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2 hours ago, kaeryth said:


aaw it will be amazing if they decide to give it to him :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:

and I totally just spend my whole morning back reading 30ish pages of this thread cause I didn't check this forum all day yesterday :13877886: and got tempted to buy more magazines! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: why are his photos so gorgeous all the time..... 

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23 minutes ago, freeyafanfan said:

yaas all 168 mins minus CM breaks are dedicated to yuzu? :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: plenty of content for the poor cactis heading into the desert

Probably only 5 or 10 minutes are on Yuzu, and all other time will be about various different Olympians.

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3 hours ago, ClarissaH said:

The thing about Yuzu and the "crazy quad fest" is that he actively became a part of it. He didn't need to have five quads in his Olympic skate, but he chose to because he likes to challenge himself. In an interview when he was asked about the changes being made, he said that he was still going to challenge himself, even continue trying to do a quad axel and even try a quint! So throwing more points to wards artistry, in the end, isn't going to stop skaters who enjoy challenging themselves, like Hanyu, from attempting more difficult technical components. In regards to injuries, skaters are going to get injured one time or another, considering how much skaters practice. The only foreseeable way to near completely remove injury as being a possible risk is to eliminate jumps completely, which would never be done. 

The big difference between Yuzu and the other quadsters, however, is that his quads also have high technical quality, which, IMO, doesn't just make them look good, but also minimizes the impact they have on his body. On top of that, he doesn't believe in quads for the sake of quads. The challenge for Yuzu isn't just to jump quads, but to integrate them in his programs and make them part of the artistry. In the end, anyone can jump quads, probably, with the proper training. But how many can make the quads blend seamlessly into a program? THAT's where the challenge really is and that's also why artistry should be more highly rewarded. Yes, it won't stop the quad race, but the quad race is almost over anyway. The only unjumped quad is the axel. Sure, quad combinations can follow, but the point is there should be a big gap between rewarding stand-alone quads and rewarding quads that blend into a program. That's where the unfariness is right now, IMO. And, on top of that, if they rewarded quads done properly more than just quads, that would, I think, make quad jumping just a tad safer.

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Hace 14 horas, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



The gentleman who got to ask the last question asked him if he ever wished that all the Pooh and flowers that get tossed at him were money instead. He used the two winners of the recent Tokyo Marathon who were awarded ¥100,000,000 for their effort. (Note: by comparison, Hanyu himself is only getting awarded ¥5,000,000 for his second Olympic gold) He answered that fans spend a lot, like A LOT, to attend competitions and then he went on to say that he watches fanvids, noting that some of the song choices for some were pretty wild, and it struck him that there's a whole world of fans out there whose voices don't directly reach him because most won't be able to afford or be in the kind of circumstances that would enable them to attend figure skating competitions (other priorities, can't get tickets, etc.) so he wants to take these fans into full account as well when considering those who appreciate what he does, and when he performs, he wants to do it in a way that reaches even fans who aren't physically in the venue cheering him on. So considering all the money fans spent on tickets and gifts, to him it's as good as tossing cold hard cash at him and so long as he's  contributing to the economy, he's happy.


Out of all that, the only thing I chose to take away was the part where he said he watches fanvids because shallow fan is shallow. There are a few fanvids that I enjoy watching and can no longer enjoy without imagining his smirking face now so thanks a lot for the reveal, Hanyu.


Probably I missed his comment about fan-made videos. Now I am feeling uneasy about my 4Lz compilation :laughing:. I put "to be continued" at the end of the video.


Hace 5 horas, SparkleSalad said:


I need at least one off season to catch up beause I'm still behind on CoR stuff!  I would also recommend taking the time to master Japanese using his new book. Fluency can be attained by next season, right? :biggrin: I still think he'll do FaOI, too. And he has those talk shows at the same time. We won't be so dry.


I hope JSF is kind enough to tell us as soon as he knows for sure. Nationals cut it suuuper fine but that was a domestic comp so at least no one was stuck in another country. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

I feel like the imminent draught is a good time to start learning Japanese, the motivation is at its highest point with the new book. 

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