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1 hour ago, kaeryth said:

Yay Koshiro! Hopefully he's all healed up! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

SP choreo by Stephane :smiley-love017:

FS choreo by Morozov :slinkaway:

But the FS is Abel Koreniowski! R&J! How badly can you mess up the choreography for that music?! Oh wait....nvm, it's Morozov...hope Stephane edits it....

I honestly am rooting for Koshiro out of all of Japan's junior men.

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I was glad to see Mai made the most of her trip to Canada for ACI and went to Toronto right after to work on choreography with David Wilson. I like her program in general, but there are things that could be addressed, so hopefully having seen the program competed, he will have figured out how to help her and gave her things to work on.


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3 hours ago, kaerb said:

Oh no... my heart breaks for Sota :tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw: (what competition is this??)



...well he's not fully ready is he? How long ago was it that he fully healed, and how much real practice time has he had?  If he's had as short a time as we thought, then it's pretty amazing he can jump....

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