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3 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

It could be worse... last year, there was an F1 driver who announced his retirement, and then in the last race, which was also his home race, he retired after a crash and everyone got really emotional as he walked around, greeting fans, with a flag and everyone was crying and then a few months later, there was a spot available in his team again, so he decided not to retire after all. That was really headdesk moment  - though also kind of funny.


I'm happy for Misha staying around, he seems like an interesting and fun guy and why not have some fun still, if he can? Plus, he's one of the people Yuzu usually has fun and relaxes with, that's always a plus. Anyway, it could be he only does competitions now and then without getting into the really serious ones (GPS, Worlds etc.). We'll see, I guess

I'm happy if he's staying around! Seems a pity to retire just on Olympic season especially since he's from a small country and has a chance of going right? (hopefully??? I haven't been keeping up with his scores tbh)


I love that he seems to be one of the skaters that Yuzu is closest to and he seems universally loved by most of the skaters - you always need the dude who knows everyone to bring up the mood of the party right?? I have never been that person but I appreciate them :laughing:

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1 час назад, kaerb сказал:

Huh...what was all the ceremony at the World Championships then? (iirc didn't Yuzu push him out to take a special bow or something?)

Misha had some kind of leg injury (that's why he dropped quad attempts by WC), it was not very good so he thought he might retire but he actually didn't make any official announcement. If he decided that his health lets him go through Olympic season that's great!

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16 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

(I should stop before people start getting suspicious about my expertise in passing for a tiny child.)


Too late, we all figured out your evil plan to get free ice cream by playing tiny-little-girl at ice cream trucks stops.

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