This is a joke cover right? I need to go check Amazon Japan....
It was most certainly not a purposeful slap. In fact, Evgenia and Yuzuru were having a lovely chat, after they had an epic jump combinations battle. And while basking after the joy of jumping, Evgenia started chatting to Yuzuru about her recent trip to Kyoto and the experience of dressing up as a maiko, getting in a bit closer to ensure her not-too-perfect japanese could be heard over the loud background music of the rink. When all of a sudden Yuzuru reaches out with his arm, resulting in a slap that sends her reeling. She's in tears, did he seriously do that after she gave him that Tokyo Ghoul mug present and key chain? At the same time, the Russian and Japanese Skating Feds collectively groan as the hopes of a potential super human skater dimmed considerably.
What the photographers failed to catch was at that exact moment, a furry orange blob with a red shirt and tissue flying out of its back pelted across the air, across Yuzuru's vision. This orange blob did a perfect forward launch into the air, a prefect 4.5 revoluations straight alignment, and nailed a perfect landing on one forefoot, before skidding to a stop on all fours.
No one caught the agonizing scream that came out of Yuzuru's mouth-"No Pooh! Not now!"