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1 hour ago, SparkleSalad said:


I felt a bit sad myself when I went and compared the 2014 version. The nymph on ice is gone. The gentle sweetness of youth is fading. The prince has become a king. I now completely understand that FaOI report that said similar things about the new Chopin. Kids grow up so fast. :sadPooh: 

oh he's capable of being both. I think at some point when you think the youthful innocence is gone, it'll rear it's head again. Think about Hope and Legacy, it's a delicate program that only he is capable of pulling off. Steel hidden underneath all that silk.


As for growing up....really, after him trolling us that much?!

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I've already gushed over on the 24Hr TV thread, but I guess I just can't say it enough... That was simply a breathtaking performance :tumblr_m230q9R9jj1qfamg6::tumblr_m230q9R9jj1qfamg6::tumblr_m230q9R9jj1qfamg6:

I honestly wasn't expecting much since we sort of knew it would be the same program he did with Hiromi Go several years ago.

But by golly, was I wrong. As many have already mentioned here, Yuzu has shown us once again how much he's grown, by leaps and bounds and more... my heart almost couldn't handle it lol. I didn't expect I'd be liking this program ever, and now it may have just become one of my all-time faves, if only for the amazing feelings it gave me.


And add to this further proof of how much of a wonderful person Yuzu is that this show gave us. 

It sometimes defies belief that someone like that can really exist.


And I could watch this forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever...

(Maybe even eternity wouldn't be enough :13877886:)



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Funny. I was thinking to myself after watching today, what happened? When exactly did he grow up? I feel like the parent who looks at their child through new eyes one sudden day... the confidence, the maturity... all through last season there was a change about him, but it is far more evident now. Well, we will see what ACI and this season bring.  

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13 hours ago, AsteroidB-612 said:

Haha yeah... He seems to be very flirty and playful but only with a handful photographer and reporters he is familiar with though...Like Noto san and now Yamguchi san (but I think the teasing of Yamguchi san is only recently in this new article? Welcome to the club of playthings of Do S troll Lord Zuzuru, Yamguchi san!) :kitty:


I think he has refrained himself with the female reporters to avoid causing mass hysteria lol and also reporters who are not constantly doing reports of him or those who writes dubious shady comments of him ( like that Hara san from Nekkei News) probably don't get the special flirty Hanyu treatment and just get his polite but routine media mannerism.

So this might be late but I was poking around on twitter and found someone who gave a gist of what the article was about lol. Like everyone said, Yuzu was just acting generally really playful with the photographer, acting cheeky and like a naughty schoolkid who wants attention (they used the word kamattechan), and draping himself on him and holding both his hands :text-line-smiley-049: source (it's part of a thread, didn't want to link every tweet here)

So just.... Zuzu being Zuzu :kitty:

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I admit I already quite liked the old "ienai yo" - and now I'm in awe at how perfect and flowy everything looks despite the steep increasement of difficulty!

As for comparing different times performances (feeling not technical), R&J 1 taught me not to so I won't :laughing: 

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I'm with everyone here. The kid has really grown up. Back in the day when he teased us with super sequence 3A+3A+3A+3A (I forgot how many 3As he could jump in one go) or 4S/4T+3A, now he transcends beyond that. Molding artistry with technical prowess that no words could describe it. Everyone wants to be Sora now, having Yuzu moment all by himself. Boy, lots of fans want to be in that position. 


Thanks everyone for sharing these precious videos. Really made up my weekend :8232307:

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1 hour ago, kitsune said:

Can someone help me understand? :thanks:

They're 'taking advantage' of Yuzu's great performance at 24HTV to promote the article, which is kind of an artistic/artistic content (no mention of technical elements, except an unnamed jump - though we know it's 4Lo from its place in the narrative lol) analysis of Let's Go Crazy, the song and the program and the way they blend. It seems nice and quite different from other articles, but I don't feel brave enough to try translating lol Also the article is from March, so maybe there is already a translation somewhere...

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