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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. I heard she told brian that she wasn't risking the pancake spin (I'm guessing the one that she just marked basically?) so it makes sense that it's a back injury. Still sad, though. Back injuries are no joke.
  2. If anyone's interested, we'll stream some 2018 Olympics Pairs and Gala for our streaming party in about 2 hours ^_^
  3. Welcome!! I hope you enjoy your stay here! A lot of us used to be on multiple forums but came here and created a space for a similar reason as you. We don't have as many fan threads for other skaters but there's still a sizeable fan base for all different skaters here! We'll have event threads for events, not just ones with Yuzu (for example, here's the one for Russian Test Skates this weekend!) We have threads for talking about other skaters in the Igloo: https://planethanyu.com/forum/5-igloo-world-team-other-skaters/ And as others mentioned, you can chat about anything skating-related in the General Skating Chat Welcome and hope you like it here! P.S. Yes everyone starts off as a mushroom , but you can change yours to anything you like in your profile
  4. until
    Let's stream the last groups of the ladies SP and men SP at the Four Continents Championships!
  5. For anyone interested, this week's streaming party will start in about 3 hours and 20 minutes. It'll be a blast from the past as we'll be watching 2012 WC Men's FS!
  6. Would people be interested in a site that just scrapes ISU information, and puts it in like an Excel/CSV format for anyone to download? Something like SkatingScores but open source.
  7. btw, I've added a section for "Official Links" of Yuzuru Hanyu...not all of them are "official" i.e. the Wikipedia page isn't "officially" tied to Yuzuru but it's still his page. I'll add your Wikiquotes page if you publish it. I couldn't find it while searching yet. @sweetwater do you have links to other official Yuzuru Hanyu pages, such as his JSF profile or any other profile? I haven't been able to find his JSF profile from searching but I'm not searching in Japanese... thanks
  8. "Yuzu is an interesting kid" is that Roman? also, what timestamp is that chinese quote from? (btw it's spelled 'warrior' right) the intro text sounds good; i think a more recent picture would be nice ^_^ phantom kabocha has a lot of free-to-use pictures of yuzu! http://photos.phantomkabocha.com/FigureSkating/index.html this one is so nice but idk if it's professional enough
  9. The better question might be...can they breathe during spins
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