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Random Thought Theater


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30 minutes ago, asahi said:

I'm so :tumblr_mdpjktkDxp1qdlkyg:I got my new blades in the other day and have been silently sitting waiting to explode for so long but all my friends don't seem to quite understand lol


And unrelated, I'm so impatient I realize. I create something and then when nobody joins within a few minutes I always sit there and am disappointed when I know logically that it takes more than two seconds for people to see posts and join group chats 



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I have a project in my photoshop introduction class where we have to create/copy an image using other different images and I had the brilliant idea to do seimei... Those details I tell ya... those details :headdesk2:

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1 hour ago, WinForPooh said:

I'd totally be panicking now about work and stuff if it weren't for the Olympics. I mean, I got through that, real life is a piece of cake. Strawberry shortcake.

I wish I could share that thought line :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: here I'm sitting here thinking of all I have to do like



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25 minutes ago, asahi said:

I wish I could share that thought line :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: here I'm sitting here thinking of all I have to do like



I have slept about three hours in two days, my stomach lining has dissolved in caffeine, and I'm not sure if I can even blink anymore. 


Still doing better than I did during men's figure skating events of Winter Olympics 2018. 


ETA: I totally missed my 2222nd post. Damn.

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I came home to find out that every school district in the state and the local private schools all were closed today due to weather, meaning my school district was literally the only one in the state stupid enough to stay open during a blizzard (because even the air force base was shut down). I'm not even surprised.


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Me: *goes home stressed, mutters about work to fam*

Fam:...*pat pat* what's wrong?

Me: Work related stress...just not happy?

Fam:...maybe you should get a boyfriend?

Me: :8::2::headdesk2:

*proceeds to attempt cheer-up operation by opening and trying understand Yuzu's new book by deciphering the kanji-fails brilliantly*

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