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30 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

There’s no English version on the website .:dpooh:how do I do it? Thank you 



Go here to register.


I think you might be able to just make an account by logging in with a Facebook account but I haven't tried.


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お子様はいらっしゃいますか?:* Do you have any children 

 はい  Yes いいえ No


The next questions don't matter, it's just market research and you don't have to answer them.


Then click on the pink button. :)


If you need help to type your name let me know!



You'll likely receive an e-mail with an account confirmation link so click to confirm. After that, return to the Yuzu support message page and down the bottom, above the comments will be a message box. Pick a username and type your message and you're done!



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5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:
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Go here to register.


I think you might be able to just make an account by logging in with a Facebook account but I haven't tried.


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姓 (全角漢字・カナ・かな)* Surname in kanji, katagana, or hiragana

名 (全角漢字・カナ・かな)*First name in kanji etc etc

セイ(全角カタカナ)* Surname in katakana

メイ(全角カタカナ)* First name in katakana

生年月日:* birthday


郵便番号 (半角数字):* zip code (just use any Japanese zip code)


メールアドレス* e-mail

新しいパスワード* password

新しいパスワード(確認)* confirm password


お子様はいらっしゃいますか?:* Do you have any children 

 はい  Yes いいえ No


The next questions don't matter, it's just market research and you don't have to answer them.


Then click on the pink button. :)


If you need help to type your name let me know!



You'll likely receive an e-mail with an account confirmation link so click to confirm. After that, return to the Yuzu support message page and down the bottom, above the comments will be a message box. Pick a username and type your message and you're done!



Thank you so much !:thanks:

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Thanks to info from ShiroKJ on GS, they said that a korean article listed the income of Yuzu and other athletes and they said he makes over $2 million a year but that he limits his contracts.  Probably better so he doesn't lose his mind with a bunch of commitments and can actually train. Here is a link to the article unless you guys have seen and I completely missed it which is totally possible. :



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17 minutes ago, MrPudding said:




"The projections are based purely on results, so this is just a reflection of the improvement made by Japanese competitors since Sochi. Performances at world championships and world cups have been impressive enough from Japan to justify this leap," said Simon Gleave, Gracenote's head of analysis. 

A welcome forecast for Hanyu fans, the long-time Olympic watchers penciled Japan's glamour boy in as the men's figure skating gold medalist, despite his currently uncertain health status.

"Our projections only look at results and we don't include an adjustment for injury as those subjective assessments tend to make the accuracy of our forecasts lower," said Gleave. "Having said that, we will have to see if Hanyu is back to his best in Pyeongchang. If not, he will struggle to meet our expectations."

Japan will also take the figure skating team gold medal, Gleave says, with the country's ice armada of Shoma Uno and Satoko Miyahara and others providing backup to Hanyu. Uno is also predicted to take the men's bronze, and Miyahara the women's silver.

Hmmm... I have to say at this point nothing will surprise me anymore. This season had proved me wrong so many times that I don't know what to expect anymore. (But I just don't think JPN is going to medal, much less get gold in the team event?)

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7 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:
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Go here to register.


I think you might be able to just make an account by logging in with a Facebook account but I haven't tried.


男性 Male  女性 Female

姓 (全角漢字・カナ・かな)* Surname in kanji, katagana, or hiragana

名 (全角漢字・カナ・かな)*First name in kanji etc etc

セイ(全角カタカナ)* Surname in katakana

メイ(全角カタカナ)* First name in katakana

生年月日:* birthday


郵便番号 (半角数字):* zip code (just use any Japanese zip code)


メールアドレス* e-mail

新しいパスワード* password

新しいパスワード(確認)* confirm password


お子様はいらっしゃいますか?:* Do you have any children 

 はい  Yes いいえ No


The next questions don't matter, it's just market research and you don't have to answer them.


Then click on the pink button. :)


If you need help to type your name let me know!



You'll likely receive an e-mail with an account confirmation link so click to confirm. After that, return to the Yuzu support message page and down the bottom, above the comments will be a message box. Pick a username and type your message and you're done!



from my confirmation email I'm suddenly at my profile page and I don't know where his support message page is. Could you link it here ?

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