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2 hours ago, axelnojutsu said:

I just had to evacuate my flat due to a gas leak they say it's fixed but now I'm scared :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:


Oh sh* stay safe :13877886:But it’s really fortunate the gas leak was found out on time 



TW death


I recently heard the story of a family my mother knew who had just moved into their newly build house. They were sick for a week until their bodies were found dead in their home.... The doctors just couldn’t tell why the whole family was suffering from headaches and nausea. Turns out there had been some tampering with the gas pipe installations... It’s really scary 

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On 4/4/2018 at 10:41 PM, Sammie said:

I am also afraid of the dark, crowds and smoke/fire. I was in a house fire and barely got out alive with the family. Burned by hands and feet trying to get out. Pretty traumatizing. Fire alarm give me panic attacks. 

My nyctophobia is pretty severe, I used to sleep with the light on and now it’s just tv with sound kind loud..... 

The list goes on I will stop :headdesk2:


Oh Sammie ! What a traumatic experience ! Big hugs :10742289:

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I used to have bad sleep paralysis in my teens to the point that I was scared going to bed. The scary part was like @VyVy99and @Sammie described; the feeling of suffocating, helpless, Irrational fear,hallucinating that someone staying next to you, hearing noises,.... shuddered.  However, it was gone as I grew up and I only experience it very rarely now and then , not particularly triggered by anything. Did you guys know ahead of time that it would happen ? I usually have warning sign like some loud noises preceding the paralysis, and then if I could only move a finger or a toe, it would end. However, sometimes it comes right back and you have to change sleeping position . I’m so glad I haven’t got those for a while. 

 Talking about phobia, I have absolute fear of worm or snake. That runs in the family I guess. My sister fainted while biking on the street when a worm descended in front of her. My brother ( a grown man )screamed and jumped when his daughter showed him an earthworm. :crazyshit:


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48 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

I used to have bad sleep paralysis in my teens to the point that I was scared going to bed. The scary part was like @VyVy99and @Sammie described; the feeling of suffocating, helpless, Irrational fear,hallucinating that someone staying next to you, hearing noises,.... shuddered.  However, it was gone as I grew up and I only experience it very rarely now and then , not particularly triggered by anything. Did you guys know ahead of time that it would happen ? I usually have warning sign like some loud noises preceding the paralysis, and then if I could only move a finger or a toe, it would end. However, sometimes it comes right back and you have to change sleeping position . I’m so glad I haven’t got those for a while. 

 Talking about phobia, I have absolute fear of worm or snake. That runs in the family I guess. My sister fainted while biking on the street when a worm descended in front of her. My brother ( a grown man )screamed and jumped when his daughter showed him an earthworm. :crazyshit:


I usually know it might happen if I’m absolutely exhausted and on the verge of sleeping. I turn my body quickly to the side cus I only get it when I’m flat on my back. Took it a few times to happen before I figure it out  :13877886:

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I hate sleep paralysis. And I was an idiot and read many ghost stories, so it freaks me out in other ways, too. I sleep on the couch after I get it, for the next few nights. I know it's not a ghost sitting on my chest, of course, but I associate my bed with that immediate sense of terror when the thinking brain hasn't started to function and that gives me nightmares, which is of course exactly what I need after a bad night with sleep paralysis. :/ One of the worst times was when the dog was crated for a long time because of a broken pelvis, and I had to sleep right beside her crate. We had to move the entire setup - mattress, crate, dog's stuff, dog - for me to sleep the next night. The dog enjoyed the drama, though, her life was very boring for four weeks before that.


Also, I did the procrastinating thing again and last minute panic and reading about sleep paralysis and the sleep deprivation - I think I'll just stay awake for a few days!

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2 часа назад, WinForPooh сказал:

I hate sleep paralysis. And I was an idiot and read many ghost stories, so it freaks me out in other ways, too. I sleep on the couch after I get it, for the next few nights. I know it's not a ghost sitting on my chest, of course, but I associate my bed with that immediate sense of terror when the thinking brain hasn't started to function and that gives me nightmares, which is of course exactly what I need after a bad night with sleep paralysis. :/ One of the worst times was when the dog was crated for a long time because of a broken pelvis, and I had to sleep right beside her crate. We had to move the entire setup - mattress, crate, dog's stuff, dog - for me to sleep the next night. The dog enjoyed the drama, though, her life was very boring for four weeks before that.


Also, I did the procrastinating thing again and last minute panic and reading about sleep paralysis and the sleep deprivation - I think I'll just stay awake for a few days!


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I have light sleep paralysis when I sleep for too long during the day. I’ll be conscious but can’t move my body and sometimes I can even open my eyes. But it’s never been so bad that I’d get scared to sleep... 


Just once I had really bad sleep paralysis and it was preceded by a really wild cycle of dreams. The episodes would start lightly and get more and more distressing until I’d realize I‘m dreaming and my mind would wake up slightly but I’d fall right back into the next dream that’d take place in the same room. That repeated for a while until it got so bad that my mind actually woke up and realized I can’t move and that’s when the horror started... in the end I thought I was dying when my consciousness was actually just slowly slipping back into sleep. I remember thinking “Cool. So that’s it.” I can be a bit dramatic sometimes lol

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I didn't realise there were so many people on the Planet who have this problem! :laughing: Strength in numbers, I suppose.


Though if you wake up with that sensation of pressure, I do recommend making sure that it's not because the fat dog heard you having bad dreams and decided that sleeping on you would be a nice way to make you feel better right in the middle of weird nightmares. 


I didn't expect to be able to move, so she and I were both very surprised when I woke up flailing and whacked her on the nose.

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1 minute ago, WinForPooh said:

I didn't realise there were so many people on the Planet who have this problem! :laughing: Strength in numbers, I suppose.


Though if you wake up with that sensation of pressure, I do recommend making sure that it's not because the fat dog heard you having bad dreams and decided that sleeping on you would be a nice way to make you feel better right in the middle of weird nightmares. 


I didn't expect to be able to move, so she and I were both very surprised when I woke up flailing and whacked her on the nose.


I'm sorry for laughing but that is so incredibly cute :rofl:


I guess it's not so bad for me because I only rarely have that suffocating sense of pressure on my chest... it's still so stressful to not be able to move and having to put all the willpower your sleepy clouded mind can muster on moving a toe just to fall back into paralysis

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17 minutes ago, robin said:


I'm sorry for laughing but that is so incredibly cute :rofl:


I guess it's not so bad for me because I only rarely have that suffocating sense of pressure on my chest... it's still so stressful to not be able to move and having to put all the willpower your sleepy clouded mind can muster on moving a toe just to fall back into paralysis

:laughing: She's a resilient girl, she was only a little offended, so it was pretty funny. Very similar to the 'But I halp!" look when I step on her tail because she decided to lie down right under my feet.


It's kind of interesting, all the different ways everybody feels it and copes. It sounds pretty sucky without the 'help something's sitting on me' feeling, too. It's not an experience I'd wish on anybody. Well, almost anybody.


But it really only happens when I've been extra anxious about something for a longer than usual period of time. I'm a restless sleeper generally - the idea that people actually sleep through the night without waking up in the middle of the night for a reading break was quite novel to me when I realised it. 


Does everybody else have the warning of weird dreams? Mine are usually about weightlessness - like floating and losing co-ordination of my limbs. Whatever the dream itself is, there will be some kind of floating or falling.

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About sleep paralysis: I had it twice so far, second time way worse than first. I didn't know what it was when it happened for the first time, and then, a few months after, I found a video of a girl describing her experience and it seems that watching it right before bed was a terrible idea. I think I got triggered by it and the thought of it caused the second one. So yeah, I haven't read in detail about everyone's sleep paralyses because I'm terrified it'd happen again if I hear the details, but I hear your struggles :'(

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8 minutes ago, yuzuonice said:

About sleep paralysis: I had it twice so far, second time way worse than first. I didn't know what it was when it happened for the first time, and then, a few months after, I found a video of a girl describing her experience and it seems that watching it right before bed was a terrible idea. I think I got triggered by it and the thought of it caused the second one. So yeah, I haven't read in detail about everyone's sleep paralyses because I'm terrified it'd happen again if I hear the details, but I hear your struggles :'(



Yes, that happened to me. I was stupid enough to go into urban legends too, so... Not my best moment.


I am in fact renowned for having bad ideas, saying 'well it can't be all that bad'  and discovering yes, yes it definitely could be that bad. :laughing: Like now, go back to work you blithering idiot, I say to myself.

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