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19 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Probably because he usually does ACI which is close to the Japan Open and more convenient for him not to have to fly to Japan. Plus the JO is FS-only so he won't get a chance to practice the SP, and it doesn't give ranking points (not sure if he cares much about those anyway).

Maybe they don't invite him because it's basically a cheesefest and they may not pay him enough either. 


Okay random question to tack on, I think JO have invited skaters not connected to IMG or the sponsors (which was another argument used) - have Yuzu ever participated in Japan Open before even before he became big though? Idc if he attends the event or not, but I just like to think he was at least considered before.


Btw I saw some old Yuzu vids of him participating in this other cheesefest event when they divided Team Japan into blue and red teams and competed against each other, Japan Super Challenge (or something close to that). I wish they would bring it back unless it is already ongoing and I just don't know about it. Cheesefest or not, it seemed like a fun promo event which allowed the skaters to meet fans and be a team (outside WTT).

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24 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Probably because he usually does ACI which is close to the Japan Open and more convenient for him not to have to fly to Japan. Plus the JO is FS-only so he won't get a chance to practice the SP, and it doesn't give ranking points (not sure if he cares much about those anyway).

Maybe they don't invite him because it's basically a cheesefest and they may not pay him enough either. 


Japan Open is by invitation, I think it's put together by the JSF but it's invitational. It's not an ISU competition so you don't really gain anything from it competitively other than experience and probably a nice check. I think Japan Open is also linked with IMG, so a lot of skaters who are represented by IMG tend to get invited.

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12 minutes ago, kiches said:


Japan Open is by invitation, I think it's put together by the JSF but it's invitational. It's not an ISU competition so you don't really gain anything from it competitively other than experience and probably a nice check. I think Japan Open is also linked with IMG, so a lot of skaters who are represented by IMG tend to get invited.

Yeah it sounds kinda similar to Team Challenge Cup, which was done by invitations and...fan voting? Yuzu was injured back then but I don't think he would've voluntarily done it. I don't think they pay nearly enough for him (although it may be a nice amount for other skaters). I don't think he would participate in WTT either except for the fact that he's kind of forced to.

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5 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Yeah it sounds kinda similar to Team Challenge Cup, which was done by invitations and...fan voting? Yuzu was injured back then but I don't think he would've voluntarily done it. I don't think they pay nearly enough for him (although it may be a nice amount for other skaters). I don't think he would participate in WTT either except for the fact that he's kind of forced to.

Sometimes I wonder how much he gets paid. Even though it's none of my business 😳. When I learned that he donated his Olympic winnings ...That just concreted my love for him. :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

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4 minutes ago, Sammie said:

Sometimes I wonder how much he gets paid. Even though it's none of my business 😳. When I learned that he donated his Olympic winnings ...That just concreted my love for him. :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

I don't know either but most of his expenses while he's still skating is paid for (by ANA <3) so he doesn't *need* money and only focuses on training to win. So fewer competitions, especially at the end of a hard season = less chance of injury :)


Whereas other skaters like Javi clearly do things (i.e. skating in the WTT gala, which had a pretty good paycheck for skating one program) at least partially for the $$ because they don't get the same amount of support, sadly. 

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It was fun to see skaters peak at WTT who hadn't gotten to those levels earlier... Wakaba, Mai, Kolyada, Weaver/Poje, James/Cipres. But for those who had peaked already, it was inevitably going to show a downward slide. I kind of feel sad that it was the final nail in the coffin for LGC. But it was cool to see even more of Yuzu's YOLO potential.

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7 minutes ago, beki said:

But for those who had peaked already, it was inevitably going to show a downward slide. I kind of feel sad that it was the final nail in the coffin for LGC. But it was cool to see even more of Yuzu's YOLO potential.


You mean, except Evgenia who made the ultimate World records there, right? :laughing:


I actually don't think LGC should be considered dead... I think it will make a comeback sooner than we expect... :devilYuzu:

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4 minutes ago, beki said:

That is funny that I forgot her... I guess I'm addicted to the ups and downs we get from Yuzu. Ironically her consistency makes her less memorable for me.


But really the most fun thing she did was her exhibition there!


Should the judges start giving her GOE points when she falls, because she hits the 'creative exit' bullet? Creative for her, that is :biggrin:

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It would make her performances more exciting..... guess I crave excitement in the ladies field and her consistency has become boring to me. It is Great for her, but I hate to say she now is sometimes a bathroom break for me because she always skates exactly the same. Please let this year be more exciting... in any way!! 


This spring is probably that fluff competition again... right? It was held in Seattle and Yuzu was hurt and could not go.... are they holding it again? Originally I heard every 2 years.... do we know anything about it?

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On 9/28/2017 at 7:43 PM, Mastyaeva said:

I honestly believed that I ended with the FS forever when Stéphane Lambiel r***. And then Yuzu appeared (this is a very personal comparison, because Stéphane has never been so perfect (his triple Axel costed me thousands of nerve cells)). I don't believe, in the near future there will be someone more brilliant than Yuzu. The very formulation of the question is incorrect. Perhaps we will have to wait 30 years or more. And when at last someone will appear, we won't be able to compare, because this will be a matter not of the degree (of the talent?), but of the very essence of skating. It will already be a completely different figure skating and there will be other requirements for the perfect figure skater.

Speaking in human language, hold on, we will survive and will still admire someone's skating. Just differently.

But you're right, I will also miss Yuzu forever.

That's how I felt about Sasha and Plushenko. There is still no lady I feel the same about since she retired.  And then watching Osmond essentially copying her Swan Lake (both versions - with Dick Button Commentary ~_^) last weekend only makes me miss her more.  You guys were hard on Vincent's R&J, but for me this is the scandal :laughing:.  But on the Men's side, I care more about Yuzu now than I did about Plushy then...and Sasha too if I'm being totally honest.  And I was a biiiig Plush fan. 2006 Men's podium was actually my dream podium and placements because Stephane and Jeff were faves then.  Meanwhile 2006 ladies, the podium was fine but the placements hurt, especially because Sasha went in leading and only needed her skate from 2006 Nationals to get it done.  But what is done is done and at least I still have the skating and programs that I loved to look back on.  It isn't always about the medals.  And hey, there's been no US ladies medallist since her so...you're welcome.  

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