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13 minutes ago, Yuzu Beloved Angel said:

Hi! Sorry if it was already posted, but I still had not seen it?


I only seen a lil clip of him before. I can actually hear his singing voice with this one. I think that his singing voice anyways lol. But it sounds really nice.  :9:

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6 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Wow! That's impressive! I haven't even considered trying the Biellmann. I know from childhood ballet lessons that it's most likely completely impossible for me.


It'd be fun to have a gallery of pics of satellites trying to Yuzu. :usrs::crazyshit::LOL:

I mean.... define possible 

I can grab my foot and pull it up over my head but it ain’t pretty and I’m not sure I’d dignify it by calling it a biellmann position :smiley-laughing021:

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28 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

I mean.... define possible 

I can grab my foot and pull it up over my head but it ain’t pretty and I’m not sure I’d dignify it by calling it a biellmann position :smiley-laughing021:

I can barely reach my ankle to pull it up to my butt for a quad stretch. And splits are a rumour I hear from a long distance away for me. I'm a swimmer. All my flexibility is in my shoulders and ankles. Hence Biellmann just ain't gonna happen.:headdesk:



Well, there's always the knee slide thingy...and pistol pose. Yeah, I can do those. 






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I feel like maybe he's lurking in the planet...the video came out a while ago, but we just brought it up here and then he goes and tweets it soon after...and the other day when someone had recced the Yuzu fanmade video and then he tweeted it like a week later...coincidence? :peekapooh:

(It probably is a coincidence.  He's probably on top of YouTube stuff and just staggering posts between photos and videos. Doesn't make it any less amusing, though.)

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10 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

So, question:


Has anyone here ever tried to seriously duplicate some of the moves? All this week I've been obsessed with Yuzu's Ina Bauer and I keep wondering how exactly one even gets into that position...so I tried it (on land)...and I couldn't even keep my balance! (Never mind the turnout he gets...)


I can just about do a forward inside edge spread eagle while skating, and I can sort-of hold a spiral...but I can't even get into the sit-spin position, and I'm darned if I know how he can pretzel into that hydroblade


Anyway, even though actually being able to do what he does is as far out of my reach as the stars, it's tons of fun to try! Does anyone else do this? Or am I the only 'Yuzu-as-fitness inspiration*'  dork here? 


*I'm not joking about the fitspo thing. Yesterday at the gym, my trainer was pushing me with heavy squats and I wanted to quit. I actually thought, 'If Yuzu can win the Olympics on a busted-up ankle, I can do this' and went for it. It bloody well hurt, too. But picturing Yuzu's grin made it better. 



Haha yes, I sometimes try doing IB and Bielmann too (just in front of the mirror) :D My lower back flexibility is all right but I still can't get nearly as low as he does on IB, and I can't extend my leg over my head (since I've never trained ballet or gymnastics or anything so the movement feels quite alien to me). Maybe I will be able to do it one day! (Obviously not as beautifully as elite figure skaters though!)


Never tried anything on the ice though since I haven't been in a rink for years. 

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19 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


Does anyone know if these are shipped worldwide or if they can be purchased through a proxy site? I've never tried anything else other than cdjapan, I wonder if they'll put it on their site....


Also, if there are examples of previous photo books? The description sounds tempting so I'd like to make sure that they really are new photos and not stuff we've all seen already :embSwan:

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4 minutes ago, yuzuonice said:

Does anyone know if these are shipped worldwide or if they can be purchased through a proxy site? I've never tried anything else other than cdjapan, I wonder if they'll put it on their site....

I think it will be sold on Amazon and CD-Japan as well, and these ones do ship worldwide.

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