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2 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


Exactly how I feel. He did used to have a habit of looking down a lot (not as much now) and when he did this in H&L some people were quick to grab onto that little detail - "oh, he's back to his old habits! I hate it when he looks down!" Honestly, because of how introspective H&L is I felt it kind of fit the program. I must admit though that I tend to be more lenient with Yuzu mainly because there is no harsher critic for Yuzuru Hanyu than Yuzu himself. Which means, I know that he is aware of every little criticisms and is actively trying to find ways to improve - the way he now releases his foot in his Biellman is a great example. I'm actually more scared of the day when he is actually satisfied of a performance rather than saying he needs to practice more.

Well it's one of those things that actually show how great of a skater Yuzu is. There are no substantial flaws in his skating so people turn to petty details. I'm not sure if it's being lenient not to be bothered by his looking down, tbh!


I remember during the Skater's Rescollections broadcast when we counted happy vs. kuyashii K&C moments most of the time I wasn't sure what to choose bc even when it was a happy K&C I would almost always be able to hear "kuyashii" coming from him.

It's almost comical how he always says he needs to practice more :rofl:

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45 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


Somehow, it really fits him well! :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:

Gallade is Psychic/Fighting type which..........is basically Yuzu :laughing: Thinking about it, the Pokemon forms came quite quickly (this is strictly based off physical appearance and not who I think they'd have on their team as a trainer, which I may do when I'm bored and have a lot of time on my hands). APOLOGIES FOR RANDOMNESS in the middle of earnest skating discussion......... :xD:;;;;

Yuzu: Gallade (bonus: baby/primary form is Ralts)



Boyang: Smeagle



Nathan: Murkrow


Shoma: Shieldon (or Shroomish when he's hangry LOL)


Javi: Growlithe (or Totodile or Wartortle....there's a lot to pick for Javi)


Patrick: Heracross (admittedly I struggled most with him!)


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29 minutes ago, kaerb said:

whispers it's actually Groudon! #pokemonnerd but also a legendary Pokemon, so your comment still fits!


I'm more amused that the son has like 3 Azumarills and 1 Maril. I guess he was breeding them??? :laughing:


Dammit I mixed them up, they do look alike tho xD


I noticed that too, But Maril is a cool pokemon so I can understand that! 


Also, since you bought up which pokemon would fit Yuzu... I present you... Glaceon!


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2 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I may do one on Tumblr or I'll do one and post it here :laughing: (I feel a little bad because half of us are seriously discussing Yuzu's flaws and other skaters, meanwhile I'm like 'HAVE SOME POKEMON GUYS!')


But pokemon are also a serious discussion :joy: 

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4 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I may do one on Tumblr or I'll do one and post it here :laughing: (I feel a little bad because half of us are seriously discussing Yuzu's flaws and other skaters, meanwhile I'm like 'HAVE SOME POKEMON GUYS!')


Nah... if you trace back on the thread it's always a mixture of serious and silly. hahaha


ETA: I think you missed the great Chopin 3.0 debate. That was fun... haha...

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Uhm, Yuzu does look down in H&L, especially in the 2nd half, and his posture could be better. I don't have any problem with that, but I can see why some people feel bother. With an introspective program like H&L, its all depend on Yuzu to make it work, so I think people pay more attention to him, unlike Seimei, its the program can shine on the choreos. But when you have 4 quads 2 3A and crazy transitions everywhere, I guess I couldn't blame him for looking down a bit :laughing: I don't think all comment point out that is nitpicking ( sure some of them are ), its just thing could be better. His posture improve alot in the past few years, and I think its always the area that he pay alot of attention :smile:  

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43 minutes ago, kaerb said:

The Pokemon talk got me on a random tangent thinking about what the various top figure skaters would be if they were Pokemon and somehow I feel like Yuzu would be a good Gallade (a huge part is because its baby/primary form is Ralts) :xD:







This is so cute! Reminds me of Mushroom!Yuzu

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39 minutes ago, robin said:


I never actively noticed it either until it was pointed out but I'm still not exactly bothered by it. Especially in H&L, which is a very introspective program, it actually kind of fits, it adds to the pensiveness.


Tbh, people complaining about Yuzu looking down sound to me just like the people complaining about his toe pointing- it's nitpicking.


Eta: @KatjaThera we posted it at the same time :laughing:

I can understand the nitpicking, but I think it's due to him being such a freakin' perfectionist, you tend to pick on everything that seems slightly off. I think to a degree, the back slouching is probably related to his upper body being so relaxed when skating, and his alignment is amazing enough that usually he's not affected no matter which way his upper body bends. Not something that every skater can do. 


As for toe-pointing. Honestly, I'm picky about this, but realistically there hasn't been a toe-pointer since Sasha Cohen, and usually it's something that is only slightly noticeable in certain moves-spirals, laybacks, that it's almost meaningless to point out. Leg alignment is far more important, and Yuzu does have beautiful body lines with no windmill arms in sight.


For skaters-Patrick and to a lesser extent, Shoma, remind me of a slightly older generation of skaters, such as Yagudin, where the artistry is more "masculine" , intense and powerful. Yuzu, and to a lesser extent Boyang (if he fixes his artistry), is more in the group of Jeffry Buttle and Johnny Weir-androgynous, flowing, elegant. Both are beautiful to watch. I'm not sure how to classify Javi, and utterly confused by Nathan's style.

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49 minutes ago, Yuazz said:

:rofl:"I have to practice more,  right? "


Lol I wouldn't surprised if he said it again (even after he breaks the word records!) 


He did! 

(because he didn't get step sequence 4 at GPF 2015)

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