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11 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

I'm sorry for dragging personal issues here but my grandpa is very sick, he's in the hospital and I'm literally shaking because I'm nervous and worried. Please spam me with happy Yuzu before I throw up. I come here because Yuzu makes me smile, and I really need to calm down


I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa ): sending you good thoughts!! i hope this helps and that your grandpa feels better soon!





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31 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

I'm sorry for dragging personal issues here but my grandpa is very sick, he's in the hospital and I'm literally shaking because I'm nervous and worried. Please spam me with happy Yuzu before I throw up. I come here because Yuzu makes me smile, and I really need to calm down


That's terrible to hear :(( All the best wishes to him and your family, I hope you all make it through soundly.

I'm not sure if this helps or not (I'm an idiot in these things) but I just saw this Reaction on Youtube, wonder if you guys have ever seen it. It's so funny and adorable >O< I don't think I'm so cute when I watched that XD



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28 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Thank you, I feel selfish for coming here for this but if I keep reading your comments I can take my mind off the situation... I'm terribly tired but I can't stop shaking and I can't sleep...


I hope Yuzu can lift my soul

He does have a way of doing that. Don't worry, you're doing just fine.


I was watching his R+J1, and then watched H&L, and boy, how much he has grown! The noodly bb has become much sturdier.

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3 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

I really want to read this but just the title, it translates to " the story of a life 'bowstring hard linking onions' ".... :smiley-laughing021:

I'll just wait for full translations then

Believe me, it’s got nothing new - just the facts we all know. Among other things, it contains bits of my own translation of the NYT articles into Russian. The pictures are quite fun, though. 

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