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30 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

honestly i think all jeans would be skinny jeans on him. his thighs look like they're about to burst; it must be hard to find pants that fit both his waist and his thighs, even with a belt.... :P 

but instead of finding a tailor, he goes for ill fitting suits or trackpants :facepalm:


I like high waisted skinny jeans, they make my short legs and long torso look better :slinkaway:

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5 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

[hides her 6 years of uni]

shh engineering is hard ok? :slinkaway: Good thing i decided to follow him on my last semester where i didn't really have class but only had to prepare myself for a test that wasn't that important :P i would have done terribly at uni if i had ignored my gut feeling and followed him closely since sochi...

I'm on my 5th year of uni now too :slinkaway: but I'm also studying engineering so... everything is OK? *laughs in anguish*


1 hour ago, kamotejojo said:


These appeared just a few minutes ago, but I don't know if they're new. :happy:

this is new yes! and Thank God he discarded the blue cardigan here I hate it :laughing: in case y'all forgot the blue cardigan:




article for the new yuzu days here ! (ETA: he talks about his thoughts toward skating this time)


and good news! P&G will start a new project next time (next release of yuzu days, I assume?) To support Yuzu in Pyeongchang! :smiley-happy085: it's called YUZUエール or Yuzu yell in english I think. Recruitment for the project opens at 25th December! (Just in time for Christmas! :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg: ) think we'll be able to send our support messages or some sorts to him with this project! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: hopefully us foreigners can participate too! 



from the new Yuzu Days article! 

次回は、2018年の平昌冬季オリンピックに向かう羽生選手に向けて応援メッセージを送ることができる「YUZUエール」企画を実施します! 応援募集開始は12月25日予定。どうぞお楽しみに!

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24 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


This was a gem and I love this interview dearly but he also didn't answer the question :tumblr_inline_mzx8t825tZ1r8msi5:



3 minutes ago, freeyafanfan said:


I'm on my 5th year of uni now too :slinkaway: but I'm also studying engineering so... everything is OK? *laughs in anguish*


this is new yes! and Thank God he discarded the blue cardigan here I hate it :laughing: in case y'all forgot the blue cardigan:

  Reveal hidden contents

article for the new yuzu days here !


and good news! P&G will start a new project next time (next release of yuzu days, I assume?) To support Yuzu in Pyeongchang! :smiley-happy085: it's called YUZUエール or Yuzu yell in english I think. Recruitment for the project opens at 25th December! (Just in time for Christmas! :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg: ) think we'll be able to send our support messages or some sorts to him with this project! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: hopefully us foreigners can participate too! 

Yes,t hat is completely normal, don't worry!

And i will do voodo to get in there even if they don't want foreigners :angrypooh:

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13 hours ago, kiches said:


Actually not all competitions have a day between the SP and FS so he’s experienced no gap before. I think it actually happens quite often in the Grand Prix for one or two disciplines, and Autumn Classic was also back to back. 2016 Skate Canada was also back to back, and I believe Rostelecom also had the men’s SP and FS on consecutive days.   Of course the media and press conferences are probably much shorter, but the Olympics are in the morning so I’m curious what type of practice schedule they’ll have. 

NHK 2015 where he got his 322 was on back to back days, so he can do it. 

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Map update: Saving+retrieving messages work now :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: i'm having a bit of trouble displaying the Poohs from the saved messages tho.

Do you guys want me to release it as soon as that's solved or do you want to wait until i do the clustering+scaling of images?

I'm also thinking about adding a heatmap, it might help us see where in the world is the highest concentration of satellites lol

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3 hours ago, katonice said:

I think he can float at least :laughing:

Pooh has lots of fats so he'll float well.:dancingpooh:


1 hour ago, WinForPooh said:

We've reached skinny jeans times? My nemesis! NEVER! I shall rebel against trends and wear culottes.

Are we reaching the times of torn jeans soon? An abomination!


1 hour ago, kaeryth said:


This was a gem and I love this interview dearly but he also didn't answer the question :tumblr_inline_mzx8t825tZ1r8msi5:


It's always so adorable!:embSwan: Although I wish he has answered that question...


Makes me wonder how his conversations with Brian go...

:knc_brian2:: Yuzu, that was a great practice session! Let's discuss your programmes for next season. What music do you want to skate to?


:idk:: Hmm...I skating...um I will work hard and try more quad Axel. I will do my best next season, happy because lots of people, in internet, in tv, are CRAZY about me.


:knc_brian3:: ...

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9 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


O_O I thought you were much younger! Haha, I hope I didn't come across as too condescending! :embSwan: 


And there's that adorable photo of tiny Boyang with Yuzu


Haha Mission accomplished then! I'm happy if I seem younger lol And no worries, you didn't. :snpeace: (I remember I had a classmate in Japanese class once who was like 10 years younger and she'd heard how old I am in one of those "Introduce yourself" things and she kept talking to me in our version of keigo and that was SO WEIRD I had to tell her to stop lol


And that picture is so adorable! I also saw somewhere Boyang has a thing for earphones, too. I wonder if they ever talked about that... (imagine Yuzu, eyes wide, seeing he has a chance to talk about his great passion in English, but not having the vocabulary for it... or maybe he does... lol)


6 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

To keep this Yuzu-related, i seem to recall that once he had to repair either his PSP or change the drive of some computer and he was the only one who knew how to do it?(maybe both, i don't remember well) My geek self salivated over that :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

I would love to hear more about this! I love people who can do more than one thing... I've no technical experience, but my father is an engineer and I've watched him fix things a lot growing up. I also have a tendency to want to take things that don't work apart... hoping the problem is just wiring lol I don't really have the skills to identify other problems, unless they're glaringly obvious. It's kind of stupid, but I take pride in being able to put them back together without worsening the issues :P (except computer mice... somehow, I never manage those...) So I'd love to read about Yuzu doing it and I'm curious just how much tech knowledge he has... his classes seem more software than hardware geared... (And I'm amused he could fix PJ's phone when he reportedly doesn't have one, so technically, he shouldn't know much about them lol)

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12 minutes ago, Danibellerika said:

Not sure if this has been posted, but Jason Brown has a message for Japanese fans and he also has a message for Yuzu. 



He's the sweetest.  But I chucked when he called himself "Jason-san" :laughing::laughing:.  I think he's so kind that nobody has to heart to correct him.

Same as no one having the heart to point out the Yuzuru spelling lol (I wonder if he'll look at the interview in Japanese and see it himself and wonder why...)


But maybe it's just me, but I think his pronunciation isn't bad... his American accent doesn't seem too obvious (and he prounced suki properly!). He's super sweet, though! I hope Yuzu sees this and starts talking to him in Japanese at competitions to give him a chance to practice more! (well, if he doesn't already lol)

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