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Everything posted by Lunna

  1. But Shcherbakova has a costume, so all three are nominated for some, all good in here. It's not like anybody cares about results or real popularity here.
  2. I like Craft (but only one line, which is more light, not warm), but have it for a long time (use very rare), so I guess it's more expensive now already, and one local company for warm clothes which quality is very good.
  3. I just hope they'll announce ahead, so there will be time to change to other country maybe. But we must see what will happen in the fall first.
  4. I use such clothes mostly for sports like alpine skiing, but it's actually can be very useful if you go for a long walk in winter, especially when it can be hot in transport and cold outside.
  5. But athletes usually just go to comps, not to see a country. Though of course some (if they're not Yuzu) usually go for a walk around hotel, I met Montreal ice dance team in the center of Torino during my evening sightseeing. And Australia is really long flight for most, so not sure if team leaders would show up, though a lot still would, especially those who can't make it to the World team.
  6. But we know that at least part of the arena would had obstructed views, which people new about after buying expensive tickets, also not full ice for skaters. You need to announce such changes at least before selling tickets, maybe then they'll had a little less outrage.
  7. Hm, last time I checked (year or two ago) UA was somewhat expensive, so I sicked to more cheap once that I'm satisfied with.
  8. And also Formula 1 race in March, this year the race was cancelled right on the race date cuz some team member was tested positive.
  9. Wow, that's pretty sad, even though I'm not sure if a lot of famous skater would show up. Still sad, not only for FS but to be unable to travel at all.
  10. I think the most anger was cuz Ari let it already slip that she won't get anything.
  11. Plushenko's working on smb's new choreo, he for sure still has charisma and skill, not sure his student can skate it better
  12. The problem is not viewers that travel, but athletes and international judges. Though as for athletes, a lot train in Canada and they can fill the quota only with them I believe. Also ACI is very early, I wonder how many athletes will be ready before it with late start of training, a lot are without new choreo still.
  13. I think it's 1.8 million USD, but still amazing
  14. Japanese friends or proxy? Shipping is the main problem now, Japan post doesn't work for me, but some shops can still use FedEx or DHL, so better check ahead. I doubt they will have international shipping, especially now.
  15. I used sou japan via ebay or their site, where the item was cheaper at the moment. Hope they're ok, though Japan Post has very limited shipping now, that's why I used FedEx for cdjapan for the first time.
  16. Well, not believable at first even less believable now. Sadly, no, it's already announced for next year.
  17. Of course there was this, but at the same time there was 4S_planned_fall from first year in TCC which I'm not sure if was Brian's idea And sure with more experience Yuzu became more independent to the point Brian said smth like "I am not sure I'm his coach" (meaning Yuzu knows himself well already), not like it all came in one day and I am sure now Yuzu also listen to coach advises, but still making his own choices and taking responsibilities with it.
  18. I think even his first coaches said he was quite strong-headed, so nope, no way LOL
  19. I meant more that Javi was in Canada alone, so we know stories that Brian asked if he ate breakfast, they might be more similar in skating styles, Javi trained 4Lo, but at competitions sticked to familiar jumps, also cultural aspects might be closer. Yuzu in Canada is to do a job, not to make friends, he has more like coach-athlet relationship, thanks for having a devoted mother with him, he insisted on increasing BV along the way even if Brian had other opinion. I think either way is OK as long as both sides are happy with it (to have more friendly relationship with coach or more like with a college, like you can have a friendly relationship with a college too, but doesn't mean you're that close).
  20. I love the kick at the wall lol There're some other bits on the channel, from today I guess.
  21. Well, I can be very productive if it's a project I'm currently very interested in, pity it's always some hobby and not everyday job maybe loving what you're doing every day is a key point here
  22. I believe they're past language barrier long ago, the cultural barrier and Yuzu's strong opinions and views might be another matter. I also think Brian identified himself much more with Javi, at least could understand him better and had more emotional connection, Yuzu's still an enigma even for him in some way. Anyway emotional connection is not the point here, the way the whole mess with GPF-coach gate was handled from Brian's side was not very professional, some of his interviews from last 2 seasons are not very good from PR-side too. I don't think better interviews will give Yuzu better scores, but still, not very pleasant to read.
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