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Guest turquoiseblue
On 27/01/2018 at 5:36 AM, turquoiseblue said:

Sui Takeuchi landed 3A+3T at Inter High School Championships :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid: 



Here is a video of Sui landing a 3A+3T:


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2 hours ago, surimi said:


Good for him. ^ ^ Does the article mention anything about his injury and if he's back on the ice, I'd like to know? I hope he doesn't rush things.

I don't know if there's anything else, but all this article mentions is that the 2018 picture is the first time he's been in that rink for 2 years (Idk what the name of it is, the katakana says iyotetsu center, no idea what the romanization for should be), and that he grew 16 cm since then. And a cute little "The Koshiro smile didn't change." :10636614:


Wish we had updates on him, he's adorable and I really loved his StSq during this year's JGP. 

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