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Everything posted by axelnojutsu

  1. I just saw it on insta and now I'm hyped and can't wait for more Eta: he deleted it? Was he not supposed to show that?
  2. hi and welcome to the planet! usually just pasting the link to the picture into the post should do the trick - or you can always use the Yuzumoticons
  3. Yesterday I was feeling wobbly on my feet the whole time during training for some reason but at least I made some tiny progress on the sal I still can’t get up in time but it’s something I guess But that’s a problem for next season me cause there’s only 2 sessions left
  4. Would that be butt dance or pair butt-gliding?
  5. Speaking of masochistic tendencies, I woke up today and could barely move because my whole body is sore but I love it because it means I really worked hard in training yesterday
  6. Does anyone have the full olympic broadcasts or at least a vid of the last group for the men's competition? preferably no commentary but I'm not picky at this point I thought I had the full thing but I don't whoops. Also, if anyone tells me how to save the file from the eurosport player I can at least still get the free skate, the short is already unavailable...
  7. I'm feeling a lot of greatest showman coming for next season
  8. I didn’t fall so it’s already a great practice for me haha No but after the initial wobblyness it actually went surprisingly well. Also, I was just super happy to be on the ice again
  9. I haven't been on the ice for just over 2 weeks but it feels more like 2 months I'm scared to see how terribly I'll do tonight
  10. plot twist: 4CC actually paid Yuzu to promo them
  11. she might only change the short program? there's still hope for more Wakabond
  12. still looks pretty UR but damn girl is not slowing down anytime soon is she?
  13. no offense but before she tries to jump a 3A she should rotate her other jumps first
  14. idk I don't think he'd go back to TCC right now with the show and parade coming up even if his ankle was miraculously healed instantly so I don't think it's a recent picture but only posted recently
  15. It's a note to Yuzu saying thank you for PC and for making history (?) eta: it's signed by Seimei & Chopin
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