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6 hours ago, ruruzest said:

 I agreed with your point about his saying “ Finally I worked hard “, struggling because he was out of breath after the performance but definitely meaning his work paid off. He was aware surely that he just had the first clean skate of the season so he was proud that his work did reflected greatly here. I remember when someone asked him (on another occasion) if he practiced and he was indignant at the question and said he did. 

I still think he mentioning 10 points referred to his own WR. He was elated  about his clean skate ; would he feel Kuyashii about his SP skate or judging ? I don’t think so . :knc_yuzu2:

Did they? The only time I remember that happened was after his EX at 4CC I think, when he was bemoaning the fact that it had been awful, and the cameraman suggested not enough practice of his EX and he was like ‘I PRACTICED PROPERLY’ in this high, indignant voice :xD:

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5 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Did they? The only time I remember that happened was after his EX at 4CC I think, when he was bemoaning the fact that it had been awful, and the cameraman suggested not enough practice of his EX and he was like ‘I PRACTICED PROPERLY’ in this high, indignant voice :xD:

His face was gold

source: sorry i don't remember, it's from my gDrive collection lmao

It looks even funnier with "Yuzuru Hanyu RANK 2" and the subtitle "練習してきていたんですよ" :rofl:


ETA: He's a real swan!


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27 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

His face was gold

source: sorry i don't remember, it's from my gDrive collection lmao

It looks even funnier with "Yuzuru Hanyu RANK 2" and the subtitle "練習してきていたんですよ" :rofl:


ETA: He's a real swan!


:smiley-laughing021: Only himself, Brian and maybe Tracy can say he needs more practice. Nobody else or :t2:

Is there a video of this moment? 

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38 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Did they? The only time I remember that happened was after his EX at 4CC I think, when he was bemoaning the fact that it had been awful, and the cameraman suggested not enough practice of his EX and he was like ‘I PRACTICED PROPERLY’ in this high, indignant voice :xD:

That was the one occasion I mentioned ! Please forgive me for not remembering the time and the phrases accurately :facepalm:

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Thinking out of the box here.  Could the 10 points Yuzu is talking about be the approximate points he was behind after the SP?  Might he have been thinking how those ten points in arrears that he was then might have enabled him to set a new combined record or whatever?  On the other hand, if that were the case I can see how his thinking there might have been erroneous because more than one commentator, remarking on Yuzu's stellar FS performance said that it was because he was behind that he was motivated to do the skate he did.  I can't really say but I remember GPF 2014 in his free skate, indeed in his entire performance there but particularly the FS, where I think he was trying to salvage a season that had gone incredibly bad after his fourth place at the NHK.  I still think his FS at GPF 2014 was his most intensely driven performance ever.  He fell once but that was a mere blip on a performance that was simply inspired, at least as I see it.  If not for that fall he would have set a new FS record, this a year before he actually did at NHK 2015.  Looking at that and then at WC this year, where again he was attempting to salvage something, I think it can be said that a Yuzu WELL behind is like a cornered wild animal.  He attacks.  And he wins.

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10 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

Now to keep it Yuzu related, i've seen him drink that weird colored drink (it was aminovital? i don't remember) and there was a backstage video where he was saying with a sliiiiight Miyagi accent (and he sounded so manly too lol) something like "i have to drink this bad tasting stuff" or something like that. Then i saw a recent video where he's taking a sip of the drink and he makes a >m< face. It seems he still hasn't gotten used to the flavour haahaha poor bb

Omgosh do you have a link to the video? I NEED to hear Yuzu speaking in his hometown accent :10636614:


I wonder if he speaks Miyagi dialect at home... :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

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21 時間前, Aotoshiroさんが言いました:

Isn't that basically "don't let him waste/don't let his talent go to waste"? And spoken in quite a friendly way too, so she definitely knew him-I think he was her teacher somewhere along the way (lol, yes, as if that wasn't obvious with her titling him a sensei).



Yes, you are totally right.  In the relationship chart of Japanese skaters and coaches, it is said that Mr. Tsuzuki coached Ms. Yamada, and she asked Mr. Tsuzuki to coach Yuzuru.  Her words are very short, so the translation is naturally short and direct, but I think the meaning behind them is exactly what you say.




The following are introducing the article of NUMBER.




In the article the blogger retyped, 










Yamada entrusted Hanyu to her former coach's care.


When Hanyu was 8 years old, Yamada left Sendai rink and moved to Sapporo, which is the base location for her working as a coach now.  At that time, she decided to ask Shoichiro Tsuzuki who coached her directly at her college years as her successor to coach Hanyu.

"At that time, he was in Matsudo (Chiba Prefecture), but I asked him to come to Sendai." (Matsudo rink was closed around that time.)


Tsuzuki is a highly regarded coach who taught Minoru Sano, World bronze medalist, and other (good) skaters.  Yamada conveyed her thoughts about Hanyu like this because she knew the severity of his coaching by her direct experience.

"He is only eight years old, but he could be an amazing skater.  With severity, but please never ever ruin him."



Yuzuru and Tsuzuki Sensei  :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:





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30 minutes ago, SuzyQ said:


Yes, you are totally right.  In the relationship chart of Japanese skaters and coaches, it is said that Mr. Tsuzuki coached Ms. Yamada, and she asked Mr. Tsuzuki to coach Yuzuru.  Her words are very short, so the translation naturally short and direct, but I think the meaning behind them are exactly what you say.




The following are introducing the article of NUMBER.




In the article the blogger retyped, 










Yamada entrusted Hanyu to her former coach's care.


When Hanyu was 8 years old, Yamada left Sendai rink and moved to Sapporo, which is the base location for her working as a coach now.  At that time, she decided to ask Shoichiro Tsuzuki who coached her directly at her college years as her successor to coach Yuzuru.

"At that time, he was in Matsudo (Chiba Prefecture), but I asked him to come to Sendai. (Matsudo rink was closed around that time.)


Tsuzuki is a highly regarded coach who taught Minoru Sano, World bronze medalist, and other (good) skaters.  Yamada conveyed her thoughts about Hanyu like this because she knew the severity of his coaching by her direct experience.

"He is only eight years old, but he could be an amazing skater.  With severity, but please never ever ruin him."



Yuzuru and Tsuzuki Sensei  :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:





Send loves: To the people that was with him for him to be who he is today :BeatingHeart:

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