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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. Please continue i am greatly enjoying this and i agree, we can probably see more from that program because we know what's behind it.
  2. Don't tempt me, i might make a functional mock up... :goe: :goe: :goe: :goe: :goe: :goe: :goe:
  3. I might have to ban myself for being off topic (this will never get old lmao) but that avatar is :love:
  4. 私も黒レース見たいです!!レースじゃなくても全身黒のがいいんじゃないかなと思います(UA大好きな私。。笑) でもLGCの白と紫もかっこいいし、ゆづはスタイルがいいから、どんな色の服装を着てもいけそうな気がしますね。 黒レース= :goe: !! でもまた青コスチュームも見たい。。。 そう! 新しいメンバーの皆さん、ようこそ! 皆さんの参加することを楽しみにしてます<3 よろしくお願いします :yay:
  5. The sheer amount of details in his costumes it's amazing! I remember being quite shocked when I saw a close-up of the R&J1 costume... those 'belts' (don't know what to call them) had all a different design :omg: The belts... UGH. When i did my R+J1 nails i felt so bad because i had to cheat to get something that resembled the different designs... I was so impressed by all that detail...
  6. [link=https://m.weibo.cn/status/4096449031661804?luicode=20000061&lfid=4095869244972830&featurecode=20000180]I saw this and my jaw dropped[/link]
  7. I came here to leave you with a piece of history: From page 4000 of the fanfest:
  8. What about the Purple Pants of Sin that I saw you eloping with when you thought no one was looking? That was just me going to a religious service to the Church of the Purple Pants
  9. I'm taking my comments to the sinful section, thank you very much
  10. Well we're useless during the off season. Someone said over the other place that we were like carnivore plants feeding off every bit of news about our space kitty... So we go into hibernation during the off season :P I think they lied though... I was told the off season was a calm time but look what happened
  11. Can't help it, we were captured by its gravity. No way to get out Not that we're trying hard to escape though... We are well fed, warm and it feels really good to wake up and see the little kitty skating around its icy planet why should we try
  12. You mean a quad of Hanyu's quality? You probably should've named the place Planet Hanyu's Orbit then . Okay, I got the rules. Nice to meet you... friendly satellite . Oh, there are thousands of us space junk flying around that planet... Can't help it, we were captured by its gravity. No way to get out
  13. You can't land unless you can land a quad. All of us are just residing in the low orbit of Planet Hanyu stalk....err... Watching over the only living form inhabiting the planet
  14. :bow: found it thanks to your info: bilibili.com/video/av1058310/ (sorry for the format, I can't post links since it's my first post) Lispy Yuzu is cute, but the things he says... so deep it's scary *shudders* ETA: and the giggles are killing me. He was <3 i love it And thank you so much for this! This is the first time i see it. I've said it many times but i LOVE LOOOOOOVE how articulate he is and how he is always thinking ahead. Also Yuzu, you said skating for ten more years?? hmmm? HMMM?! I wish he keeps that mindset after PC
  15. I think it's hard to tell how many, cause unlike most of skaters he doesn't wear one pair until it falls aparts, then next pair and so on. According to Yoshida Toshinobu, person who sharpens his blades, Yuzu chooses several pairs that fit the best from boots send to him by maker (Edea) and uses them during the season. Every few weeks Yuzu sends Yoshida boots by air, Yoshida sharpens blades and sends back. In article back in 2014 Yoshida said that each pair lasts for about 3 months for him, 4 pairs for one season. Thank you. This actually seems like a logical procedure most skaters would take, which is why Nathan's situation seemed a bit atypical to me. I figure skaters would have at least one or two extra and broken in pair of boots so every time they'd need to sharpen their blades or whenever some were in poorer condition, they'd have another pair ready to go. So, when do we think Yuzu will show us his new black blades. I mean, it seems we all believe one of the special edition John Wilson black blades that were given to Plushenko and Nathan Chen, were also for Yuzu, right? I totally forgot about this omg.... Come oooon we need at least one appearance at an ice show, bby Yuzu!
  16. Anyone else feels oddly melancholic/sad/nostalgic when watching World's RJ1?
  17. omggg they are so close i'm cryinggg thank you!!
  18. I missed having the opportunity to post these kind of things hahahaha
  19. Well ... technically you could marry various bits of him, if you can split him in 3 pieces to satisfy the above condition ... and if there are enough to assemble a whole package .. there you go :grin: Hydroblade is only miiiiiineeeeeee https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5_er ... W1wZHZJZUk I would have a hard time sharing my Swan Prince toooo
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