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3 hours ago, Toni said:


If USA broadcasters talk about Nathan like he's a god, then they talk about Yuzu like he's the God of all Gods - Zeus. PLUS, and this is very important:  Figure Skating has been dying in the USA. Japanese skaters have so much support, they don't even need the hype, whereas skaters in the USA are constantly having to give up their sport because there is so little interest here now. They NEED the extra coverage just to make ends meet. To wish that Nathan got less coverage is basically wishing that he would lose his career. And what are all of YOU watching, anyway? Please show me any USA media bashing Yuzu, I'm honestly curious. It feels like I'm missing something when I hear all this bit about how the US doesn't appreciate Yuzu.


I’m American and have been watching figure skating off and on for more than 40 years. In my opinion, American media is very focused on American skaters. It’s rather limiting I think. Did you read Dani’s report about the Olympics Men’s SP and the American journalists who had never heard of Yuzuru? There has been more coverage of Yuzuru’s fans and Pooh than about Yuzuru’s skating.  Quite a few North Americans seem uncomfortable with Yuzu’s androgynous look and love of ”feminine” costumes.  Kurt Browning (who does appreciate Yuzu’s skating) said his R&J 2 Boobskirt was not befitting an Olympic champion. I think partly what forum members are reacting to is the contrast between Japanese media coverage of skating and American. Japanese commentators spend time educating the audience about skating and scoring. They try to provide overall positive, informative commentary about ALL skaters, while acknowledging when someone is-having a tough skate.  I don’t wish there was less coverage of Nathan, only that the coverage is broader and more inclusive. Ironically, I think if American coverage was more balanced with a diversity of skaters, interest in skating would increase.

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1 minute ago, Bonesfan said:


I’m American and have been watching figure skating off and on for more than 40 years. In my opinion, American media is very focused on American skaters. It’s rather limiting I think. Did you read Dani’s report about the Olympics Men’s SP and the American journalists who had never heard of Yuzuru? There has been more coverage of Yuzuru’s fans and Pooh than about Yuzuru’s skating.  Quite a few North Americans seem uncomfortable with Yuzu’s androgynous look and love of ”feminine” costumes.  Kurt Browning (who does appreciate Yuzu’s skating) said his R&J 2 Boobskirt was not befitting an Olympic champion. I think partly what forum members are reacting to is the contrast between Japanese media coverage of skating and American. Japanese commentators spend time educating the audience about skating and scoring. They try to provide overall positive, informative commentary about ALL skaters, while acknowledging when someone is-having a tough skate.  I don’t wish there was less coverage of Nathan, only that the coverage is broader and more inclusive. Ironically, I think if American coverage was more balanced with a diversity of skaters, interest in skating would increase.

Well said - some of the US commentators also know VERY LITTLE about ISU rules and just FS in general and well some Canadians too actually. I prefer to watch the European and Japanese coverage even if I don't understand what they're saying - just wait for the subs! 

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3 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

The whole J Oly Team is there not only the medalists! <3



Stay awake, Shoma! You can do it! I believe in you! (I can’t see him. Is he already horizontal? We’re too late! :drama:)

2 minutes ago, Sammie said:

Look at his face! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:


Or don’t, if you want to live. 

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