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13 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


I don't know about the organization bit, I only know how to start threads. I can open up a thread and perhaps someone with a penchant for organizing things can create a summary at the end as news about a specific event starts to taper off? Me, I'm happy with just a thread dedicated to these vids, perhaps with comments made back on other related threads if people want to make any. I can live with a bit of disorganization as long as the chaos is made out of the same kind of things. Cos it'd still be a lot easier than trying to trace back vids in here.


Hahaha.. I'm a bit of an organisation freak and that's why I suggested those things. But anyone is free to start a thread so maybe just start one at the Translation and Media subforum.


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6 minutes ago, meoima said:

After all these years watching FS I know what I am talking about. Orser understands Yuzuru's peak condition very well. He will manage it so Yuzuru will peak right at the Olympic.

And after all these years watching FS I am telling you, those who go out full in the early season might lose their breath soon when it's needed the most. 

The season is long and there will be many obstacles.

What matters the most will be several minutes at the Olympic, not here.

The night is dark and full of terrors?


But I agree. (Also agree that you know much more about FS than many of us. DEfinitely more than I do lol. I'm very much a noob, but I get caught up and forget that sometimes. Apologies for that.)


There will be ups and downs, we will just keep faith and trust Yuzu and team Yuzu. That team Yuzu know what they're doing, and Yuzu is now wise enough to listen to them.


Also encouraging that they managed to do it with H&L at World's. Didn't Brian say earlier that it was a little frustrating that he peaks at GPF and not at World's? But they managed that this time. So they know him better now.


Gosh, all hope and positivity now! It's going to be fine!

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17 minutes ago, ainjxx said:

just want to ask if he'll skate last for the sp for gps/gpf and olys?

- He will skate last for the SP in both GP events, as it decided by world standing. 

- As for GPF,  it will depend on the ranking of qualifiers. 

- As for Olys, its random draw for top 6 in world standing for final group.

Its very important to have clean SP, or at least top 3 after SP, because they will skate in later group in FS. 

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1 hour ago, meoima said:

Reading his interview, It's indeed a good move of Orser to stop Yuzuru from doing 4lz and 4lo for this competition. 

Knowing Yuzuru, I am afraid had Orser not been there, Yuzuru might have jumped 4lz and 4lo in the beginning and won this competition with a bang. The media hype will be much much bigger and it's no good for the long run.

He might push himself too much and it might affect his knee. 

No one wants a bad free skate, of course everyone prefers that he wins but after all this is just a senior B, this messy skate also means it delays his peak then I am all good. 

He will bring 4lz and 4Lo to CoR because that's what he is!!

It's a good thing there's no gala at AC because Yuzu would probably jump quads left and right at practice without supervision. I hope he will rest his knee for a couple of days and mainly focus on other elements. 

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33 minutes ago, kaeryth said:



Maybe you guys can start a thread in the Translations & Media subforum? And just ask for people not to comment on the thread (like I did with the senior competitions thread) so that you can organise it better (maybe per season?)

That may be a good idea.

22 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


I don't know about the organization bit, I only know how to start threads. I can open up a thread and perhaps someone with a penchant for organizing things can create a summary at the end as news about a specific event starts to taper off? Me, I'm happy with just a thread dedicated to these vids, perhaps with comments made back on other related threads if people want to make any. I can live with a bit of disorganization as long as the chaos is made out of the same kind of things. Cos it'd still be a lot easier than trying to trace back vids in here.

Spotting posts with video links and quoting them in other thread is much harder than providing a list of links you’ve already have. (If that is easy you have no problem now, don’t you think so?) Could you let me handle this? I’ll make a list first and think how I can share it.

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4 minutes ago, meoima said:

After all these years watching FS I know what I am talking about. Orser understands Yuzuru's peak condition very well. He will manage it so Yuzuru will peak right at the Olympic.

And after all these years watching FS I am telling you, those who go out full in the early season might lose their breath soon when it's needed the most. 

The season is long and there will be many obstacles.

What matters the most will be several minutes at the Olympic, not here.


Your words have healing powers :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


I was deadly tired from sleep deprivation last night and ended up ignoring my alarm :facepalm: It was probably a good thing after all because that FS is so painful to watch... I keep telling myself he'll do much better next time but my heart still hurts so much :59227c768286a__s:  


Anyway, I'm glad there is so much hope and optimism here on the Planet :7938863: I feel much better already now that I have read your thoughts on peaking... 



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I was glad he goes perfect on his SP and leave a room to improve on FP at ACI. Being confident in SP is important for yuzu. Now he need to keep as clean as possible in his SP and improve his FP. And then peak at the right time. 


I also glad this planet is exist so I can keep calm and being positive. :snonegai:You guys help me to keep sane. 

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6 часов назад, SSS сказал:

Considering Olympics propaganda machine, everything is a big deal. I doubt some teams or federations will not use these as news paper headlines...but still b level has tiny points...whatever..Health is most important! :POOH:Pooh please watch someone's health

Don't care about headlines, if he skates well the marks will be there - we already saw that in SP.

So what matters the most is good health + enough training time so he can adapt to his new crazy layout and not overthink things too much.

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Good morning fellow satellites! Well it's already past 1pm for me but I've just woken up after going to sleep at 8 am  (luckily I had no dreams at all :laughing:).

Here the weather is all gloomy and rainy which matches my mood wonderfully and it's rather ironic, given how sunny and warm it was yesterday :sadPooh:

BUT I want to remember ACI for the wonder and bubbling joy of watching Yuzu's perfect Chopin unfold before my eyes, so I'm going to put that program in loop and melt myself  with a bunch of Yuzu smiles and cuteness and antics while I play catch up with the threads :smiley-happy085::10636614:

Thank you satellites for sticking together and being so supportive  :grouphug:

And thank you Yuzu:7938863:, being your fan isn't easy but you always make it worth it, even when you don't make a perfect :pancake: :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:

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5 часов назад, Hydroblade сказал:

>:) The swans took over the Sportplexe muahahahahaha



I was squished under the Chinese fans at the victory ceremony, against the railings.

Yuzu was right in front of me, leaning on the boards, head down, facing the people. I had a Swan I wanted to give him but I was hesitating. 

But I gathered courage and shouted "Hanyu senshu!!!"

He looked around, up and then straight at me. He didn't look at my hand, he just looked at me in the eye, gave me a BEAUTIFUL smile, bowed at me with his head and said "arigatou". 

During the victory lap, I was still squished under the Chinese fans, but I got a space kitty wrinkly smile.

Finally, after the press conference, we stayed to see if we could catch him and he saw my banner and the pH one, as  we were holding them up. We didn't shout, we just stood there. He saw my banner and me again, and everyone else too, we got an arigatou gozaimashita.


In short, my dreams came true. I accomplished everything I wanted. I hope he carries that support I gave him in his heart all season.

Truly magical experience :10636614:

I think after this comp I have even more ideas for what I want to write down in my card for him and try to pass it at CoR and hope that the support reaches him (WR or not a good skate we still love him for who he is and emotions he brings us with his skating :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:)

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