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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. Hola!! He visto por tumblr la colección de emojis que estás dibujando y es LO MEJOR :love: :love: :love: @Hydro Mira, lo que me pude reír con las conversaciones invisibles, aún lurkeando. Estaba claro que hacía falta un sitio para hablar de esas cosas, aquello parecía un polvorín esperando a que alguien tirara una cerilla XDDD Y sí, menos mal que no nos ha pillado en plena temporada. Nos da un ataque a todas y tenemos que seguir el Mundial desde el más allá. Me daba mucha risa que todos decian que yo era la que incitaba a ello pero hey! Fue Shiro quien nos provoco con la mencion de cierta... foto... Nunca conseguimos la foto pero nos proporciono el video de la berenjena danzarina :P asi que esta bien hahahahaha
  2. Welcome and sorry about the super extra emojis lol we can't change them for the time being! Don't you dare take away my chicken, please! We should turn it into a swan...
  3. Jajaja lo curioso es que el primer foro transicional (kuyashii) fue hecho para las conversaciones invisibles que teniamos en el otro sitio :P estoy impresionada porque todo parece haber ocurrido en el momento perfecto. No eramos muchas personas ahi al principio, pero comenzamos a migrar cuando vimos qu elas cosas empezaban a ponerse feas y mira :P Imaginate si hubiera pasado durante la temporada! Que bueno que nos agarro en temporada de Ninja!Yuzu
  4. Vi el livestream del programa corto en Sochi... Y pues... sabía que iba a terminar en algo intenso así que decidií no seguirlo pero me lo encontraba por todos lados sin buscarlo D: Y mira, no estaba equivocada, terminé de admin aquí jajajaja
  5. Yup :) Is not like i am going to ban you for being off topic LMAO
  6. A few photos of Yuzu in practice at Worlds: https://twitter.com/3flip3loop/status/8 ... 9648985089 ^-^ <3 Thank you! And i want to take this as a chance to thank you for that beautiful composite image of the 4S3T <3 i am so SO happy someone captured the beauty of the very thing that still makes some of us tense when listening to Hope&Legacy and that part comes up. We didn't name it the Combo of Doom for nothing before he landed it at Helsink hahaha
  7. Así como yo no pude escapar de Yuzu a pesar de que lo quise ignorar por dos años D:
  8. According to him, when he sleeps and when he's playing games. When he sleeps because he sleeps with one eye open :P and when he's playing games because he gets into weird and completely uncool positions lol let's be real even in those "uncool" positions and one eye open, we're gonna find him adorable and beautiful anyway... my rose-tinted glasses are too strong LOL Absolutely :) And i do adopt uncool positions when gaming so... i get you Yuzu, i get You
  9. According to him, when he sleeps and when he's playing games. When he sleeps because he sleeps with one eye open :P and when he's playing games because he gets into weird and completely uncool positions lol
  10. I've said it many times. I think we take more from him than we realize :D
  11. Siii! Más personas :D Que todos sepan cuántos fans alrededor del mundo tiene Yuzu :D
  12. Muiltiple skins is something we're working on too :)
  13. I LOVE THE NEW BANNER OMG IT'S AWESOME It's gone now..??! :rofl: If you couldn't tell that was my doing :P but i was requested something more serious. I AM working on something more serious but i thought that some laughs in the meantime would be ok :D
  14. Hey what do you have against my half plucked purple chick :c? It was proto-Swan prince!
  15. Haha hocheese holeamente en español no me gusta usar malas palabras... Y eso que soy mexicana que para eso nos pintamos solitos hahaha, tenemos un vocabulario muy colorido pero no va conmigo. En inglés es otro caso... Ahi sí me la paso soltando F Bombs :P pero en español solamente no se me da. En todo caso es solo para que sepan que no tienen que cuidar sus palabras a menos de que las vayan a usar para insultar a alguien más, en ese caso si me vería obligada a dar advertencias o depende de la severidad del asunto bannear sin advertencia. Pero espero que no tengamos ese problema aquí :) tomemos de ejemplo a Yuzu, que siempre tiene algo bueno que decir de las otras personas :D
  16. aww thanks so much for the complient I fell in love with it at first sight in a Tumblr post; there were dozen of other ava pics but this one stood out a lot. It's got everything I want: Yuzu's graceful lines and pretty features, feeling content and happy while displaying his fun and playful side, best of all it's got H&L costume and the green (I always have to have green in my avas lol pls don't judge me) I think this was all the way back from Autumn Classic's medal ceremony, the bouquet is definitely a clue. And I believe I saw gifs of Misha helping Yuzu get up in this bouquet too, which means this could only be from that competition where both Yuzu and Misha medaled (harsh but it's the truth guys) lol AKA Flowery 3A
  17. Those trousers in baby blue look so angelic on him :love: (although they do remind me of your love for a certain something similar, Hydro) :tongue: I am a weak person :)
  18. Yuzu smells like lemon and chocolate??? Someone tell me is that true? Tell me before i start bathing myself in both things Also, i bought tickets to SC just in case :P
  19. I'm trying to estabilish threads for the topics that made up the natural life cycle of the previous... Hanyu fans gathering iteration So.... Talk about costumes! Your favorite ones, the ones you hate, the ones you'd like to see... :)
  21. De hecho, mi vocabulario de patinaje es exclusivamente en inglés hahaha pero pues creo que aquí podemos entendernos :D Podrían ayudarme a compartir el foro con otros fans hispanohablantes? Además, no tienen que cuidar su lenguaje aquí ni nada, no es como si los fuera a bannear por decir malas palabras LOL simplemente sean respetuosos los unos con los otros, y sobre todo con nuestro bebé bonito Yuzu :D
  22. そうだね。。。日本人のファンをここに来てくれることを楽しみにしています :)
  23. "he dislikes the harsh scent of perfume, passing the airport duty-free shops, it often smell of cosmetics and perfume which causes him to have an itchy nose/discomfort. But that the fabric softer's natural fragrance is a natural smell and it gives people the feeling that it is their own aroma, a very peaceful mind." I'm sorry but these kind of things just make me wonder how does a space kitty smell? Also, you can see the ina bauer icon in firefox :) for some reason it doesn't show on chrome...
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