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33 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

i just realised something random. Yuzu has three Olympic gold medals. The record so far is Gillis Grafstrom and Plushenko with four each. If Yuzu stays for one more Olympics he might just join their ranks (and even beat them if he also participates in team event). 


Huh, where did these numbers come from? Yuzu has two OGM, Plushenko 1 individual and 1 team, so also two? 


Unless you mean total Olympic medals, in which case Plushenko does have 4 (2 gold, 2 silver) but Yuzu still only has two. 

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hace 3 minutos , kaeryth said:

What's going on here? Shimizu-san saying something about Yuzu tying his shoelaces in 20 seconds (according to google translate)


Actually I am always amazed how fast he ties the shoelaces of his skating boots whenever they show it in documentaries or news clips. He has got a lot of practice though :laughing:.

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10 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

What's going on here? Shimizu-san saying something about Yuzu tying his shoelaces in 20 seconds (according to google translate)



I think it's pointing out how calm and controlled he is with time limits. Instead of rushing to tie his shoes when he was told that there was only 20 seconds until they were on the air, he saw it as having plenty of time and that he didn't need to rush?


(I could be off the mark. Maybe it took him precisely that amount of time?)

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13 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:

Yuzu introducing Javi in Barcelona with actual swan neck. 




Why do you hate me so much :<

9 hours ago, freeyafanfan said:

I haven't even finished reading Aoi Honoo 2 :1: pardon my snail speed in reading japanese with a dictionary

it is 336000円 when I opened it 5 mins ago and now it is 401,000円 :slinkaway: the price is skyrocketing so fast

his haircut defines his age and time when the photo is taken :rofl: 

Join the club hahahaha

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