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On 13/09/2017 at 6:35 PM, Aotoshiro said:

I can't agree on the opinion of the second movie because both were draggy to me, thank you lagging DM, but if we talk about the flow of the film...again can't say anything, because as soon as the main battle theme is used I was going 'EEEK!!!Yuzu's stseq!!!!' and until the melody didn't change I didn't really pay attention :facepalm::facepalm:

Also, second film made me a little more positive about red!Seimei costume...(forget about the fact that red and violet were apparently reserved for priestesses and not priests? Idk about that, red as one curiosity or other, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt...even if Yuzu would pull it off regardless of connotations xD)

I've only seen the first Onmyoji movie (may go ahead and watch the second this week), but considering that he's done Juliet for R&J2.0... I wouldn't put it past him to do red!Seimei.

(Which reminds me, I wanted to buy either purple or green gel eyeliner to go with eyeshadow of the other colour for cheering Yuzu on for Seimei, but have to hold off because I'm worried that Yuzu's Seimei 2.0 costume would invalidate the above colour combination, even though to me it would always feel like the most authentic colour combo for Abe no Seimei (considering the traditional violet and green combo for Chinese bellflowers are... sorry for the aesthetic tangent...)

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On 19.8.2017 at 5:23 AM, kaeryth said:


I think this is from a CLAMP anime/manga. Sumeragi Subaru from X/1999.

Yup that's Subaru-kun (love him so much). Quite appropriate that he be used for inspiration as Subaru is an Onmyouji.


Sry for commenting on this more than a month after it was posted, but I only joined this forum today (well yesterday it's 1h03 am)....M(_._)M gomen...


As for my preferred colorscheme for the seimei costume... well...I think I will go with the red/white/gold. Though I'd also love red/black/gold or some variations with blue...Oh and sparkles...we can't have Yuzu without sparkles.


Wahhh...I'm so excited for Seimei 2.0...Seimei just fits Yuzu so well...

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While I like the white part and the detailing on it, I would have wished for different support colors (Again with violet and green). I will hold out judgement until after CoR to see if it's the final version. I think there have been changes to part of the costumes for at least the past two years, so I'm waiting til russia.


Oh but I love the sparkliness

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New costume looks better up close but very plain and "white" from distance, I am not sure this is a good thing :noshake:  I really think he should change the base color to something darker (even if just off-white) so that it is more visible and the embroidery would pop up more. Also, it needs to be a couple of inches longer, it is a bit short which makes it look awkward. 


Other than that I do think it is an improvement over the first costume, even though I really liked the older on :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:

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I love the new costume! Yesterday I couldn't quite figure out if it was the old one or new, something was a little different, the gold belt was the clearest difference... I loved the fact that I had to look closely to see the difference. Somehow, like the program itself. New and improved Seimei, not completely different, but on another level. 

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7 minutes ago, Smultron said:

Oooohhh, I forgot to say how much I love the new collar :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw: It is slightly higher and more pronounced - lovely! 


But... Still not over the black Seimei that we never got :8122879:

Oh yes the collar...^^ looks more kimonoesque which I like



Me neither... or any other color changes for that matter...

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16 時間前, Smultronさんが言いました:

Oooohhh, I forgot to say how much I love the new collar :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw: It is slightly higher and more pronounced - lovely! 


But... Still not over the black Seimei that we never got :8122879:


While I get why so many are so taken with a black outfit for SEIMEI, I never quite understood why you all think it's a good idea. Even though it gives off a cool effect, with the nature of SEIMEI, black seems more reminiscent of the dark forces of evil he's supposed to be fighting. In any fanart of it I've seen, while pretty, the overall image always comes off as dark with an evil quality to it. Especially with the foxish aura Seimei exudes. That's probably neither the message nor image Hanyu or anybody else for the matter wants the program to project. I don't think it is, anyway.


Which is why I get why he wanted to stick to light colors. Black would've worked real well for anything else but even if it does look good for SEIMEI, it would completely deviate from the image I think he wants to present, which is good and an aura infused with light energy. Not dark!Seimei. 


And while we're on the subject of his SEIMEI costume, I'm thinking he might wanna rethink the silver elements. It goes very well with the white and the gold finishings but it's *silver*. xxD Speaking of the gold bits of his costume(s), although far from over the top and even tasteful, subtle definitely isn't something that's in Hanyu's nature. >_<

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49 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


While I get why so many are so taken with a black outfit for SEIMEI, I never quite understood why you all think it's a good idea. Even though it gives off a cool effect, with the nature of SEIMEI, black seems more reminiscent of the dark forces of evil he's supposed to be fighting. In any fanart of it I've seen, while pretty, the overall image always comes off as dark with an evil quality to it. Especially with the foxish aura Seimei exudes. That's probably neither the message nor image Hanyu or anybody else for the matter wants the program to project. I don't think it is, anyway.


Which is why I get why he wanted to stick to light colors. Black would've worked real well for anything else but even if it does look good for SEIMEI, it would completely deviate from the image I think he wants to present, which is good and an aura infused with light energy. Not dark!Seimei. 


And while we're on the subject of his SEIMEI costume, I'm thinking he might wanna rethink the silver elements. It goes very well with the white and the gold finishings but it's *silver*. xxD Speaking of the gold bits of his costume(s), although far from over the top and even tasteful, subtle definitely isn't something that's in Hanyu's nature. >_<


I totally agree with you here - going for black would mean going against the very nature of Seimei, so I fully understand the decision to keep it white and stay true to the character he portrays. 


I guess it's his UA gear that has this effect on us and makes us wish for a darker color that would emphasize the choreography... I mean.. I would love to see a dark color for the costume but I fully understand why he is not going for it :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


Also, Hiromasa had such a lovely black/red costume in the movie - it looks so cool :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid: But he is going for Seimei so we aren't getting that   , sighhhh 

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hmm....I wonder if the version we saw at ACI was the final version. The skate guards he used for the actual FS warmup was his old ones, not the new ones. o_O So maybe it was a hint? But in all seriousness, there were a couple photos of him twisting and turning a bit in the seimei outfit, and have to say, it looks tighter than I expected.

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