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Everything posted by Xen

  1. ...meh normal around the time of Mt Irene eruptions. At least now we are forewarned, the last time Mt Irene had a !Surprise explosion with Chopin 3.0, the panic that followed destabilized the planet for a while, until sufficient amounts of Yuzu and Cocoa scented smelling salts were puffed out.
  2. I wonder if he's learned from the Chopin 3.0 explosion, so he's going to explain his entire rationale for choosing his FS music to mitigate another twitter explosion...
  3. So a good chance of us reaching 1000....he could just do casual interviews today.... (did I jinx it again?)
  4. Wait, is Yuzu going on ice today or tomorrow? Just asking what are the chances we reach 1000 before the actual announcement.
  5. Ok...so I kind of said maaaybe the coaches and choreographers are there just to make small talk and discuss about how hard Yuzu's been working and how sweet he is...I didn't think it would seriously be real. ...at this rate when my random musings are becoming real, is Yuzu going to skate to nutcracker in a pink tutu?
  6. Well, the mods would be working OT....
  7. Well I mentioned a lot of feared music choices as a joke...if he ends up with Ziguenerweisen, or one of the other ones that we fear, I might have to go bake a couple of hat shaped cupcakes to eat....
  8. well I hope if it must be a repeat it's the one you chose rather than the other possibilities....otherwise I might have to go find a hat to eat in shame...
  9. I'm listening to the 1812 overture right now, can we please time the Mt. Irene Eruptions to the cannons firing? It is much more artistic that way.
  10. Well think of it this way, after today, we have sufficient preparation for the rest of the season, no?
  11. Well I live in a city that's close by one of China's bigger earthquake zones, and with the recent weather, there might be small ones here and there. And anything within 300 km would be felt. But on the bright side, I did have a weird dream about Yuzu in a new costume, and it probably would fit Swan Lake or a different warhorse better.
  12. The irony is that just now...while we're talking about Mt Irene erupting, there was a small tremor in my office...with a coworker looking up and asking "Did we just feel a tremor?"
  13. I think....but my mind/sanity might not be....
  14. Alright...I got the smelling salts ready, maybe I can persuade my dog to sleep on my bed in case I need a furry thing to hug when the eruption happens...
  15. Well I kind of threw some stuff around as jokes...like Ziguenerweisen....but I do recall being fairly serious when mentioning Tan Dun's Hero main theme and Swan Lake. Sorry if I end up contributing to the hat eating....
  16. um....I'm sorry guys.... I joined in that GS thread and probably casually mentioned R&J, but went with the Korzeniowski version instead of the Nino Rota version... But on the bright side I also mentioned Swan Lake....and Tan Dun's Hero....so was one of my guesses right?
  17. The AI-Pooh Droids are malfunctioning.we need to update their programming a bit, since the efficiency they are working at right now to collect the smelling salts resources is not good enough. And there's been a breakdown in aisle 14 as one just squeked and fell over upon hearing the news of the imminent arrive of Lord Yuzu's announcement. It seems that droids can now feel this thing that humans called "nerves" and one even muttered " wish he gave us a longer head's up notice." A couple droids also spoke up about feeling the wobbling from Mt. Irene...
  18. A journalist away from social media? That's not Max.....nah I'll protect uncle Max too, the uber fan to out-uber all Yuzu uber fans.
  19. 89 more pages till page 900...yeah, we can totally do this. How many pages did Chopin 3.0 generate last time before it died down? I know it drowned out the thread for the streaming party.
  20. Drag the boyfriend along, he might fall asleep mid-stream, leaving you all alone to fangirl after Yuzu. Or you might convert him to a Yuzu fan? We could always use another guy to hold the banner upside down.
  21. Love you Yuzu and your love for your fans, but seriously, stop being such a workaholic, especially since you have a trans-pacific flight and a work schedule coming up within a week of the interviews....If you are secretly reading this forum just for the Lulz, seriously, learn and listen to your elders and remember to stop working for once....
  22. What if they just do a generic interview, and talk about how awesome Yuzu is, give a brief history of his FS programs, and don't release his FS choice? (how big would the explosion be if this happens?) BTW I'm kidding....
  23. Same here....I'm almost happy that I need to do some OT these days. Too busy and too tired to care about Mt Irene's explosion. And looking at this forum is giving me a good excuse to procrastinate. Speaking of which, I need to go refuel those AI-Pooh droids. I have a feeling the salt collected so far is not enough, they might need to OT a bit today to gather enough salt for the smelling salt vapors that must be released after the initial Mt Irene explosion.
  24. I doubt it's a collaboration. That's a bit overkill. My guess is that Shae did the FS, and David is the EX. But also since Jeff isn't there, they might need someone to just be there. I also wonder if it's possible that David redid some of the choreo of the Chopin since Jeff is busy this year. (though if Shae and David really did collab, the possibility of Swan lake or Firebird just went up....I think that might be the only music piece they would agree on)
  25. ...Why did this announcement have to come as I'm about to go to sleep?! I have an early morning meeting dammit Javi! Now I have to figure out what to get for Javi too...
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