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Everything posted by sweetwater

  1. Sorting out old bookmarks stored in my chrome now. It occurred to me that it might be fun to review a collection of Gala openings and finales that include Yuzu. However, listing up suitable videos might take time, so it’s just an idea for a future occasion. This is what I was watching (Yuzu appears around 7:00. You’ll also find Wakababy as a flag skater):
  2. Guess who (try not to read the text under the video...)
  3. ちっちゃいスワン可愛い 小さい方が折るの難しいですよね。 ファイテンのお店には、今大きい方のスワンがいる模様。
  4. 金もあるならますます水色も送れば良かった気がする。。。
  5. 50th postおめでとう! スワンはピンクのを送りました。 Hydroさん作のグリーンのスワンも同封して、これはこれでソチの時のラッキーカラーの組み合わせ (ジョニーデザインのロミオとジュリエットの衣装のストーンの配色)だから縁起がいいんじゃないかなと思ったのですけど。。。 そうか、羽生君とお揃いですね うーん。それは嬉しいけどやはりちょっと心残り でもその二色で折るというのは本当に素敵なアイデアですね。 そこに込められた願いが叶うといいなと心から思います
  6. As Echo Cheng on twitter said yesterday, I think it’s better to read his own comments than to get upset reading other things. He has never mentioned nats in his own comments released this month.
  7. This article was published at 6 am this morning (JST) and based on his comment released yesterday, so it’s a bit old. New article published in the same newspaper (Daily sports online) reports that it seems quite difficult for him to compete in nats. I’ve read a few other articles published after the release of the new comment and none of them mentioned his will to participate in the competition.
  8. ほんとだ、紫っぽいスワンとゴールドっぽいスワンが向き合って写ってますね。 これ、最初に見た時はただただ思いが一杯に詰まった応援ボードだな、仙台うらやましいなーと思っていたけど 今改めて見ると、これが仕事や学校に行く途中とか、毎日目に入るところにあったら毎日通るたびにあああ羽生君!元気かな?とかなってしまいそうですね。 いや、こんなに素敵なボードがなくてもP&Gのキャンペーンのハガキと一緒に束ねられてる羽生君を見ても大丈夫?元気?てなるけど。。。 @Yaguruma Soさん、おひさしぶりです! ロステレコム杯見られて良かったですね! 振り返るとGPSで一番良い試合だったのでは。。。 羽生君はNHK杯の後全日本での復帰を目指すとコメントしていましたが、怪我の回復に予想より時間がかかっていて、まだ練習を再開できていないことが最近になって分かりました。全日本に出場するかどうかはまだ分からないけど、来週には公式練習とかも始まるので、その頃には何かしらニュースがあると思います。 追記:※全日本についてはちょっと文章を修正しました
  9. Front view (source): https://i.eurosport.com/2017/12/12/2228069-46460210-2560-1440.jpg?w=1000
  10. @hamaguriさん、リンクありがとうございます。(優しいお気遣いもありがとうございます) もうひとつ続報…というか確認というか、小林さんから「ひざは大丈夫。足首だけ」というコメントがありました。 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO24592600T11C17A2UU8000/ (該当部分を読む場合は登録が必要) 私も靱帯を痛めたことがあるのですが(十数年ぶりに思い付きでスケートをしたら、以前と違ってブレードの形状を理解していたので一度しか転ばなかったけど、その一度でやってしまいました。。。) 継続的に状態を診てもらう中で重症度や痛んだ部位に関する診断が固まっていったので、羽生君もそんな感じだったのかなと思いながらニュースを読んでいました。 日にちが迫っていて苦しいところだと思うけど、最良の選択をして最良の結果にたどり着けるよう祈ってます。 私も @miinyanさんの投稿見てちょっと涙出そうでした。そのタイミングは本当に奇跡ですね! @Kizunaさんのスワンの色はメダルのリボンの色がテーマだったのですね! ああ、1羽ずつにしないで送れば良かったな… @Hydrobladeさんの地図の上では本当にたくさんのプーと衛星とリボンがメッセージを送っていたけど、スワンも今世界のどこにいるのか想像すると楽しいですね。 カナダで越冬中のスワンが一番多いのかな? それとも各地経由で日本に来ているスワンが意外と一番多いかな? 全日本でまた新たなファンのところに届くと良いですね。 私も行ける場合は草太君の復帰も見届けたいなと思っています。 怪我をした選手たちが皆無事に氷上に戻って来ますように
  11. According to an article published by Sanspo on Nov. 11th, Ghislain told the press that Yuzu’s knee was also affected by the fall, saying “(右)膝も引っ張られていたが、大事にはならないと思う。(My translation: (Yuzu’s right) knee was also pulled but I guess it won’t become a serious problem)” and I remember that we were also confused at first in regard to how to translate the term “右足関節外側副靭帯” in English, so I kind of understand why English based media reported that it was a knee injury. But I’m glad Kobayashi san denied it!
  12. Sorry for being off current topic, but in a new article published by Nikkei Ms. Kobayashi confirmed that his knee is OK, so I think we can forget about the Kyodo’s article. Source: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO24592600T11C17A2UU8000/ *You need to subscribe to read the whole text.
  13. I think they have announced that ligament was damaged from the beginning … I would translate his comment like this: “It came out that the ligament I hurt was the one which takes more time to heal than a usual sprain. After this, I’m going to get back on the ice and start from just skating, like stroking and doing cross-over using mainly my left foot, and then I would like to gradually increase the load on my feet to be able to do turns on my right foot.” But I’m not a medical specialist so I'm not sure if such ligament exist…
  14. Thank you for clarifying! I saw she fell and hit the board during SP and was a bit worried whether she injured herself by it or not. Anyway, it’s good to hear her injury isn’t a serious one. Thanks a lot!
  15. Get better soon and come back strong, Anna! ETA: Was Ksenia injured too? If so, hope she'll be healed soon.
  16. Plu san's skating lesson: how to pull in on a jump.
  17. Yeah, I don’t like it either. They should not use any athlete as their tool, and most of those who would want to skate with Yuzu would not want anyone to bother Yuzu, especially at this moment.
  18. Suzuki didn’t actually promise that the prizewinner will be able to skate with Yuzu or run with Kiryu. He said that the prizewinner will be able to enjoy sports with an athlete or a team he/she prefers. Then the press asked him if he/she will be able to skate with Yuzu or run with Kiryu, and he answered that it depends, but they’ll do their best.
  19. I agree with kaeryth. Isn’t it because of the natural light coming in from the big window we see on the left of the spectators’ seat? Men’s SP was held in the evening of the day (from 16:30,) so everything looks tinted by the color of the sunset in this video. Here are some photos taken at that event by JOLUSKATING. Source: http://joluskating.eu/2011/n11_mensp.php But the costume in this video looks so much like H&L’s! It also makes me wonder how it would look like if he skates in H&L in natural light. (must be beautiful!) I always love watching a footage taken in Nebelhorn. I've never been there but the venue looks beautiful. As for Shun Sato, I think Shu Namioka (浪岡秀 not sure about the pronunciation of his first name) is his coach. I heard that Shun wanted to be coached by a male coach. Don’t know much about Mr. Namioka, though. @Aotoshiro It was much much easier in the first few years because there were no commercial films to look for, not much news provided from the media, very few magazines to check in a season, and I was watching figure skating in more laid-back manner, too.
  20. Yeah, withdrawing from a competition must be always tough for him even if it’s a right choice, since it’s rare chance for skaters to show what they devote their lives to. I became his fan in 2010. Looking back at these 8 seasons it’s hard to find a season without serious worries. But at the same time, I can’t think of any adversity he could not overcome. I can’t think of any season that is just sad to look back at. It’s tough when he is having a tough time, but if we hold on, we’ll be able to welcome him back. Sorry for being random what am I trying to say... but basically it’s great to be his fan.
  21. I want to squish it! Looks so nice to touch!
  22. Last year, after GPF, he came back to Japan on Dec. 13rd and developed flu on 15th. His withdrawal was announced on 21st and nationals began from 22nd. He stayed in Japan until the beginning of January.
  23. No, he is not scolding Yuzu. He is just saying that since he has heard that Yuzu has already got back on the ice, he was surprised/disappointed at the news that Yuzu was still undergoing treatments and not be able to back on the ice, and suggesting that Yuzu should skip nationals if he is not fully recovered. I’ve read another OB in JSF suggesting the same thing. I suspect that they are trying to make it easier for Yuzu to withdraw. (Remember how he apologized last year, for withdrawing from nationals mentioning sponsors and the broadcaster of the event? Some people want him to participate in the competition for their own reasons) But anyway, to withdraw or not is up to him.
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