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Everything posted by axelnojutsu

  1. ISU really needs to put out official vids in HD and without weird audio because there's like several different videos of this performance in questionable quality with millions of views, imagine if those were all on one video
  2. I'm just over here thinking "that's one way to stop supportive audiences cheering on all skaters equally or to support them through a tough skate" like we've seen in Milan
  3. maybe they'll count the people that are crying in the audience
  4. I'm the opposite, I have zero turnout and my mohawks are fauxhawks
  5. that was my thought as well, landing the jump and not URing should be the absolute base and not get extra points already wth
  6. the soakers still look like leopard print to me and idk what to make of that
  7. they got freaking bows on them?! this guy and I thought my soakers were fluffy..
  8. is there a fix in sight yet? it's really making it hard to read the forum
  9. that's what I told myself as well before I started and then one lesson later I changed my goal post to jumping waltz jump and now it's to jump an axel so good luck with that
  10. I'm gonna be killing myself trying to roller skate during summer when there is no ice to skate on
  11. I see they have a noob level listed in the info...
  12. my first thought was "he's not that old!!"
  13. If you click play on the video (via the tweet) and then click on the description that shows up underneath it'll take you to the (playable) DM page
  14. rightclicking doesn't do anything for me does it work with every browser?
  15. I mean I don't like seeing the fall over and over but I also don't like not having the "full" thing so I'm torn speaking of saving things from fujitv, can anyone tell me how to do it? I never found the option
  16. do we have a YT / dailymotion link for that one?
  17. While I’d like to see him do other GP as well I think that if possible he will choose NHK
  18. they mentioned it had to be restarted twice and the guy in charge of the auction gave a comment but I don't feel confident to make a statement about their thoughts on it
  19. Not sure if this has been shared the music and effects during the fake bid parts made me chuckle
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