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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. The strawberry is Zigeunerweisen right? (Give me a medal, i wrote that from memory)
  2. Hydro's mental theater First GP Event. Location: Planet Hanyu "GUYS THE PLANNED LAYOUTS ARE OUT! " one poster says in all caps. "Why the sad Pooh? " Asks another, the image suddenly unavailable. "IS THAT A 4A" posts another person, who managed to open the image "I SEE NO 4Lz ANYWHERE WHAT IS HAPPENING" After the FP: Protocol shows: 4A with 1.35 GOE
  3. lol at the way they put a link to Yuzuru Hanyu Fan Fest at the end of the article!
  4. Translated for you guys :D -What can you tell us about these shows (programs i guess) that you've prepared for PyeongChang 2018? -For the short i can say we'll visit an old friend again. Won't be the same, but we'll use a part from the same music. I think it will be a good idea. The free will have spanish music, but won't be something traditional. We've chosen a spanish character that is known around the world, so the people can put a face on what i am doing and skating. Until we have it on the table (i thiiiiiink this would mean in english something like, until the time comes to discuss it seriously) we won't know what we're going to do as the final result.
  5. Oh that's for sure. I don't know anyone who was once a fan and then un-Hanyu'ed :ohno: I feel like you don't even have to BECOME a fan. If he catched your eye the first time you saw him, sooner or later you will end up deep in Yuzufeels.
  6. Haha this kid is so extra... Remember that the begginning of Seimei is the sound of him breathing hahahaha
  7. I'm slowly becoming more convinced that once you go Hanyu, you can never go back :embSwan:
  9. I broke the embarassed swan smiley i am sorry, i reuploaded it with another size but since i replaced the image it shows an ugly notice on the forum sorry sorry sorry To make up for it i leave you with Pooh and sad Pooh:
  10. Chale, la gente que no puede apreciar LGC porque no fue limpio yo creo que estan mal de la cabeza o algo. Siento que no necesita ser perfecto para que puedas darte cuenta del poder que tiene Yuzuru para mover a la audiencia y tener toda la atencion sobre el. Siempre me parecio que, aunque tuviera errores y con excepcion del WTT, durante la StSq era maravilloso verlo porque parecia que se estaba divirtiendo tanto y de repente de una manera tan coqueta que :devil: Yo no puedo amarlo completamente por los problemas que le causo a mi bebe bonito, si no fuera por eso seria perfecto.
  11. That would be a dream come true for me. If i could only see him once this season, i would choose that.
  12. I emerge from the deep to claim Yuzuwith [link=https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5_erFGrsEqILTFXOHVJMmZSc3M]glasses[/link] and because i am a very greedy person: [link=https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5_erFGrsEqISmZISlZMZXdLZk0]Asaichi!Yuzu[/link]
  13. There are some pics but... yeah they are a very private family.
  14. I feel obliged to answer this but i am not sure. I know he has been doing it since 2011 though
  15. I voted 15-16 season because that's when i couldn't ignore him anymore, but i felt the call of Planet Hanyu as Sochi was happening... :embSwan:
  16. The blessed White Pants of Holiness. I approve :pbow: :pbow: :pbow:
  17. I haven't read anything about that on the japanese thread ._. That is... weird. I can't believe a word of it, it seems really really weird to me.
  18. ayñ, mira que me encanta la StSq y obvio los pantalones morados del pecado pero... No me trae muy buenos recuerdos. Muchas veces lo vi devastado al terminar de patinar el SP y pues... 3 No me quejaría si lo cambiaria, la verdad preferiría que lo cambiara...
  19. I confess - I have watched this video already at least 10 times my number is even higher
  20. Photo no3 deserve a place on the Planet Hanyu Boner planet what
  21. This has to be one of my favorite images ever
  22. I tried to escape but looks like it isn't possible :acceptable:
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