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41 minutes ago, gladi said:

Fascinating read from Web Sportiva giving a more complete sense of Hanyu’s mindset towards Pyeongchang. Never had he been closer toward realizing his ideal skate in mind, perhaps. He may keep the specific details of his arsenal/ training to his chest (to our collective chagrin) until the time is right, and things fluctuate and evolve, but the mindset has always been earnest and his end goal is on full display: Jumps, spins, steps–––THE Figure Skating––HIS figure skating. 



"The most important thing is that he's going straight down his path with no setbacks, with the full support of his team and confidence on his capabilities (which he never lacked tbh but you never know 😄), the rest will follow. This will be a long season, possibly the one that will legitimize him as a true legend so everything needs to be planned carefully: how to grow during the season, how to spare energies, how to recharge batteries after each comp.. We might have to wait a little more than usual to have the full picture, but it'll be worth it." - one of the comments from FB group which I so agree with.  


ETA: ah and I just saw that yuzu fairy + @Floria has shared ^_^|| thanks!

Thanks for always providing us these quick translations gladi! :10742289:

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6 minutes ago, Xen said:

Dress up poohs in panda outfits, or dress up pandas in pooh outfits. If the Shanghai one can be topped, I bet they need to organize the skaters to just go out and help collect up all the poohs....:facepalm:


I wouldn't mind watching something like that. I think I would actually tear up a little! :laughing:

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11 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


I just had a sad thought... read at your own risk:


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I just bet the pooh rain that will never be topped will be the one during his last performance as a competitor... if his fans will know beforehand, that is. 

They could actually use the pooh rain as a way to keep him on ice? Just bury him in poohs so he will never be able to leave!!! :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:


Heck I will even dress up as pooh and throw myself on the ice to keep him on the ice :13877886::sad-smiley-046: No! No more sad thoughts! I'm trying to do some work here and I can't do that with tears blocking my views :animated-smileys-cheeky-136:

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Just something logical tho: he wants to win 2 Olympic golds in a row to enter history the way Dick Button did. But knowing Yuzuru, that is only the first step to enter in the history book. What has never been done before? That's right, 3 Olympic golds in a row (or not even in a row, right?) :laughing: We gotta find a way somehow to make him crave for that triplette!


2 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

I want an epic Pooh Rain in Pyeongchang as well! :dancingpooh:


No doubt it will be pretty epic! Korean fans are hardcore just like Chinese and Japanese fans, right? 

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hace 3 minutos , freeyafanfan said:

Heck I will even dress up as pooh and throw myself on the ice to keep him on the ice :13877886::sad-smiley-046: No! No more sad thoughts! I'm trying to do some work here and I can't do that with tears blocking my views :animated-smileys-cheeky-136:


Hey, don't feel sad, enjoy every moment we still have! The 1st of April 2017 was one of the happiest days in my life!




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8 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

Geez, you guys, let him win the Olympics again, first!

Just now, Floria said:


Hey, don't feel sad, enjoy every moment we still have! The 1st of April 2017 was one of the happiest days in my life!




@Murieleirum started this :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid: :animated-smileys-angry-052: just kidding, hugs to you! :grouphug:

a happy yuzu photo to brighten the mood then! 




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54 minutes ago, Floria said:

I wonder how Spanish Press knew it before. Javi leaked some info?

Not sure. Or as one of the posters said, it could have been added afterwards. 

The interview with Javi was supposed to have been released a couple of days ago, but only got released today (or yesterday? Confused by time zones). Maybe they took the chance to add the info when the release got delayed, or it got delayed because they inadvertently included that info? Not sure. 

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