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Everything posted by Lunna

  1. Will depend if she and Anna can save their quads I guess
  2. Russian drama never fails, even during quarantine Let's wait if it's true, but if there's her former jumping coach, that might make sense (but her PC might drop with other coach).
  3. I wonder how much it hit her popularity, did it was reported in any newspapers or just SNS? I don't know how closely Japanese follow SNS/twitter, I mean not die hard fans, but FS causal viewers, which are the most I guess.
  4. I think Russia too advised to return home before closing boarders, but it was not possible for all. A lot of people just couldn't find the flight or change the flight (you just couldn't reach to air company as all phone lines were busy and even on-line rebookings worked with errors), a lot of flights were just cancelled, because other countries already closed their boarders. Things really escalated quickly, it was really unusual situation.
  5. I assumed from this, that no such luck... It's hard to understand from this, do they want to keep it digital or to keep it like was planned this year
  6. It can obviously depend on the platform and moderation. But I stay away from open platforms for long time already, prefer closed groups with info or just private chats with friends. To twitter I go only for photos. That's a sure thing. Long ago I was F1 fan and you should see fan wars on forums... but when I met some of them for watching races together in a bar - most of them were pretty ok people.
  7. I really don't know how it works, I only heard that you must apply for home flight to the Russian Embassy, then they will inform you at what flight you're at (if it's possible to have you on the flight) and you must arrive to airport for it yourself. I don't think anybody can forcefully send her out. And let's not talk about her (and not only her, some other Russian girls too) fanbase, from what little bits I saw by accident on the net, it's really a bunch of immature people that will defend her no matter what
  8. At least you can walk with a dog (close to home), poor me can only walk to the shop...
  9. She should send an application to the Russian embassy in the country she is in (or smth like that) for a special flight and wait for the information, smth like that.
  10. I'd say the authorities treat it like 50/50. In March those flying from abroad went to home quarantine for 2 weeks (the list of countries changed in the process), now there's kind of a lockdown for a second week. Parks, sports centers, schools etc. are closed, food shops, pharmacy, banks are open and you must go to the places near you live and keep distance. There's kind of holidays till end of April (declared by authorities), who can work from home (like me) still work, some are still going to work on transport if they must, so there's sure a lot less people on the streets. There are fines if you break the rules now, but it's hard to say how the situation is checked and how the rules are followed especially in such large city like Moscow. Country is locked for entry but there are still special planes for those who need to come home from abroad (authorities make a lists).
  11. I didn't vote cuz really bad with predictions but my hope for LGC will die last
  12. I think every fan (at least here) support Yuzu even if they don't understand his decision (for now) or have some concerns, or would prefer to see polished this season's programs. For me every skate after Olys is a gift and I hope Yuzu will have his confidence back with whatever program he decides to do.
  13. I don't think some bomb will be dropped during all these pre-recorded videos or compilations of old stuff. But surely there will be a LOT of questions upon Yuzu's arrival.
  14. It's not only artistry but also GOEs for jumps and other elements with not best execution. But in FS not like it's smth new sadly.
  15. Fun fact is that in last junior season and first senior season it seemed like he has the potential to be a complete skater, but later it became all about quads and really why bother if you get candies like this?
  16. The saddest part will be if Yuzu decided on the program change cuz of judging. Of course there's a situation with Otonal, where combo wasn't working in the second part and Origin might have too demanding tempo if he's going for 5 quads. As much as Chopin and Seimei are great I will miss Otonal and especially Origin (and it's gorgeous costume and hair style).
  17. Artur is actually Javi's fanboy (from his interviews), but he also speaks very nicely about Yuzu
  18. Real pity cuz poses are good, but apart of a "costume" WHY so MUCH photoshop on the face?!!
  19. I asked a Japanese friend to buy chocolates to get files online, but Lotte site just crashed , so later he wrote to me that bought chocolates for 3 files in a shop, was very kind from him)) but I must wait till my other friend will go to Japan to get them, not to pay for delivery
  20. Sakura Pooh was there near spring last year too which can be justified by season at least, also seems like Japan Disney store has a lot of different limited pooh-editions like white pooh, honey pooh etc., but yuzu-pooh was really obvious... still couldn't resist asking a friend to buy a small one for me cuz too cute
  21. I believe that there're copyright issues only for youtube uploads and DVDs, not for performance itself or there will not be other skaters performing to Prince.
  22. I voted for H&L, though not sure and my hand iched to choose stroking exercises I selfishly want LGC for Worlds but 4CC is good too (at least there will be fancams). Will love to see White Legend too. The question is how much Yuzu is ready to water down content (no 4Lo for sure) in these programs cuz Gala will be on the same day as free. From this point some EX wil be better than competitive program.
  23. It's hard to say if it was Alina's decision or if she was forced to make one. Though I think she didn't have a chance to be on team anyway and now we have this nice picture on the outside, but who knows what's happening inside.
  24. I can purchase one for you and we'll discuss the transfer later.
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