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Nice to see a new pic. He is certainly taking advantage of the privacy and security that TCC gives him, isn't he. Full on ninja mode and no media intrusion whatsoever. Well, it will all end shortly so he is storing up his energy before the onslaught that will greet him upon airport arrival in PC. 

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5 minutes ago, GreatLakesGal said:


Impossible to know. My concern is that there have been no updates on his condition, not even very general ones like "his training is going well." 

Weren't we actually going 'It's another form of PR, nowhis main opponents do not know what to ecxpect from him, we're only the unavoidable casualities' just few (hundred) pages ago? Lol, we've come a full circle(s) :biggrin:

2 hours ago, teeannroo said:

Do you guys think he has a chance of being in good form for the Olympics? Isn’t it like 2 weeks away?

I love your rank Considering it's a guy who prompted his fans to joke like this:


I would say that as long as he is confident and has his team by himself he can conquer the world, tbh.


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i'm glad yuzu shows his face lol also i honestly expect him to drop down in world ranking today but weirdly the universe made it that he's still no 1??? :laughing: amazing

tbh i dont really care for world ranking that much since i dont think olympics sp starting order is going according to world standing? (even if it is, the goal is to skate in the last group) but i saw some ppl are a bit confused on how the points get totaled, so... only best 2 points from the column ISU World Championship/Olympics, best 4 points from the column Grand Prix, and best 4 points from challengers are counted. shoma's points is now 4797. and boyang's rank also stays pretty much the same, still below nathan. here http://soyouwanttowatchfs.tumblr.com/post/157184562220/hello-i-was-trying-to-understand-the-world

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14 時間前, sweetwaterさんが言いました:


Sorry it's very long:bow:


I can agree with you on how to interpret the original question and how Iron Klaus translated it in his/her tweet. However, the reason why I posted my own translation of the original question was to make it clear that no one actually stated that Yuzu was inferior to Nathan or Tatsuki in that question as a fact. My stress was on the bolded part. 


I don’t know if the person who asked the question was Iron Klaus himself/herself, but I don’t think the person is thinking Yuzu is inferior to Nathan or Tatsuki. Midori Terada is known for liking Yuzu (she often praises Yuzu in her tweets and was very sympathetic toward him when he injured himself at NHK. Her tweet after NHK was shared and liked by many fans), so I think the person asked the question knew that she would not criticize Yuzu just because he hasn’t learned ballet. So if I would revise my translation listening to your opinion as a native English speaker, I would alter “do you feel there's anything you miss in him” into “do you feel anything is lacking in him”, but I wouldn’t rephrase it into something like “do you think he is inferior to Nathan and Tatsuki” because if the person wanted to be direct and use the negative word, he/she could have done it. Also, the person is using Nathan and Tatsuki just as examples. He/She is not asking for a direct comparison.


What I meant in my second post was that when sharing information which includes something negative (like bad news regarding injury, harsh criticism from someone, etc.), it's better to be careful, because otherwise, the information could cause unneeded trouble. This is what I'm saying to myself too.


About balletic Nathan vs. Yuzu, I probably feel quite different from some fans in the US, because, in Japan, Nathan is being introduced mainly as a strong contender equipped with various types of quads. For me, that Nathan has learned ballet is just a fact. It doesn’t affect how I see his performance. Yuzu’s lack of experience in ballet doesn’t affect how I see his performance either.


By the way, Tetsuya Kumakawa also made a favorable comment on Yuzu in the past.
Translation of Yuzu-related part by yuzusorbet
I don’t quite understand what he means in the part he talks about “plié”, but I always find it’s intriguing (especially the part about the awareness).


I see. I didn't get all that from your initial post. I can agree with you on that and everything else you said. But I think that's the way IK translates, though. 

They tend to skew it towards their own bias, even the things that are non-subjective, so something that is initially objective often ends up colored in their opinion. This, in itself, is a  mistranslation, I feel, even if the words were accurate...or  not wholly inaccurate*, at least. In which case, I guess everyone who was miffed at it was right to be after all and we've come a full circle. >_<


*I do think that using the word "inferior", although technically not wrong, exacerbated the mistake of phrasing the question as a statement, since it's lacking in sensitivity. It's not wrong technically but nuance-wise, it could be labelled a misinterpretation because that may not be the nuance along which the person is thinking. Especially since it was phrased as a question. An unfortunate choice of word, so to speak. So you're right, being careful would be prudent, especially when you are relaying information.


I feel Chen is more the jazzy sort with some balletic influence, rather than the true-blue balletic sort. The guy has his own unique brand of musicality that's very pleasant to watch with the right song and choreography and minus the burden of quads (and 3A). Doesn't change the fact that he kind of doesn't have the capacity to still maintain that and land his quads clean because getting there takes time and a prideful perfectionist kind of mindset which I don't get the impression he has. Because if he did, he wouldn't be as noncommittal to his programs, especially his FS, as he seems to be now.

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On 25.1.2018 at 11:00 PM, liv said:

I said this before when talking about people taking ballet lessons and whether that makes a difference: taking ballet lessons does not automatically mean you move better, it just means you took ballet lessons...


On 25.1.2018 at 11:23 PM, Danibellerika said:

When Yuzuru is capable of positions like the pic below, I don't see why he needs to waste his time on ballet.  He's got great posture and lines and expressiveness even through his fingertips. And since when is ballet a PCS requirement? You know what is? Skating skills, and you know who excels at it? He does.  You know who doesn't as well? Nate. 



And that's the tea on that :drinkcoffee:

On 26.1.2018 at 5:19 AM, Hydroblade said:


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We're working on the Oly theme already :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: i hope you guys like it, it's almost ready:13877886:



On 26.1.2018 at 5:20 AM, SparkleSalad said:


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We'll love it but none of us are anywhere near almost ready. 


I'm not ready to say goodbye to the new year theme :sadPooh:


On 26.1.2018 at 9:40 AM, kaeryth said:


Well... correct me if I'm wrong but I think they haven't been in the same ice shows since FaOI 2014 .

There was this pic from Miki's instagram as well with the caption “Me and Daisuke kiss to Yuzuru.” :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:





New Yuzumoticon?  :pouty:

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1 hour ago, Murieleirum said:

I really hope he didn't lose those 4 kgs he spent years to gain, in these 3 months :facepalm:


Not if he was eating meat like a madman for muscle growth, a la what was said after he withdrew from NHK. :laughing:

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2 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Not if he was eating meat like a madman for muscle growth, a la what was said after he withdrew from NHK. :laughing:


Mmh, depending on how much he trained off-ice while his ankle was recovering... still, it's pretty hard to train intensely with a sprained ankle. I bet you can't just like completely change your training routine. I doubt Yuzuru started weightlifting, because that requires a completely different set of motions and bodybuild and so on. And off-ice high intensity training + skating, even done only 2 hours a day (although I doubt he trains that little before and during competitions), it's hard to continue burning that much amount of calories if you have an injured ankle (the problem being that your body, even if you stop training, for a while continues to burn the same amount of energy, it's the athlete's metabolism). So, I do believe he might have lost some weight last month. But if it wasn't much, he might have worked all through January to gain it back. 

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22 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Mmh, depending on how much he trained off-ice while his ankle was recovering... still, it's pretty hard to train intensely with a sprained ankle. I bet you can't just like completely change your training routine. I doubt Yuzuru started weightlifting, because that requires a completely different set of motions and bodybuild and so on. And off-ice high intensity training + skating, even done only 2 hours a day (although I doubt he trains that little before and during competitions), it's hard to continue burning that much amount of calories if you have an injured ankle (the problem being that your body, even if you stop training, for a while continues to burn the same amount of energy, it's the athlete's metabolism). So, I do believe he might have lost some weight last month. But if it wasn't much, he might have worked all through January to gain it back. 


What he lost in muscle he might have gained in fat for being a 'lazy' ass, then. :laughing:


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So, I have to ask since I also listened to a Shae-Lynn’s interview with PJ Kwong... Is it that uncommon for skaters when working with choreographers to actually try the choreography out with jumps? I would think it’s a smart and normal thing to do but Shae-Lynn makes it sound uncommon. I think Jeff has also talked about Yuzu trying choreography out with the jumps as well. 

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