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Proposed changes for next season

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2 minutes ago, cucciolo888 said:

Looks like the quad repetition rule passed, they chose to pass all the tech proposals as a package, so I guess they desperately wanted coffee 


Maybe coffee stands for bags of money


and that’s why the vice prez kept on bringing it up 

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Well in some crazy way, Zu actually benefits, because 3A is the highest value triple. He could go //4S3T 3A-Lo-3S 3Lz 3A and get bonus for the last 3, which  usually get him good GOEs (4Lo 4S 4T 3F//4S3T 3A1Lo3S 3A2T as full layout). Or he could swap out the 4Lo for 4Lz and go 4Lz 4Lo 4T3T 3F//4S 3A1Lo3S 3A2T.  A lot of other guys will have trouble if they don't have a stable 3A, since a 3Lz in the second half would do better with a combo, but that would use up the 3T combo, and would force a 2T combo, and a -Lo-3S/3F combo elsewhere.


As for why you bring it up as a package: it's really sneaky.

-If you like some of the rules, and is negative against, or neutral on the others, if the benefit outweighs you would vote yes, to avoid the possibility of nothing getting passed.

-Very few would be smart enough to realize that forcing a no vote and then forcing an item-by-item vote would be beneficial, because it is not clear in the guidelines what happens if it's a No


Hence, most feds, even if smart, would end up voting yes, sadly.


Edit: forgot that Yuzu would be doing 3A2T likely as last jumping pass.

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So first their electronic voting system goes to shit – again – and people's votes are either counted wrong or not counted at all. And after making sure that everybody is aware that the voting process is about as questionable as it can get, they have people vote on a bundle of changes. While some of them didn't even realize that they were being rushed through a bundle vote? But two days ago they spent like 15 minutes discussing if USB sticks are too futuristic.

Ok then. Time for more "coffee" :drunk:

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2 minutes ago, cucciolo888 said:

So this repetition rule is only for men? What about ladies, can they repeat triples?


The rule is just an amendment to the current zayak rule saying that two triples/quads can be repeated but only one of them can be a quad. Since there’s no ladies doing more than one quad it doesn’t really affect the ladies. Meaning they can still repeat two triples 

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3 minutes ago, cucciolo888 said:

So this repetition rule is only for men? What about ladies, can they repeat triples?

You can repeat 2 type of jump, 1quad + 1 triple or 2 triples, but not 2 quads. Both for men and ladies. 

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I am having trouble imagining Yuzuru following strictly these rules changes, and not doing whatever the heck he wants to do. 


I think he just might present the programs in September having, like, difficult steps immediately preceding all of the elements and all of the jumps. Out of spite. 


I am also having trouble imagining him abandoning the idea of having two quads in the second half. Or two quad combinations. But who knows. Maybe he will change the direction of his new ambitions regarding perfecting programs, depending on the new rules. 

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Im glad the zayak rule passed pheeww, AND this is better than not allowing a quad repetition at all, limiting to only one. I guess they reached a compromise behind the scene (maybe japan made this happen considering what they propose earlier lol but im still gonna miss that 'need to jump all six types' proposal bc it was better)


But this also means that 3A will be more important than ever! Which is a good thing for me bc i love axel, but a nightmare for anybody who dont have stabilized 3A. 


What astonished me is they really dont care that we all know they negotiated behind the conference? What with passing that whole tech package stuff?

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Re: only one quad rep

Not gonna say I had entertained the thought myself..ops I said that :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:

It's a compromise that still allows 3xquads +2x3A with only two types of quads (like Yuzu snd Javi in 2015-2016) while the max (without 4A) would be 6quads+2x3A which il basically the max Nathan already did with added axel 


((ETA: nevermind I can't count :facepalm:6quad+2x3A would be 8 jumping passes, so 5quads+2x3A or 6quads+1×3A, unless skaters go for 3A-quad combo:tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:))


so not a huge change to previous rules and still allows some freedom (e.g. Kazuki doing 2x4S or Shoma 2x4T or Nathan could avoid the loop and still do 5 quads which would be less tiring with the need to repeat 3A... for Yuzu it also means guarantee that he won't have to choose between replacing a 3A with one repeated quad EVER AGAIN :4:

(we were mourning that at Media day before he added Lz) 

also this rule still makes the axel important and it's a good thing, considering it's so different in technique from any other jump...

As it allows a number of different strategies, I'm fine with it

Tho now I expect top skaters to go for // 4T3T 4T among the last jumps +axel combo or solo axel for the bonus (unless they don't fear the +combo and backload all 3 combos, but that might be too much of a risk for now). Imo for top skaters that's doable and it would allow some Yolo if things go wrong with first 4T... (Nathan could go for //4Lz3T 4Tcombo 3A and if things go wrong add one of the combo to axel...I think it would be a much safer option that do e.g.2x4Lz and a 4F so late or even a Lz F T...he managed to have 3A ad last jump once but not even Nathan used a quad as last jump...)


still half-chances of quad+REP on Men's protocol:tumblr_inline_mn41rcGFcT1qz4rgp:


@Xen somehow I can't see Yuzuru putting a 4T3T in first half, 4S3T maybe, and he probably would go for two axel combo and quad combo last...basically what he meant to do this past season, minus the last jump that had to go anyway, so in theory he would have the stamina (tho of course no room for mistakes)

I wonder how he'd feel going for 3Lz earlier in the program tho... (if he doesn't go for 4Lz)

Selfishly I wish we can see both 4S3T and 4T3Trippon next season, it's possible only if he does different quad combo in SP and FS like this season...tho I can also see him reluctant to let go that moody 4Tlo3S combo:xD:


Re: how ISU votes :8:

Well I would be outraged but it's not surprising, sadly



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1 hour ago, hoodie axel said:

So two 3As are needed now. This affects Chen the most negatively, and actually doesn't affect any of the other top guys at all.

For context before anyone wants to @ me and say he has five quads with one repeat, his 4Lo and 4S are weak, and he'd need to make them better or rely on the 3A. Not sure which he'll do.

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