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Just been watching Yuzu vids on YT and up came Sochi's gala White Legend - Given Yuzuru's been going through his old programmes for gala and ice show skates during this and last season, it occurred to me he might choose this for the gala at CoR - I'd love to see it so much with his improved everything skills! and his improved everything body/muscles! That gorgeous (Russian with Japanese influence) music and that programme in Sochi 2021, feels right somehow...I've already booked my accommodation lol!! 



What do you think folks? Another satellite has suggested he might do PW because...well Sochi, but I think WL is more likely as he hasn't skated this publicly since 2014 I think?? Not that I'd mind PW at all, it was pretty hot at SCI - one of the fancam's is brilliant as it makes you feel part of the audience, the screaming was so funny, I smile through the whole of the programme!!



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24 minutes ago, Pammi said:

Just been watching Yuzu vids on YT and up came Sochi's gala White Legend - Given Yuzuru's been going through his old programmes for gala and ice show skates during this and last season, it occurred to me he might choose this for the gala at CoR - I'd love to see it so much with his improved everything skills! and his improved everything body/muscles! That gorgeous (Russian with Japanese influence) music and that programme in Sochi 2021, feels right somehow...I've already booked my accommodation lol!! 



What do you think folks? Another satellite has suggested he might do PW because...well Sochi, but I think WL is more likely as he hasn't skated this publicly since 2014 I think?? Not that I'd mind PW at all, it was pretty hot at SCI - one of the fancam's is brilliant as it makes you feel part of the audience, the screaming was so funny, I smile through the whole of the programme!!




I would love to see him perform White Legend again - with his more mature interpretation and movements!   Re: PW - I was at the SCI and screamed along with the rest of the audience.  Of course I would not mind seeing PW again but I think he will choose another program since we have already multiple video recordings of his mature SCI PW. 


Also if he wants to revisit his old programs,  I would not mind seeing an upgraded and refined version of Etude as the Short Program for Beijing 2022.   It's a beautiful piano piece with dynamic music and emotional content.  

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40 minutes ago, Pammi said:

Just been watching Yuzu vids on YT and up came Sochi's gala White Legend - Given Yuzuru's been going through his old programmes for gala and ice show skates during this and last season, it occurred to me he might choose this for the gala at CoR - I'd love to see it so much with his improved everything skills! and his improved everything body/muscles! That gorgeous (Russian with Japanese influence) music and that programme in Sochi 2021, feels right somehow...I've already booked my accommodation lol!! 

have you? I was planning to do that on monday, while checking for flights and visas... hope I'll be able to still find a room. any suggestion for accomodation?

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1 hour ago, Pammi said:

...I've already booked my accommodation lol!! 



I looked into visa first, haha. It sounds like from Canada, there are some hoops to jump through even to get a Russian visa. I was actually wondering if anyone has experience with Russian visas or been to CoR and could share their experience? What I can find re: Russian visa requires some kind of invite letter so if any satellite has advice, would love to hear it! :worship:

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1 hour ago, Pammi said:

Je viens de regarder des vidéos de Yuzu sur YT et le gala de Sotchi White Legend - Étant donné que Yuzuru a parcouru ses anciens programmes de gala et de patins à glace au cours de cette saison et de la dernière, il m'est venu à l'esprit qu'il pourrait choisir cela pour le gala au CoR - je J'aimerais tellement le voir avec ses compétences améliorées en tout ! et son tout amélioré corps/muscles ! Cette magnifique musique (russe avec une influence japonaise) et ce programme à Sotchi 2021, ça me va en quelque sorte... J'ai déjà réservé mon logement lol !! 



Qu'en pensez-vous les gens? Un autre satellite a suggéré qu'il pourrait faire du PW parce que... eh bien Sotchi, mais je pense que WL est plus probable car il n'a pas patiné cela en public depuis 2014, je pense ?? Pas du tout que cela me dérangerait PW, il faisait assez chaud à SCI - l'une des fancams est géniale car elle vous fait sentir faire partie du public, les cris étaient si drôles, je souris tout au long du programme !!





When I hear the music of WT, I saw Swan Lake by PI Tchaikovsky and it is one of my favorite ballets (with The Nutcracker)  :heartpound: and Yuzu is perfect there and, certainly, since 2014, he has gained muscle and over 7 years and strength and I would, indeed, agree to him doing it again at a next gala  :girlsigh: and with this music (that goes without saying) with these beautiful Japanese influences. 

For PW : maybe? and in this video with all these screams  ;) and he must feel that the audience is boosting him and you really feel that he is skating with great pleasure and his smile at the end  :hairflip:      and at 1:18 it is the final of the parade of the Paris Opera 



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1 hour ago, Umebachi said:

Also if he wants to revisit his old programs,  I would not mind seeing an upgraded and refined version of Etude as the Short Program for Beijing 2022.   It's a beautiful piano piece with dynamic music and emotional content.  

Oh I'd love Etude too, I love Nanami Abe's choreo (both Etude and White Legend) BUT Etude wins the costume prize between the 2 of them! We did see Yuzuru in his Etude costume at Continues of course....and I really wouldn't mind seeing him again in it! :wink_star:

EDIT: of course if it was a new SP he would have a different costume though....but I'm sure it would be equally as beautiful as the last one!

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1 hour ago, gaia said:

any suggestion for accomodation?

I looked on booking.com and looked near the venue - I think many bookings have already been made so don't wait for Monday would be my advice!

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29 minutes ago, Chitsuki said:


I looked into visa first, haha. It sounds like from Canada, there are some hoops to jump through even to get a Russian visa. I was actually wondering if anyone has experience with Russian visas or been to CoR and could share their experience? What I can find re: Russian visa requires some kind of invite letter so if any satellite has advice, would love to hear it! :worship:

It depends on your hotel. Many hotels can provide letter of invitation, some free, some at an extra fees. However if you intend to stay in cheaper accommodation like airbnb, the owner may not be able to provide the letter (it's quite an effort for them to get one I think) but you can find some online sites which can provide you the letter at a fees. I'm unsure of which online site is OK since I never tried them but I think you can find some recommendation on travel blogs via Google which was how I know about these sites when researching on the topic for my trip to CoR in 2018. 

Just remember that every city requires a separate letter of invite so if you want to travel before or after the comp to different cities, get a letter for each of your city of accommodation. 


Ah... I am jealous of everyone planning to go to the comp. I am still a bit wary of the virus (+ quarantine requirement) so will probably wait until at least next year then think about going to a comp. 

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59 minutes ago, lajoitko said:

Yuzu skated White Legend for 24h tv in 2016.

ah yes, I wasn't certain which is why I put question marks after the 2014! Thank you :)


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26 minutes ago, Yuzuwinnie said:

 and in this video with all these screams  ;) and he must feel that the audience is boosting him and you really feel that he is skating with great pleasure and his smile at the end  :hairflip:      and at 1:18 it is the final of the parade of the Paris Opera 


I love fancam's so much, I think they should be allowed at all competitions!! They give a totally different view and feel, and this one in particular of PW at SCI is just so joyful! You dont get the same feel from the official version in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, yumeaki said:

It depends on your hotel. Many hotels can provide letter of invitation, some free, some at an extra fees. However if you intend to stay in cheaper accommodation like airbnb, the owner may not be able to provide the letter (it's quite an effort for them to get one I think) but you can find some online sites which can provide you the letter at a fees. I'm unsure of which online site is OK since I never tried them but I think you can find some recommendation on travel blogs via Google which was how I know about these sites when researching on the topic for my trip to CoR in 2018. 

Just remember that every city requires a separate letter of invite so if you want to travel before or after the comp to different cities, get a letter for each of your city of accommodation. 


Ah... I am jealous of everyone planning to go to the comp. I am still a bit wary of the virus (+ quarantine requirement) so will probably wait until at least next year then think about going to a comp. 

It's also been reported that all hotel accommodations anywhere near the venue were instantly booked 100%, so getting a place to stay that would be able to provide that documentation required looks pretty difficult, if not impossible.

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4 hours ago, Pammi said:

Just been watching Yuzu vids on YT and up came Sochi's gala White Legend - Given Yuzuru's been going through his old programmes for gala and ice show skates during this and last season, it occurred to me he might choose this for the gala at CoR - I'd love to see it so much with his improved everything skills! and his improved everything body/muscles! That gorgeous (Russian with Japanese influence) music and that programme in Sochi 2021, feels right somehow...I've already booked my accommodation lol!! 



What do you think folks? Another satellite has suggested he might do PW because...well Sochi, but I think WL is more likely as he hasn't skated this publicly since 2014 I think?? Not that I'd mind PW at all, it was pretty hot at SCI - one of the fancam's is brilliant as it makes you feel part of the audience, the screaming was so funny, I smile through the whole of the programme!!



My video is actually clearer, but I don't have a YouTube channel, so, oh, well....  It was magical.

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