful at TCC too, although he was speaking in generalities.
  17. The Ina Bauer into 3A actually seems like a good idea - when the Ina Bauer ends, you're in the launch position for the axel already. As long you have enough speed, it seems like it would work out ok.
  18. I'm willing to bet he thinks of new and interesting faces he can make for us to use. In some ways, that lad is all about the fan service, and I'm sure he gets a good laugh out of some of the silly things we say here.
  19. Maybe there's someone working that border crossing who is a figure skating fan. you never know. But, I, too, was visualizing Jason using his Sunshine Beam Smile* power and his charm to convince the border agent to let him through *now available in Lemon Fresh scent. Patent pending.
  20. So according to the article, Jason had several letters vouching for him (from USFA, Skate Canada, Skate Ontario etc) and still had to try twice to get across the border. So anyone arriving by air (Zhenya, Yuzu) would be well-advised to wait until restrictions are lifted, in case they get turned back. Imagine the cost if you have to fly back and forth. Must've sucked for Jason to drive all the way to the Soo (Sault Ste-Marie) only to get turned back. I'm really happy for the Hanyu family, that they're getting to spend all this time together. Think of all the sacrifices they've made to support Yuzu all these years. Now they can relax for a bit.
  21. Well, it is the longest unguarded border in the world.
  22. Checked his Twitter and that is indeed what he said. He also said Jason's journey back was quite the trip, with no details. That could mean almost anything.
  23. In the end, time will tell. And since this discussion is getting so heated, I will leave it at that.
  24. Be interesting to find out how Jason convinced Customs & Revenue that he was an essential worker 😂. I'm thinking this means that whatever visa the skaters use for Canada must be the same/equivalent to an international student visa, which means they'll be able to come in.
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