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4 minutes ago, Floria said:

I am trying to concentrate on my work... They are lurking in this forum or what?

I'm having the same problem... luckily the bosses are out of town and there isn't anything urgent, but I should not spend my day here or refreshing twitter and instagram :13877886:


Maybe they'll include the lift in the choreography :P The finale ends with Yuzu lifted high above by Ondrej lol

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16 minutes ago, monchan said:


aaah the content we all need :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: I need to do my work but I can't concentrate seeing all this happy contents

12 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


that smile after he falls tho :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp: ah so squishy


8 minutes ago, Gaby said:

You made me feel emotional  (sob, sob...)


And you know what. He haven't  said "kuyashii" even once!!!

because he's not kuyashii now, he is shiawase :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:


2 minutes ago, Floria said:

I am trying to concentrate on my work... They are lurking in this forum or what?

I've been trying to concentrate on my work too but noo when I hear multiple bleeps on this forum notification I just had to open and lost my focus seeing happy smiley yuzu :10636614: no regrets tho

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23 minutes ago, qactus said:

Okay I know we're all losing our shit bc yuzu is STILL practicing on a bad ankle (like someone stop him from doing all these jumps, why hasnt he gone to get that xrayed asap, I seriously don't get it LOL), but ever since his gold medal win and after all the interviews that followed of him saying he's truly happy and satisfied for the first time in his career after finally achieving his dream etc etc, seeing all the footage these past 2 days of him practicing for the gala just feels so incredibly freeing, like you can physically see the weight just lifted off his shoulders after all these years??? I've honestly never seen him practice or simply be in such an uninhibited way, no tension, no traffic jam in his mind, no pressure, just having fun and laughing at himself and his silly mistakes and joking around the entire time, start to finish !!! I've watched countless practice fancams of yuzuru throughout the years, and this is the first and only time I've ever seen him having fun and genuinely enjoying himself without any burdens?? Without those moments where you can see his mind switching back into work mode, like, "Okay, that's enough fooling around for now, x competition is coming up, gotta practice so and so bc it's still not good enough, etc."


And I know a lot of things have been bittersweet lately what with this being the end of an era, but I truly love and appreciate that he doesn't have to feel the pressure or the need to sacrifice anything to achieve any enormous, long term goals anymore—whether that be something as simple as laughing with his coaches while training or with bigger things like calculating how he spends his pastime, he doesn't need to do that anymore! Like this boy has really, seriously sacrificed the most and prioritized the hell out of every aspect of his life for that one dream, so it makes me so stupidly emotional that now that he's achieved what he wanted, he can finally live and do things without the need to hold back or push anything/anyone away. It breaks me that javi won't be around for this new chapter of yuzu's life where he can finally just let go (or maybe he will be! I really hope so ;_; we'll just have to see with time I guess?), and it's also super bittersweet knowing that things are gonna change from here on out, but I'm just alkgjelkgj SO HAPPY !!! that yuzu is genuinely happy, that's all I could ask for! You can really see that he's enjoying skating and everything around him, whenever, wherever, and it's like we're finally seeing this whole new, more open and unrestrained side to yuzu that's just living in the most carefree way he's never allowed himself to. It feels like a breath of fresh air!

can I steal this and put it on twitter (with your name)??? because you said it so well; I know there's the ankle to worry about, there's stuff he still wants to do but he said himself he sacrificed SO MUCH to get this goal, and he's just basking in it all now, and letting go and having fun. He might've been hardcore drilling stuff he was kuyashii about after any other competition but no, he's just...enjoying himself. The biggest change I feel with this injury and now with the Olympic win is that he finally seems to be settled with the fact that yes, he's good enough, he can let go of a few things, he can just relax a bit and let himself be as silly as he wants to, I'm just happy he's so happy :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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20 minutes ago, Xen said:

That's because he's actively trying not to look at the protocols and that StSq3 or that CCoSp3. 

Or he has, and that's part of the other bits he has to tie up along with the 4A he mentioned in the interview. 


Actually I genuinely believe  this is because  he just does not feel kuyashii this time. Even after checking the protocols

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5 minutes ago, Gaby said:

Actually I genuinely believe  this is because  he just does not feel kuyashii this time. Even after checking the protocols

He was asked about it and said he truly believes he did the best he could here so in that sense I don’t think he has any kuyashii

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11 minutes ago, Gaby said:

You made me feel emotional  (sob, sob...)


And you know what. He haven't  said "kuyashii" even once!!!

RIGHT LOL. Even when the mistakes in his free were mentioned, he said he's truly satisfied with no regrets, like this whole thing is just so uplifting, and I'm so grateful that he can genuinely say he's happy after all that's happened, even better that we can evidently see that happiness with our own eyes! You know yuzu means it from the bottom of his heart when he says he's happy when he's actually not being hard on himself or pointing out his mistakes but rather accepting them, like that's huge?? And I know he's not 100% okay health-wise, and there's still the uncertainty of his ankle still lingering, but at least for now, in this moment, seeing yuzuru with that smile on his face means the world. He deserves to be smiling and laughing like this in the company of others, doing the thing he loves most for the sake of just enjoying it! I mean, he's lived all this time thinking about the future, aiming for the future, planning for the future, and it's no wonder that he wants to enjoy this experience in the now and keeps reminding us that he's happy<3

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