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Everything posted by OmNom

  1. Has she always been this slow before? Or did it happen only after the body change? I'm also very worried for her, and the fact she can't simply move away from all of this if she wants to is quite disheartening to watch
  2. Uhm, I have to confess that I'm a bit underwhelmed by Polina's SP this season :cry: I mean it's nice, and she's lovely, but the choreography doesn't do her justice imo. I think she's capable of something much more complex and vibrant! But of course if she's saving all of it for the LP then, well, I guess I could live with this :yes: Rise like a phoenix Polina! (and stay away from abur.. - sorry can't spell his name ORZ) :rofl2:
  3. ^^ woah that photo shoot is seriously mesmerising! :bow: :bow: (wonder if they could do a similarly-inspired but water themed shoot as well.. I'm a sucker for this motif!) :P
  4. what the heck :omg: when was this, do you know?? :rofl2:
  5. lmao if Yuzu is actually tempted into showing off his 4A I would send heaps of chocolate and flowers to MCM immediately :rofl2:
  6. ^^ lol same :)) I see people complain that they are so random but they're actually what caught my eyes about the costume :)) otherwise it'd be rather boring (sans ruffles)
  7. late to the party but a Yuzu otome game seems like an.. interesting idea :rofl2: not really a fan of otome-targeted products, but I could see myself giving this a try :space:
  8. Yeah I dare say if the ruffles bit was toned down and the bling more subtle, I think it's quite an okay costume. Not a masterpiece by any means but no where near such a disaster like some other costumes on that Tumblr :crazy:
  9. Yay us :yay: :yay: And remember, we're only in the beginning of the off season, there's still not a single show in which Yuzu has appeared yet :rofl2: I'm sure it'll all be uphill from here! :pbow:
  10. Excerpt from a [link=https://cantilovertranslations.tumblr.com/post/160336805773/shoma-answering-questions-from-fans-at-piw-0505]recent translation[/link] of Shoma's interview post-PiW on 5th May: So if things go well for him, I guess there's at least 1 top skater planning to compete for world's gold in 2018 now :space:
  11. She doesn't have enough facial expressions to pull off ID though...as much as I like Mirai, her and Gracie both have a severe problem of resting blank face during their programs. Yeah it's a sad, hard truth but I agree with you. Until they take up some acting lessons or practice some exercises to learn how to emote/soften their emotions on ice, I just can't see them as skaters that are strong at performing/projecting
  12. ^^ she actually has very lovely, smooth flows I'd like to see more from top ladies currently competing. It's such a shame that perhaps her natural body type doesn't want to cooperate with a sport as gruesome as figure skating :((
  13. You can see so much sass and pizazz flowing out of her even in a still picture. I hope the growing has stagnated and she can finally rise to her full potential! :pbow:
  14. Omg sierra you are so talented! Your works are amazing! :love: :love: The details and everything..! How do you make it so realistic?! :bow: :bow:
  15. woah chopin no.2 is starting to get ahead of no.1! I did NOT expect this development! :bow: :bow:
  16. Oh noezzz Not Lambiel too!! :cry: If anything, this should be enough proof that the curse of bad costumes could happen to anyone. NObody is safe! Do NOT be complacent and take beautiful ones for granted :crazy:
  17. OMG what IS this??? :rofl2: :rofl2: (thanks for sharing the madness with us, obscurite!) :smile:
  18. so he's finally back :yay: :yay: is it safe to assume that he'll begin to learn new choreographies starting now?
  19. When you pretend to be surprised by the sea of Poohs you find bundled back at your hotel room :pooh:
  20. ^^ I love the rhinestones and sparkles :P And the little slit on his shoulders :P
  21. Woah, professional nail art! This looks amazing!! (now I wish I could get something similar.. :cry: )
  22. Oh for sure! That actually looks quite nice and way above average of Team Japan's usual standards when it comes to costumes :rofl2: The more I look at it, the more I dig the decorative gold. It's a bit extravagant but could potentially be tweaked into something more subtle yet fitting for the Olympics :s_wink
  23. He did one half-assed intro choreo for Team Japan at Marseille. I hardly think that's enough of a history to automatically call him a bad choreographer. I don't think he is very interested in choreographing, anyway. I believe he took part in the choreo of WTT's gala team performance too. Which is you compare to the Russians'.. I agree that he didn't put much thought into these particular cases, and he also doesn't look like he's crazy about choreographing as much as someone like Misha for example. But for some people the knack/natural gift comes naturally and they don't need to spend hours on hours to come up with something good. I just don't see it in Yuzu
  24. It's the first version. :s_yes Ahh, thank god. now I can go to sleep in peace lmaoo :rofl2:
  25. ^^ Is this the first edition of this costume, or the second one after he had to 'tone it down' bc fabric pieces were flying everywhere on the ice during his performances? Bc if this is the modified version, I don't even dare imagine how horrendous the original monstrosity must have been :ohno:
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