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Everything posted by Xen

  1. I think skating is one of those things where so long as you have some memory of how things are done, it won't really go away. I stepped off ice for about 8-9 years, and have only been back on ice for about 2 months, it's not too bad but my edges and turns are definitely not textbook perfect. @Murieleirum Another channel you can check is this one: https://www.youtube.com/user/kseniyaOleg they actually do pictures that show where your weight and pressure should be distributed both on your foot and throughout the move. For 3 turns, you can do some practice off ice. @Meiyz Is there a pro shop close to you that can recommend skating boots and blade combos? What type you should wear is also dependent on your weight. @lihaCurrently I'm in a pair of RF3+Cornation Ace, but might be switching soon since my boot is about 1 size too big. I got them online and probably messed up my measurements, since I've never measured my own feet before. On the other hand, I scared a coach the other day, because I'm jumping around in a pair of boots that are 1 size too big for my feet, and my blades got ruined in the last sharpening (the left blade is uneven with the inside being deeper than my outside edge, and my left and right blades have different hollow radius). Hmm, and now looking at Yuzu's waltz jump, maybe I'm doing it wrong. Recently I've been trying to imitate his axel take off for my waltz jumps, which he apparently does not do for his waltz jumps...
  2. Xen

    Music talk

    Ah, I was thinking "Do you hear the people sing" =) Hmm...it might work better for Ex then. Now I'm browsing through the Last Samurai to see if I can ID anything that would work, but the other day I was thinking Red Warrior and Warriors in the Mist would work.
  3. Xen

    Music talk

    I thought we said he shouldn't challenge gender norms yet during Olympic season... Though someone mentioned above it seems Yuzu might really like Man in the Iron Mask music (personally prefer the cut from Anassina and Peizerat), and I think that and Les Mis would work well for him.
  4. Remind me to not read this type of comment while listening to Gabriel's Oboe... not the best combination for holding back emotions. =) I was still a wee lurker, barely registered there when the schism carpstorm happened. It's still amazing how quickly you and all the admins got this site together, probably within a week or so? It's been great joining here. I've learned more, not just about Yuzu, but also about other skaters, skating techniques in general, ballet and alignment, more so than other skating forums I've checked. And overall, I think we are more open-minded here than many other forums, despite our name being for one particular skater. Speaking of which...do any of those lurkers happen to be from Japan? Since it's been mentioned often, I do wonder if certain people actually lurk here...
  5. This piece suits Mai so well. The piece brings to mind "Hope springs eternal" which fits the flow and joy of her skating so well. Other than this, we have the ochestral version conducted by Morricone himself. I can kind of imagine a cut where you start with the main theme, and end with the choral section (around 6:22). And then there's another version which combines Gabriel's Oboe with The Falls, as performed by Yo-Yo Ma. Cello rendition sounds lovely too:
  6. Xen

    Music talk

    It does have the elements of a warhorse, though I think Surrounded would also work well as an ending piece- it was edited as the end in Anasina and Peizerat's performance. A King for a King would also work nicely. His costume might then look closer to POTO then?
  7. Xen

    Music talk

    Heya, welcome! Yes, it was mentioned on GS, we were talking about it in the general chat. Wouldn't mind him skating to Man in the Iron Mask. It's a nice piece of music, and Yuzu-fencing would be interesting! I like Heart of a King, and other than Yagudin, Anasina/Peizerat also used this piece too. We should send him the New World Symphony and Rite of Spring then, and maybe La Campanella!
  8. Xen

    Music talk

    Pretty sure this got mentioned in the GS FF thread as a potential FS music pick...so who knows, maybe it was the one....
  9. The Hanyu solar system in action- with Hanyu at the center, orbited by various towels and soft plush poohs pulled in by his magentic field.
  10. Probably more of the former-security reasons, than the latter. To which, honestly feel bad for the skaters. It kind of sucks out the fun of having to fly across the world, suffer jet lag and then get up and work like crazy. Wish we could have some kind of silent skating fans agreemeent where we all agree to not disturb our favorite skaters and just let them be, so they can safely frolick through the competition city. Speaking of which, does the ISU or the competition host city do any sight seeing arrangement/tours for the skaters? It would be a great way for the skaters to de-stress, and if the ISU or host city can provide some security, it would be more secure than a bunch of skaters wandering on their own (even if they have bodyguards like Yuzu).
  11. Until the gif popped out, I thought you would send us a swan doing a hydroblade... If we sent this gif to Yuzu, would this inspire him to finally add his spirals into a program like an EX? That swan has greater leg flexibility and turn out than I do...is it good to envy a non-human on this issue?
  12. Xen

    Music talk

    You know he's going to go all guns blazing and order from all 3 columns...it's not him to take the easy route. Or maybe for him, it is psychologically easier than taking the less complex route. I'm also tempted to say Firebird, though Rite of Spring would also be interesting. And New World Symphony is another piece that could work, I think Dvorak in general might work for him. Also, your thoughts on Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto 1?
  13. Sure about that? What if we bring in pedobird? In Asia, there are a couple themed coffee shops where your order numbers are teddy bears. Perhaps instead of a stuffed bear, we have nekoYuzu plushies that light up and jump a quad loop when the order's ready?
  14. Well if it's the general thread, then it might be one of the more uncommon warhorses, if someone (and only 1 person) had guessed it. If it's La La Land though.....
  15. Well it depends on when that person looked at the FF. At least this list doesn't have as many warhorses, though I do see a RJ3 mentioned. I could see Man in the Iron Mask, but that one will invite comparison to Yagudin. And I don't see him doing Lord of the Dance... And I gave up....because I'm starting to eye swan lake in a very very suspicious manner...
  16. Javi's footballing skills are better on ice. Spain and FIFA should seriously consider making a sport variation out of this-Ice Football! Jin...why doesn't he do this type of footwork for his actual programs?!
  17. News of Yuzu practicing 4Lz stopped with the arrival or Orser...coincidence? I think not..... Yuzu: *staring at the ice, imagining the speed and trajectory he needs to take to for the 4 Lz* Orser: Yuzu, remember less injuries during off season... Yuzu:
  18. He might just yolo a 4A-2T....seriously....
  19. The poor-little-rich-quad? There's a good fanfic for him and his harem of quads....emperor yuzu and emperess axel, high lady 4T....and how high lady 4T is almost at the level of stealing the place of empress 3A, all the meanwhile 4S has been sent to the cold palace wing, and how everyone is concerned that soon high lady 4 lz will be joining them, while Yuzu is pursueing the elusive lady 4A?
  20. Hmm, yes *that* jump can be dubbed The-reason-why-Brian-went-to-Kobe, and *that other jump* the more dangerous one, his one true love, can be the-jump-that-shall-not-be-named... What should nickname the 5T..?
  21. The-Jump-that-shall-not-be-named? Let's start calling it this....
  22. That would be a bit...extreme...a firebird costume might look closer to his etude outfit I think. Uh....calender indicates CNY is Feb 16th. Right on the cusp...not sure there. He'll definitely need something red for world's though, but it doesn't have to be a giant monotone red piece, maybe just a single red bead on his necklace or bracelet should work? Jade supposedly also works. But he can't buy it himself, it has to be gifted. Didn't his parents already buy him a necklace pendant that he wears all the time? So he's probably covered. I didn't wear anything red 24/7 when I turned 24 either, and my year was fine...
  23. Not to be superstitious...in china, Yuzu would be considered someone born in the year of the dog. And 2018 is a Dog year, and the olympics would fall right around the Lunar new year time when it switches over. Usually it's believed that you should wear a lot of red in your zodiac year to ward off bad luck. I need to check, but I think the men's final is right before the switch over to the year of the dog....but after Feb 18, 2018, he could seriously consider wearing red....maybe we should give him red socks or a bracelet or something since he won't wear a red costume to skate....
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