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Everything posted by Xen

  1. Xen

    Music talk

    Quick youtube search also netted a Faure Requiem, then there's Brahms (which I don't think will work) and a Dvorak. But then...it led to Mahler's "Resurrection" Symphony...so now my brain is thinking Mahler+Yuzuru+blue.... Edit: went to listen to Ligeti (honestly never heard of this composer). So maybe not Atmospheres, but what about the Six Bagatelles?
  2. Well, she did ask to do a program with him...the perils of ice dancing (nvm pairs)? Thought he smelled of chocolate and orange (or lemons) right? Comes with the request I guess, and the punch was just an accident that happens in ice dance-at least no hair cut from his blades?
  3. This is a joke cover right? I need to go check Amazon Japan.... It was most certainly not a purposeful slap. In fact, Evgenia and Yuzuru were having a lovely chat, after they had an epic jump combinations battle. And while basking after the joy of jumping, Evgenia started chatting to Yuzuru about her recent trip to Kyoto and the experience of dressing up as a maiko, getting in a bit closer to ensure her not-too-perfect japanese could be heard over the loud background music of the rink. When all of a sudden Yuzuru reaches out with his arm, resulting in a slap that sends her reeling. She's in tears, did he seriously do that after she gave him that Tokyo Ghoul mug present and key chain? At the same time, the Russian and Japanese Skating Feds collectively groan as the hopes of a potential super human skater dimmed considerably. What the photographers failed to catch was at that exact moment, a furry orange blob with a red shirt and tissue flying out of its back pelted across the air, across Yuzuru's vision. This orange blob did a perfect forward launch into the air, a prefect 4.5 revoluations straight alignment, and nailed a perfect landing on one forefoot, before skidding to a stop on all fours. No one caught the agonizing scream that came out of Yuzuru's mouth-"No Pooh! Not now!"
  4. Xen

    Music talk

    Liszt and Ravel are two that pop into my mind. Debussy feels a bit too...mild for him, Then again, I did have a dream about Yuzu with a medal and the costume he wore was black/white/steely blue gradients, biased cut (like the R&J olympic costume), but instead of a boobskirt, he had a nice sprinkling of sparkly leaf patterns. And then today, I was listening to New World Symphony...and it clicked...so any chance of Dvorak New World Symphony?
  5. Xen

    Music talk

    Also rooting for that Morricone piece for the SP. For the LP...since we're on the topic of Warhorses, while it's not a figure skating warhorse, what about Lalo? I don't think anyone has done Lalo. Or maybe Saint Saens (pretty sure Sasha cohen skated to him before). Then there's Brahms, which I don't think any skater has touched yet....
  6. Oh lordy, please no R&J... And if he MUST, can we at least get a tchaikovsky version?
  7. Ahh I missed out on this.Back on May 1st, Labor Day, they were at my home town for the new opening of the local mall rink (champions ice rink in the Global Center). Most of my rink mates made it there. The conclusion was 1) Sui/Han is awesome and super graceful pair off ice; 2) Jin Boyang is very taciturn and shy, he also generally does not say no, so almost everyone managed to get a photo with him in some way shape or form, he is willing to sign everything and a rinkmate got his entire t-shirt signed by the Chinese team (Sui/han, Shen/Zhao, Li zijun, Jin Boyang etc); 3) There's a new move they did immediately after this video, where 3 of the chinese males (Jin on the top naturally) did a 3-person spread eagle (laid against each other, not side by side), only Chinese men goof off this much. I need to ask if a rink mate would allow me to upload that video here...
  8. Well, all we need is Plushy to push him, and he'll just go on and on and on....like an energizer bunny....Plushy only truly "r'ed" this year, and he's 34?And he's had waaay more surgeries than Yuzuru-space-alien-Hanyu... Would be amused and love to see what would happen if Yuzu and Javier decide to coach together...like TCC v 2.0. Wonder what that dynamic would be like, would they even teach or would there be daily quad battles between the coaches?
  9. I've moved over here too...so another adult skater chiming in. =) Currently no coaches yet. Figure skating is such a small minority sport in China, and just my city alone (despite being probably no 8 in size and population) probably only has about 10-12 figure skating coaches in the entire city. Maybe only half of whom can train you up to an Axel...and last I heard, a lot of them don't demand that much out of adult skaters. Not a pretty picture. Just keep up the work on those loops and edge controls, will really help with all the jumps later on. =)
  10. I've also made my way from GS to here. Regarding the question of jumps- edge jumps vs toe jumps. Personally, I don't like Loop jumps, and find it difficult to get the height I want (flip and lutz on the other hand have more interesting timing but you can really launch into them). As for ice, toe jumps are a bit more stable across all ice types, but I personally find slightly softer ice preferable for edge jumps, just because I'm less likely to skid when taking off. Hmm...now I feel like I need to find a slightly softer ice surface to test this out on, since the one I normally skate on has slightly harder ice...
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