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About whether he truly seemed happy or not, I, too, think he looked so happy to be back on the ice, but I think that also threw a lot of people off, because he's usually not like that. Not to that extent. And I guess it hinted at "reasons" as to why he was so happy. But I do think he was genuinely happy. (And that's also part of why I wish he could safely compete in Milan, too, because that happiness would appear there, too.)


I did however get an anxious feeling after his FS. Something didn't seem right and there was a trace of melancholy that, after a while, I realized, subconsciously, I think, reminded me of Boston. Of that teary smile at the end of Requiem. I held my breath throughout the lack of updates from the press conference because I half expected him to announce his retirement then and there. So that was a relief, when he didn't, but the injury wasn't that much of a shock, because of the undertone to his happiness that hinted at a lot of pain prior to it.


He is happy, though. And he doesn't want to retire. So it's actually much better than I feared then. ^_^;

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23 minutes ago, BrightonDogwoods said:

It's impossible to keep up with this forum!! But I wanted to share pics of my celebratory dinner with Pooh on Saturday night as I rewatched the Men's SP and FS over again (because I sure couldn't enjoy it the first time!) Here is a link (I hope the pic shows, not just the link)




*Edit: gee I guess I should post more often, I can't get those images to show up :-(



That's really adorable!! Is that yuzu marmalade?

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39 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

About whether he truly seemed happy or not, I, too, think he looked so happy to be back on the ice, but I think that also threw a lot of people off, because he's usually not like that. Not to that extent. And I guess it hinted at "reasons" as to why he was so happy. But I do think he was genuinely happy. (And that's also part of why I wish he could safely compete in Milan, too, because that happiness would appear there, too.)


I did however get an anxious feeling after his FS. Something didn't seem right and there was a trace of melancholy that, after a while, I realized, subconsciously, I think, reminded me of Boston. Of that teary smile at the end of Requiem. I held my breath throughout the lack of updates from the press conference because I half expected him to announce his retirement then and there. So that was a relief, when he didn't, but the injury wasn't that much of a shock, because of the undertone to his happiness that hinted at a lot of pain prior to it.


He is happy, though. And he doesn't want to retire. So it's actually much better than I feared then. ^_^;


I agree he just seemed genuinely happy to be back on he ice and to be skating at the Olympics. I think we can take those smiles at face value. The reason he gave us at the press conference, that he thought he would never skate at Olys, still stands. And that was really explanation enough for me so I didn’t question that. I was just so happy to see him happy and relaxed at the competition I feared he’d get intense to an unhealthy degree and make it a draining experience for himself 


I wish someone had warned me tho bc the news that he was still injured was a shock to me. Idk why I gave in to believing everything was fine even tho there were more than a few signs and I usually wade on the more pessimistic side just to be sure...

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3 hours ago, Moria Polonius said:


I want a movie about Yuzu. Or better, an HBO tv series. But they won't make it because Yuzu has no love life and there needs to be love story subplot in a tv series. 

Waiting for talented fanyu to cut one from Those weird documentaries 

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3 hours ago, Moria Polonius said:


I want a movie about Yuzu. Or better, an HBO tv series. But they won't make it because Yuzu has no love life and there needs to be love story subplot in a tv series. 


Would be fictional but they could actually make a series with a pinch of romance by adding a one-sided crush from a fan-skater who adores Yuzu and is inspired by him. It wouldn't necessarily change the way he acts, his decisions, and personality as he always gracious to boys and girls. It doesn't end up being reciprocated in the end, but I feel like I've seen plenty of those stories.

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56 minutes ago, Hanmgse said:

That's really adorable!! Is that yuzu marmalade?

It's salmon caviar! I tried to think of the most luxurious things to eat, what a King would want if they lived in the midwest (LOL) so it had to be steak, lobster, caviar and champagne. 

It kinda started with the goal of getting a 'strawberry shortcake' (like what Yuzu would eat, but here we don't call it strawberry shortcake) but alas, strawberries are very out of season so I settled for a coconut cake. :snmouchotto:

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11 minutes ago, GoldMedalist said:

Why are you guys so sure he doesn't have a "love life"? We didn't even know he is eating in restaurants when in Canada :laughing: Who knows what else is he doing there :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:


well we can‘t be sure but... Yuzu doesn’t even go to Javi‘s dinner parties 

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19 minutes ago, GoldMedalist said:

Why are you guys so sure he doesn't have a "love life"? We didn't even know he is eating in restaurants when in Canada :laughing: Who knows what else is he doing there :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:

:laughing: I didn’t think he was a total hermit of staying indoors and training everyday. 


We probably find out he has a gf and planning to get married when he retires :smiley-whacky025: :smiley-scared001:


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