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Everything posted by axelnojutsu

  1. I've watched a lot of baseball stuff waiting for Yuzu to appear on TV and I still understand nothing about it or its appeal
  2. those gold sparkle earphones are really something else
  3. Wait, I thought it was in 15 minutes, is it over already?
  4. aah I love seeing stsq drawn out like this (and staring at them dreaming about one day trying to skate them lol) also I'm glad I listened to my brain last night and just went to sleep, doesn't look like I missed anything
  5. tinfoil hat on: plushy put in a word to get rusfed to screw over kolyada in favor of zu skating his program in russia
  6. 4A with an all-quad layout confirmed
  7. I want it and fear it at the same time
  8. Do they accept foreign donations? I still have some old ones lying around somewhere and I wouldn't know how to properly dispose of them anyways It would be kind of cool to think you might contribute to a tiny bit of a medal eta: just read they're collecting them in local stores and stuff so I'm guessing it's a no, but still a pretty cool idea
  9. He said he asked at least Plushenko during Ciontu, right?
  10. He will comment on it like he commented on the costume he designed "And who is this program a tribute to, Johnny?" "ME!"
  11. I want to give 300 points for that ending pose alone please
  12. I'm gonna cling to this for my sanity, you people are evil for putting the R word on my mind, those tribute programs would work way too well for that
  13. Right now all my hair loss is going to thinking about him gunning for 4A on that barely taped together ankle
  14. at this point, I'm either ready to believe he already secretly landed a quint years ago with how much he puts the 4A out there despite just coming back from almost career ending injury or he's not even close but simply trying to will it to happen by speaking it into existence, no in between
  15. So I just listened to Otonal and I think I quite like it, I'll reserve judgment on both the programs until I've heard the music cuts and seen the choreo but I am sure he'll make me love it
  16. I don't really have an opinion on the chosen theme or music itself but I'm laughing so hard at the king of recycling
  17. Sooooo.... instead of recycling his own programs he now moved on to recycling his idol's programs?
  18. realistically, we should all probably go to bed in practice, we know nothing but I think most of us are watching NTV
  19. we should have a betting pool on who can get the closest to the time they spill the beans
  20. If media "day" really is like 5 days we are so not getting any actual information today
  21. what's with all the blood they're showing
  22. NTV / Nippon TV / 日テレ
  23. haha we had the same thought process apparently
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