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40 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


:hachimaki::hachimaki: Double detention.



33 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

I wondered the same ... OMFG, Yuzu !!! Everybody is whining abt the cold and look at Yuzu wearing his jacket like is spring or something ... wth

And maybe Pyeongchang IS Spring compared to Toronto? Didn't they say it's been super cold there this winter?

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27 minutes ago, Sammie said:

So close! His face look so fresh and nice  :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:Was he thinking while looking up or found something more interesting up there then the questions..  :laughing:



Actually this was the moment when Matsuoka(?) asked him about his injuries and I think he was teary eyed :64341262:

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Once again the media focus on Nathan Chen, some remember Shoma Uno, some Fernandez, but they leave Boyang Jin out.  It interests me how his win at 4CC and his bronze at WC are so easily discarded because they don't fit the narrative that the mainly US media is trying (and I'm sure succeeding in the US) to put across.  :shrug:

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39 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

Once again the media focus on Nathan Chen, some remember Shoma Uno, some Fernandez, but they leave Boyang Jin out.  It interests me how his win at 4CC and his bronze at WC are so easily discarded because they don't fit the narrative that the mainly US media is trying (and I'm sure succeeding in the US) to put across.  :shrug:

I feel like this may get nasty if Nathan doesn't medal. People already are labeling Patrick a villain with his quads winning over Adam.

This olys, the guys with experience seem to be handling the pressure better than expected. Patrick got his gold, and now he can contentedly focus on his individual event-for all we know he might go fully clean there. Yuzu has always handled media well-he seems to be more concentrated on his happiness and taking the media pressure as a compliment (a feat in itself). Boyang has next to none since he's non-existant in international media, and Shoma outright ignores media. Nate seems to be getting a concentrated dosage of it- this isn't good for the sport in USA.

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40 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

Once again the media focus on Nathan Chen, some remember Shoma Uno, some Fernandez, but they leave Boyang Jin out.  It interests me how his win at 4CC and his bronze at WC are so easily discarded because they don't fit the narrative that the mainly US media is trying (and I'm sure succeeding in the US) to put across.  :shrug:


I feel like the media attention on Shoma and Javi is lacking tbh... like they are underestimating the serious threat to medal places that they pose... Shoma is quite capable of placing above Nathan... Javi definitely if he goes clean. Boyang's presence in the media is like??. He's put so much effort into improving his PCs while maintaining his technical abiltiy, so how come they don't notice that?? .. Oh well this is the same vibe before 2017 Helsinki :) 

Overall I don't think the OGM is as black and white as Nathan vs Yuzu that the media is portraying... personally I was thinking more Shoma vs Javi vs Yuzu LOL but yeah... 

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 UK media is odd - not much coverage but what there is goes against what one might logically expect.  As @Fay pointed out a few days ago the 'quality' newspaper the Guardian is all out for Nathan Chen, might as well hand over the medal now, quick reference to Yuzuru, and it's a two horse race.  The dreadful tabloid rag that my mother reads, the Daily Mail, today covers yesterday's practice and press conference in a reasonable, sensible fashion and mentions Uno,Fernandez, Chen and Jin.  I noticed the same thing over the GP.  Weird....

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6 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

 UK media is odd - not much coverage but what there is goes against what one might logically expect.  As @Fay pointed out a few days ago the 'quality' newspaper the Guardian is all out for Nathan Chen, might as well hand over the medal now, quick reference to Yuzuru, and it's a two horse race.  The dreadful tabloid rag that my mother reads, the Daily Mail, today covers yesterday's practice and press conference in a reasonable, sensible fashion and mentions Uno,Fernandez, Chen and Jin.  I noticed the same thing over the GP.  Weird....

Are any owned by NBC or comcast or warner bros or universal?

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2 minutes ago, Xen said:

Are any owned by NBC or comcast or warner bros or universal?

Nope - UK owned - the Guardian is lazily parroting what it has picked up from US media, and astonishingly the Mail seems to be doing some proper sports journalism - I'm gobsmacked.

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