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15 minutes ago, Sun_Rise said:




Thank you so much for these comments - these are important for persons like me who learned about the existence of Yuzuru Hanyu less than a month ago and perhaps need some more background information. 


Part of what I've been doing since then is catching up, watching and rewatching his performances, and this is when I sometimes forget how to breathe, but the other part is about studying, researching, getting some understanding about the situation with ISU and unfair scoring. Here I get my information here and on Twitter I follow the users @roselinewinte10, @lunnarias and @Henni147 who are doing excellent, informed analysis and evidence-based argumentation. 


We could all find our place on the platform depending on our resources, capabilities, whether we're better at conveying emotional messages or using sarcasm and humor, or studying, researching, analyzing and presenting objective information and facts. I would probably ally with the latter crowd, but need to study before I even know how to ask proper questions. 


Thank you, again!


you are very rational! I just laugh at them for being fans of fanyus (why are they so obsessed with us :confused:)

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The Lotte b&w pics and quotes are in this publication today.

These photos are beautiful, this thought from Lotte was beautiful - I cry at how much impact Yuzuru the person has on others because that is so beautiful too.



This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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29 minutes ago, Sun_Rise said:


We could all find our place on the platform depending on our resources, capabilities, whether we're better at conveying emotional messages or using sarcasm and humor, or studying, researching, analyzing and presenting objective information and facts. I would probably ally with the latter crowd, but need to study before I even know how to ask proper questions. 


Haha I know what you mean. For example I'm not good at fighting (with other fandoms, or "real skating fans") or producing fanarts, but I like learning techniques and analyzing programs so I sometimes re-score those terribly judged programs. I'm happy that we have a variety of satellites and we can all contribute to the planet in our own ways. 

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Eri Yamada (former Japanese softball player and double Gold medalists at the 2008 and 2020 Summer Olympics) talks about Yuzu


"I really like Hanyu. His way of thinking is just superhuman! I really think it's absolutely incredible that he can attract people by his performance and  the way he speaks. He's moving people's hearts just by being himself. And he reminds me of Ichiro."



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Guest Mary_kyo
1 hour ago, eren said:

I looked at the photo yuzu sent me again, confirmed the location of the hole where he said he got stuck when he jumped, and then watched the video again, and it was exactly where the foot decelerated.


"It's a pity," he said. Because this is the equivalent of missing out on winning the Olympics. What a big mistake this is. But he added, "It's useless to get mad. Just like the outdoor jump competition, the first jump was very good, and when I was preparing for the next jump, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and the shaft shook and it failed. Even so, do you want to file a lawsuit against nature?" he asked me back.

it's very nice of Ghislain to give a very detailed good explanation about the pop in SP and acknowledge the existence of the hole on ice. It wasn't just a "since Yuzu said so, I say so too", but he actually researched about it and approved it after analyzing it himself from different sources too. 

meanwhile Yuzu's words: "do you want to file a lawsuit against nature?" oh man. He is just very matured and in Beijing he was oozing even a more matured, grown up aura compared to 2018. 

Are there any more translated parts available? I saw in my timeline that he ended the interview with saying "are there any better skaters than him?" (referring to Yuzu). :crybaby:

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59 minutes ago, JanMary said:


Haha I know what you mean. For example I'm not good at fighting (with other fandoms, or "real skating fans") or producing fanarts, but I like learning techniques and analyzing programs so I sometimes re-score those terribly judged programs. I'm happy that we have a variety of satellites and we can all contribute to the planet in our own ways. 

Absolutely! Do you have any posts/materials with rescoring? Definitely something I would like to dig into.

Although I may want to take it further and engage in discussions, as the more I read and watch and learn the greater the urge to do something about it. 

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33 minutes ago, Sun_Rise said:

Absolutely! Do you have any posts/materials with rescoring? Definitely something I would like to dig into.

Although I may want to take it further and engage in discussions, as the more I read and watch and learn the greater the urge to do something about it. 

Thank you for the interest! I usually share them in live competition threads, but as many competitions are without yuzu & not very important, my suggestion is to dig into the rules and other basics first~ (however if I had a chance to give some suggestions to myself as a baby fanyu, that would be "stay away from figure skating as a sport and don't invest your time in it it's mostly fake", haha, but maybe everyone have to find it out by themselves)

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24 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

Mark and Yuzu, the footage of him saving Yuzu <3 




OMGosh thank you so much, saviour of our saviour!! (not meant in a religious way ofc!! but he does save many of us at points in our lives!) Not many skaters do things for Yuzuru, he's always doing stuff for others, so that is why Mark joins Katya (hug when he needed it), Shinyue (making Xinyu carry Yuzu/buying BDD for Yuzu, taking pics of Yuzu and posting them), Boyang (panda hat, hanging out, pics), Xinyu (lifting, queuing and buying BDD), Maddi(fall rescuer) in the hearts of Yuzu's fans :heart:

Please add any other worthy skaters to list if you so wish!


EDIT: ah how could I forget Keegan with the flag?? Roman with his YT comments about 4A??

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32 minutes ago, JanMary said:

Thank you for the interest! I usually share them in live competition threads, but as many competitions are without yuzu & not very important, my suggestion is to dig into the rules and other basics first~ (however if I had a chance to give some suggestions to myself as a baby fanyu, that would be "stay away from figure skating as a sport and don't invest your time in it it's mostly fake", haha, but maybe everyone have to find it out by themselves)

Thank you! Will do so, and then also will look for the threads. Also - I guess too late for me not to dig into the rules & fs, I may be a baby fanyu growing up too fast! Getting to the point of developing a masterplan, haha. Just can't help it, whenever I see injustice.


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