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4 minutes ago, katonice said:

Interrupting a little bit the discussion, but does anyone know what's happening in the video below?

Why did Yuzu bump his head on the table, and it seemed he and Mura had to leave?

Just really curious.




This was during the NHK 2015 press conference. Yuzu gave this really long, involved reply to a question, which took over 5 minutes, and basically the press conference had to end right after, so no one had much of a chance to ask or answer questions, and Yuzu was understandably embarrassed at monopolizing the time. 

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29 minutes ago, surimi said:


But why then would he say he wasn't planning to include 4Lz? I don't think he'd ever intentionally lie. I do think he's practicing these elements, but a lot can happen before next season, and I don't think it would be a bad strategy to have 4Lz-less programs as the primary option, and keep the jump as an alternative if the first plan fails.

From what I understand, his replies to the media concerning 4lz are full of ambiguity. He did not say absolute YES or NO. He said he has no immediate plan yet and it might be true. He has not decided the final layout for next season yet. Maybe at the moment, he is still trying to find a layout that he can do best. 

And I think it is better to let the media down, it is better to avoid the media's constant question the whole June when he is doing ice shows, like: "Are you sure your 4lz is as good as Boyang and Nathan?" or "Are you sure your 4lz will be stable?" etc... it is annoying isn't so? 

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This season, Yuzuru focused intensively on the 4Lo. Furthermore, he added more quads to his program. From his point of view, moving this sport forward is something that he cherishes the most. He loves taking on challenges. Bringing four quads, including the 4Lo, into his layout was a big step forward for him, and he was serious during practice as well. I think he’ll take another new step forward in the next season too!


Tracy's words. I expect a new jump. 4Lz... or 4A?

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I don't know if I'm reading the mood correctly, but I'm feeling some concern on the planet along the lines of "maybe the 4Lz is finally beyond his limits." To me, past history doesn't suggest that. Not at all. Look where he started the season and where he finished it. He can definitely do it.

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1 minute ago, beki said:

I don't know if I'm reading the mood correctly, but I'm feeling some concern on the planet along the lines of "maybe the 4Lz is finally beyond his limits." To me, past history doesn't suggest that. Not at all. Look where he started the season and where he finished it. He can definitely do it.

well judging from Max Ambessi's tweets who is pretty much following all the background stories about Yuzuru, I doubt that 4lz is beyond Yuzuru's limit. 

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59 minutes ago, meoima said:

From what I understand, his replies to the media concerning 4lz are full of ambiguity. He did not say absolute YES or NO. He said he has no immediate plan yet and it might be true. He has not decided the final layout for next season yet. Maybe at the moment, he is still trying to find a layout that he can do best. 

And I think it is better to let the media down, it is better to avoid the media's constant question the whole June when he is doing ice shows, like: "Are you sure your 4lz is as good as Boyang and Nathan?" or "Are you sure your 4lz will be stable?" etc... it is annoying isn't so? 

:iagree:I agree that being ambiguous about your jump layout and plans is a good strategy because it is best not to reveal your plans to your rivals too early and as Meoima said, it's good for keeping the media, especially the Jpn media off his back. Guess I'm getting a bit cynical as I get older, but you can't always tell the transparent truth, and it's not telling a lie of if you skirt around the issue a bit .

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12 minutes ago, beki said:

I don't know if I'm reading the mood correctly, but I'm feeling some concern on the planet along the lines of "maybe the 4Lz is finally beyond his limits." To me, past history doesn't suggest that. Not at all. Look where he started the season and where he finished it. He can definitely do it.


No way is that beyond him. Around Europeans his consistency was around 60%. Even the one at WTT looked good, that edge and we have to keep in mind the context there. So yes, he can definitely do it. 

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3 minutes ago, Ladysci said:

:iagree:I agree that being ambiguous about your jump layout and plans is a good strategy because it is best not to reveal your plans to your rivals too early and as Meoima said, it's good for keeping the media, especially the Jpn media off his back. Guess I'm getting a bit cynical as I get older, but you can't always tell the transparent truth, and it's not telling a lie of if you skirt around the issue a bit .


Not to mention, he has the rights to protect himself from the media. Everyone has those rights to get away from all those stress. He is being followed by the whole society. We do not even tell our co-worker or our friends about our plans even though the plans might just be: "go to the cinema and watch as many movies as I can in one day". Why should he tell the whole world his true plans even when he is not totally sure... just finish the season and not yet back to practice. 

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1 hour ago, xeyra said:


This was during the NHK 2015 press conference. Yuzu gave this really long, involved reply to a question, which took over 5 minutes, and basically the press conference had to end right after, so no one had much of a chance to ask or answer questions, and Yuzu was understandably embarrassed at monopolizing the time. 

He is a living meme

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3 minutes ago, meoima said:

Why should he tell the whole world his true plans even when he is not totally sure... just finish the season and not yet back to practice. 


I always considered this hedging to be a smart tactic for that very reason. It's far better to simply say not at this moment, especially if he doesn't know whether it is going to be doable or not, instead of saying yes I plan to, then if it turns out problematic to have to state a retraction of that to the media. It'd be a letdown and this way, he is protected from it, and possible bad impact to his rep. So yes, this is definitely the best way to behave.

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I dont think 4lz is beyond him either. His 4lo around 2015-16 season didn't has perfect landing. And  after boston he's off ice for a few months and have to re learn his jumps from singles. In September we saw great 4lo with Yuzu-quality landing. I think if he focus on traning 4lz this summer, he can get it. And unlike 4lo, he have plenty footages of 4lz from other skaters (hi, Boyang :coolio:). I think Yuzu will decide his layout depend on the success rate of 4lz. That's why he won't skate his new programs at ice show  

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14 minutes ago, Katt said:

I dont think 4lz is beyond him either. His 4lo around 2015-16 season didn't has perfect landing. And  after boston he's off ice for a few months and have to re learn his jumps from singles. In September we saw great 4lo with Yuzu-quality landing. I think if he focus on traning 4lz this summer, he can get it. And unlike 4lo, he have plenty footages of 4lz from other skaters (hi, Boyang :coolio:). I think Yuzu will decide his layout depend on the success rate of 4lz. That's why he won't skate his new programs at ice show  

Yeah I think he will skate to his old programs (competitive or ex) at FaOI. I see that at FaOI they have a pianist, so maybe we will see Chopin as an ex. 

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4 minutes ago, meoima said:

Yeah I think he will skate to his old programs (competitive or ex) at FaOI. I see that at FaOI they have a pianist, so maybe we will see Chopin as an ex. 


A chopin ex would be the best thing ever :smiley-love017:  But I think he will get another jpop ex, given his passionate lip sync skills :laughing:   

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11 minutes ago, Katt said:


A chopin ex would be the best thing ever :smiley-love017:  But I think he will get another jpop ex, given his passionate lip sync skills :laughing:   

His Change ex is one of the best things I've seen, mediocre hydroblade and all.

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