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14 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Eeeeh? Are you saying you might feel intimidated by the Swan?? Really?? :peekapooh:



It's one thing to see him onscreen so smol and cute, and wanting to wrap him up in cotton wool and put him in my pocket.


It's another to learn if I actually approach him that he would tower over me. I actually think I'd be shocked at the reality and then yes intimidated (also because of his aura :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg: and beauty).



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45 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


5'1'' is NOT high at all xD It's like 155 cm. So I've never had the 'downwards' difference problem. There's no downward from here :laughing:



I like Spanish accent but I hate Italian accent. No idea why LOL but the way Javi says 'Yuzu' does things to me. (Also, the way Yuzuru says 'Javi' is adorable... okay I'll stop)

Whaaaat? Misha? But Misha's face is so puffy and rainbowy! He doesn't inspire half dirty things to me! :rofl:

Misha looks a lot like my ex, actually 😂 But Yuzuru... I dreamed of someone like him since i was a kid haha. I didn't think it would be humanly possible to see a human who looked like that, especially the smile...

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4 hours ago, MrPudding said:



Guys this video is the song made for yuzu when he was chosen to go to Sochi with translation. Since the owner doesn't want the video to be re-uploaded, I just displayed the link. I just think that this should get supports from our planet :smiley-love017:


The original MV if anyone's interested. (you can kinda spot Saya Hanyu at 0:49)




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Decided to look at final pages of the thread with which I will not be able to catch up to like...ever, and all I get is guys talk :laughing:

1 час назад, Danibellerika сказал:

LOL that reminds me I need to upload my ACI photo with him.  He's a cutie for sure and a bit more my "type". Yuzu is still generally in a platonic place for me. I also don't really think of Javi as all that manly. I'd consider him a pretty boy. I guess when I think of that term I think of someone more rugged.  Also, we'll have a height reference too so we can maybe figure out Yuzu's true height by proxy :laughing:.  


Javi is sweet and nice but not my type... Stephane on the other hand... Stephane in a suit :10636614: This time I also finally took a photo with Alex - he's really nice :tumblr_inline_mzx8xsVPrg1r8msi5:

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