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Everything posted by axelnojutsu

  1. as far as I can tell it's just an announcement he'll be on the show today - I was laughing at his outfit, face and pose
  2. I'll admit to now lowkey hoping it won't be in Europe so I can enjoy her birthday and not feel conflicted
  3. I’d actually be glad if it’s Milan because at least that’s more accessible than Grenoble for me eta: nevermind, I just realized the undetermined GP is happening on my best friend's birthday so I won't be traveling anywhere regardless of where it's at
  4. I know politics is not allowed here so I won’t link it but I just have to say that I really, really appreciate Alex’s twitter thread on the current immigration issue
  5. Oh, I like them here - they looked tooo pink-ish for my taste in the pictures I’ve seen before
  6. I mean.... define possible I can grab my foot and pull it up over my head but it ain’t pretty and I’m not sure I’d dignify it by calling it a biellmann position
  7. I’m so jealous (although my bank account isn’t) it all looks super pretty
  8. Somebody make sure he doesn’t kidnap Sasha back to Canada in a suitcase
  9. I'm petty enough that I want to see that
  10. Did they confirm a date when they’ll announce it?
  11. I’m more amazed they all sounded pretty decent
  12. *nature documentary voice* and here we see the alien attempt to communicate with the local population
  13. oh no, and when I thought "nah it's on the Oly's channel, it won't get taken down so no need to download"
  14. While I appreciate his confidence in Yuzu and would obviously love a 3-peat, I hope things like this don't make Yuzu feel obligated to stay in the sport longer than he himself feels like...
  15. until

    Why is it being broadcast at 1am Japan time? Or are my times messed up?
  16. her nails are a lesbian nightmare but as long as she knows how to work with them and not accidentally poke her eye out you do you, Gabbylicious
  17. yeah, maybe they'll start out conservative for the first couple competitions to test the waters but I don't think it'll ultimately change anything in regards to who gets candies
  18. Does anyone believe they’re actually going to apply their own rules, though? I do not think Nathan or Shoma will be penalized no matter the rules we end up with
  19. maybe don't tempt injury just yet congrats on the backspin, though!
  20. Is there a deadline for this? I definitely want to write something but I'll take a bit of time to come up with the right words probably I also really like the idea of everyone sending something from their hometown / country if there is someone willing to collect everything and send it to TCC eta: is it mean that I want to send Brian one of these?
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