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I think many of us are overlooking one thing when thinking about danger to Yuzu in Stockholm and that is unlike last year vaccines are available and have been for some time.  Japan got started late in vaccinating its people, giving priority to front line workers to receive it.  I have a feeling that the Japanese skaters and their support staff were probably also given the vaccine seeing as how Japan's numbers in Beijing are dependent on the showing at Worlds this year.  As such, if Yuzu is vaccinated and he continues to mask himself along with those around him it should be quite safe for him to go to Stockholm.  In fact the fact that he's been vaccinated along with his mother might make it possible to return to Toronto after Stockholm.  All this, of course, is speculation on my part but I think when regarding Yuzu in Stockholm we should take into account the possible immunity he might have.

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33 minutes ago, micaelis said:

I think many of us are overlooking one thing when thinking about danger to Yuzu in Stockholm and that is unlike last year vaccines are available and have been for some time.  Japan got started late in vaccinating its people, giving priority to front line workers to receive it.  I have a feeling that the Japanese skaters and their support staff were probably also given the vaccine seeing as how Japan's numbers in Beijing are dependent on the showing at Worlds this year.  As such, if Yuzu is vaccinated and he continues to mask himself along with those around him it should be quite safe for him to go to Stockholm.  In fact the fact that he's been vaccinated along with his mother might make it possible to return to Toronto after Stockholm.  All this, of course, is speculation on my part but I think when regarding Yuzu in Stockholm we should take into account the possible immunity he might have.


I'm so sorry to disappoint you... but Japan has been extremely laggard with regard to COVID vaccination, and has the dishonor of being the slowest among the OECD countries.  Currently only health workers are being vaccinated, and they won't get this completed until next month (April).   PM Suga and his entourage (around 60 people) received their first vaccination shot yesterday, in preparation for their trip to Washington DC to meet with President Biden in April.  This is the only exception that is being reported.  The Japanese media staff have already travelled to Stockholm, as reported early, and I doubt that any of them has received vaccination.   Yuzu, of all people, would probably consider it highly unethical to jump the queue and receive vaccination ahead of the elderly and vulnerable population.   Japan has been struggling to obtain sufficient supply - as with so many countries - and while they are finally beginning to receive some supplies, they are on the order of 100,000's.  (Japan's population is over 120 million people.)  


The Japanese news media are reporting that 3 Japanese fencers have tested positive while in Budapest, Hungary, for the international fencing competition.  They are in quarantine in Budapest, awaiting further tests... 


Another piece of not so good news (might as well bring it forward in one fell swoop!).  On the Japanese twittersphere, there is news about the fact that our Ajinomoto support team will not be allowed to provide special food for the Japanese athletes.  ISU has designated their own food service providers for the Worlds, and will not allow any other food to be provided to the athletes.  Presumably for safety reasons, but needless to say, this will be a major setback for Yuzu, as he has a slow and finicky digestive system that requires careful eating regimen before, during and after the competition.   I am hoping that he will be able to take pre-packaged food items with him to the hotel. 



I, myself, would not want to be stuck being forced to eat heavily meat-oriented European foods day-in and day-out.  Not to be disrespectful of the wonderful European cuisine!!  I lived in Paris and worked in many Eastern European countries (Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, among others) for many years, and while I enjoy and appreciate their rich cuisines in small doses, I found that my stomach was unwilling and unable to eat foods with too much heavy creams and animal fats.  It's just what your microbiome is able to handle - mine is better suited for eating seaweed and natto and fish!    The whole situation makes me ill to the stomach, literally and figuratively.    


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1 hour ago, Umebachi said:

Another piece of not so good news (might as well bring it forward in one fell swoop!).  On the Japanese twittersphere, there is news about the fact that our Ajinomoto support team will not be allowed to provide special food for the Japanese athletes.  ISU has designated their own food service providers for the Worlds, and will not allow any other food to be provided to the athletes.  Presumably for safety reasons, but needless to say, this will be a major setback for Yuzu, as he has a slow and finicky digestive system that requires careful eating regimen before, during and after the competition.   I am hoping that he will be able to take pre-packaged food items with him to the hotel. 


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I, myself, would not want to be stuck being forced to eat heavily meat-oriented European foods day-in and day-out.  Not to be disrespectful of the wonderful European cuisine!!  I lived in Paris and worked in many Eastern European countries (Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, among others) for many years, and while I enjoy and appreciate their rich cuisines in small doses, I found that my stomach was unwilling and unable to eat foods with too much heavy creams and animal fats.  It's just what your microbiome is able to handle - mine is better suited for eating seaweed and natto and fish!    The whole situation makes me ill to the stomach, literally and figuratively.    


I was just thinking the same thing! Swedish meatballs vs. a Japanese broth? (I know I'm vastly overgeneralizing the foods here) Both very delicious but super different, not to mention the high dairy content of European foods, which a lot of Asians are sensitive to in terms of digestion

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20 hours ago, Pammi said:

It hilarious isn't it? I love it! Hobbies: NONE! :LOL: (....but of course! as if Yuzuru would even bother with HOBBIES !!) Oh I love him!  I can hear Javi saying  "Yuzuru is a mystery and he'll stay a mystery because he hasn't got ANY Hobbies!! NONE at all!"  NONE is so mysterious...

(ummm ... Yuzu, heads up,  we KNOW you love earphones music and gaming, sweetheart :english1:


(Kazuki says his hobbies are : ramen chasing!! and shoe polishing!! I love him too!)

Nam's are interesting as well! I think they all had a conflab about how to give us all a laugh on bio update day!



In Yuzu's case "none" probably means:   no ordinary needs espied.

Extraordinary throughout   :wink_star:

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Let’s get real for a moment. Haven’t any of you ever silently wished that a major rival of Yuzu, especially one who consistently gets over-scored, would screw up by falling, stepping out, popping a jump, etc.? I’m not talking about wishing an injury on anyone. Just wishing that they would have a non-injury causing fall or step out? Something that would force the judging panel to give less than a perfect score? If you never have, then you are a lot more altruistic than I am. I think that it is just human nature. Since this is a taboo subject on the Planet, I will keep such thoughts to myself. And I am not afraid of karma. I am already a quadriplegic.

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6 minutes ago, Geo1 said:

Let’s get real for a moment. Haven’t any of you ever silently wished that a major rival of Yuzu, especially one who consistently gets over-scored, would screw up by falling, stepping out, popping a jump, etc.? I’m not talking about wishing an injury on anyone. Just wishing that they would have a non-injury causing fall or step out? Something that would force the judging panel to give less than a perfect score? If you never have, then you are a lot more altruistic than I am. I think that it is just human nature. Since this is a taboo subject on the Planet, I will keep such thoughts to myself. And I am not afraid of karma. I am already a quadriplegic.

No. If it happens it happens, but I"m not sitting there wishing or cheering for it. All athletes work hard. Be pissy at the over scoring, but that isnt on the athletes. Blame judging. Blame outside factors, but dont lay it only at the athletes feet for something they dont control. I know it's irritating, but I dont like taking it out on them.

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7 minutes ago, Kat said:

No. If it happens it happens, but I"m not sitting there wishing or cheering for it. All athletes work hard. Be pissy at the over scoring, but that isnt on the athletes. Blame judging. Blame outside factors, but dont lay it only at the athletes feet for something they dont control. I know it's irritating, but I dont like taking it out on them.

Oh but yes, it IS olso on the athletes all right! They are part of the game! They (the ones that do) benefit a lot from the overscoring which they get. While it lasts. Let`s not kid ourselves.  And maybe Yuzu gets the harsh treatment because he refuses anything else but playing only by the rules. He really is the truth in this world of fake news, to quote a jurnalist at a press com pafetr Olys 2018.

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1 minute ago, IULIANA said:

Oh but yes, it IS olso on the athletes all right! They are part of the game! They (the ones that do) benefit a lot from the overscoring which they get. While it lasts. Let`s not kid ourselves.  And maybe Yuzu gets the harsh treatment because he refuses anything else but playing only by the rules. He really is the truth in this world of fake news, to quote a jurnalist at a press com pafetr Olys 2018.

But those scores are again given by judges. Sorry, but I'm not seeing how it's on them that they get that awarded. Benefits, sure, but they didnt pick those points 🤷. Im not kidding myself. They are apart of the game, but unless they are in a pow wow with judges...not seeing how it's their fault. 


Im done with this. You have your stand point and I have mine.

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12 hours ago, Ladysci said:

Definitely Japan has enough men and women singles skaters to field a entire team different from the Worlds' ones, but wasn't there some rule that said that a country's team would be disqualified if they fail to send their top finishers at Worlds, unless there was a medical excuse?

Is there? Because according to something Roman Sadovsky said in his latest video, Canada is sending Keegan to Worlds but may send Roman  to WTT, because Keegan will have to quarantine after Worlds.  


...unless I misunderstood and they will still be sending Keegan as well. However, that's all contigent on Canada being invited to WTT

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3 hours ago, Umebachi said:

Another piece of not so good news (might as well bring it forward in one fell swoop!).  On the Japanese twittersphere, there is news about the fact that our Ajinomoto support team will not be allowed to provide special food for the Japanese athletes.  ISU has designated their own food service providers for the Worlds, and will not allow any other food to be provided to the athletes.  Presumably for safety reasons, but needless to say, this will be a major setback for Yuzu, as he has a slow and finicky digestive system that requires careful eating regimen before, during and after the competition.   I am hoping that he will be able to take pre-packaged food items with him to the hotel. 


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I, myself, would not want to be stuck being forced to eat heavily meat-oriented European foods day-in and day-out.  Not to be disrespectful of the wonderful European cuisine!!  I lived in Paris and worked in many Eastern European countries (Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, among others) for many years, and while I enjoy and appreciate their rich cuisines in small doses, I found that my stomach was unwilling and unable to eat foods with too much heavy creams and animal fats.  It's just what your microbiome is able to handle - mine is better suited for eating seaweed and natto and fish!    The whole situation makes me ill to the stomach, literally and figuratively.    


That's exactly what I feared most for him. And why I was so upset by petitions, which were more likely to do that sort of harm than anything good. :disappointed:

And having to arrive on Sunday while he's used to arrive much later at championships. :sad4:

From what I read from Ajinomoto, he needs about 1/2l broth and a bowl of rice and mostly simmered vegetable, fish, meat and eggs equally distributed on three meals, plus small rice snacks with aminoacids, fermented food with the right ferments, and probably other requirements...

And JSF will never dare to lodge a complaint if (which is probable) ISU-chosen caterer cannot attend special dietary needs. :curse:

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42 minutes ago, Geo1 said:

Let’s get real for a moment. Haven’t any of you ever silently wished that a major rival of Yuzu, especially one who consistently gets over-scored, would screw up by falling, stepping out, popping a jump, etc.? I’m not talking about wishing an injury on anyone. Just wishing that they would have a non-injury causing fall or step out? Something that would force the judging panel to give less than a perfect score? If you never have, then you are a lot more altruistic than I am. I think that it is just human nature. Since this is a taboo subject on the Planet, I will keep such thoughts to myself. And I am not afraid of karma. I am already a quadriplegic.


Lol. You are absolutely correct. I would be lying to everyone and myself if I didn't admit that I do that in many sports where i have a big favourite. In hockey, you bet i"m hoping the guy falls on a breakaway, or fans on it... in soccer, yup, i hope that guy shoots high during penalties... tennis, yup, please double fault.... in skating, well, if they happen to hit a slippery part of the ice, well, it happens.. and has nothing to do with me or my crossed fingers :)

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10 hours ago, hananistellata said:

Does anyone have a list of Yuzuru's favourite anime movies and anime series? I have no plans for the weekend so I might as well.

He's quoted Yowamushi Pedal before, and his exhibition program Wings of Words is based on Gundam SEED: Destiny, I believe.  

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Well, I always wish that all athletes perform to their absolute possible best, so that my favorites get the chance to triumph against the hardest competitive field of all time. That makes their win extra special and unforgettable.


What's the point of winning a splatfest? Even if Yuzu had skated a clean free in Sochi, it still would have been a mess of a competition overall that I wouldn't like to rewatch as a whole.


My favorite competitions ever were the men's free in Barcelona 2015, the short and free in Helsinki 2017 and Pyeongchang 2018 and the men's short at 4CC 2020. Why? Because the overall quality of the field was incredible with many clean skates and Yuzu still managed to outshine them all. His performance was the cherry on the finest cake. That is what makes him the GOAT.


Of course, the current scoring is bullcrap, but if Yuzu manages to skate two squeaky clean performances with highest quality and still doesn't win, the ISU can prepare for the biggest shitstorm of all time.

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11 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Is there? Because according to something Roman Sadovsky said in his latest video, Canada is sending Keegan to Worlds but may send Roman  to WTT, because Keegan will have to quarantine after Worlds.  

ISU commonly accept a change of athletes, if they consider them equally "marketable".

As Alena Kostornaia may be quite marketable if she can skate again whole programs with 3A and great step sequences, she may be agreed (though I doubt there will be a change if nobody's injured).

Roman Sadowsky is probably better known in Japan than Keegan Messing, and of equal skating level, so ISU is likely to accept, maybe less easily if Keegan Messing medals.

But nobody is nearly as marketable as Yuzuru Hanyu, that's clear. Not to speak of the highly probable Gold or Silver at this Worlds.

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