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  On 9/17/2017 at 7:31 AM, kaerb said:

Welcome! And just in case you and @Smultron haven't seen them yet, the-real-xmonster on Tumblr has written a series of handy guides for recognising figure skating moves and explaining rules etc. I'm still learning to recognise turns and steps but it's great for a reference when you're learning ( : 

I mostly recognise Yuzu's jumps because I watch his routines too many times for it to be sensible... :facepalm:


Thank you! I found a blog that has pretty good guides, but this is better! :thanks:



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  On 9/17/2017 at 8:09 AM, MajaHled said:

Well damn, so many new people are introducing themselves so I might as well too :laughing:


I'm also new to this planet, and let me say, since I started watching FS, I feel like I don't do anything else ever :laughing:


But I have no regrets whatsoever and I can't wait to see Seimei 2.0 and Chopin 3.0 :smiley-love017:



Welcome! So when did the rest of the world lose you forever to FS?

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  On 9/17/2017 at 2:39 AM, Hydroblade said:

Currently sitting on the airport waiting to board. Did I mention this is my first time flying?

Can I just take this post to say how glad I am that I surrendered to Trollzuru Hanyu because my life is a thousand times more interesting now and I'm doing things I never thought I would do :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:?


Thank you Yuzu, for coming into my life. I'm grateful that I'll be able to support you in the first competition of this very important season 💖 


Have a good flight! And please-please-please share your experience with us (as I won't be in the stadium this time, I'm dying to know how it will be felt). :tumblr_m9gcttgdYF1qzckow:

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  On 9/17/2017 at 8:23 AM, MajaHled said:

I saw Yuzu's WC performance and I was like "wow, this is so beautiful". And then it was summer break and I didn't have time for anything, but like a month ago I started watching way too many FS videos on YouTube... And here we are :laughing:



You selected a fine moment to get under the sway of our Overlord! Things are sure to get very exciting now! 

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Oh, wow, I'm late to @Hydroblade trip party! :smiley-happy085:Have a safe and delightful flight, Hydro and all the other satellites who are going to ACI!  :10815002:We are waiting your live reports if it is possible, guys! Have an amazing time and good luck to our Overlord in his first quest of this season! :tumblr_inline_nhkf07EXnO1qid2nw:

And, it's always nice to see new people attracted by the gravitational force of our planet! The more, the merrier!!! :grouphug:

Welcome to all of you, newcomers, have a nice time and post often! :8232307::8232307:

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  On 9/17/2017 at 8:09 AM, MajaHled said:

Well damn, so many new people are introducing themselves so I might as well too :laughing:


I'm also new to this planet, and let me say, since I started watching FS, I feel like I don't do anything else ever :laughing:


But I have no regrets whatsoever and I can't wait to see Seimei 2.0 and Chopin 3.0 :smiley-love017:



Welcome!!! So nice of you to join us as we all collectively gasp, faint and lose our heads this season! The more the merrier, and maybe as a group working together we'll live through this season?

  On 9/17/2017 at 8:26 AM, fluffypooh said:

I am not ready for ACI :13877886:,  but I am so ready for the new costume :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:



....well I can't pack all the smelling salts into my suitcase, you want a couple?

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  On 9/17/2017 at 8:31 AM, Fay said:

Let's be honest, we'll never be ready for a single Yuzu-featuring competition this season! I think ACI might be the easiest one out there... 


The first time is always the hardest......maybe?? :winky::xD:

(I've fallen so deep into the FS world and have rewatched so many old videos that this does not feel like my first time following a season unfold in real time but it....is LOL)

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These nerves, they're normal, right? I'd better get used to it, I suppose, because I'll be nervous at least till after the Olympics from now?


Still staring at three-turn and brackets in the normal speed gifs, and finding out the difference between the head understanding the theory and the eye learning to figure it out in practice. :slinkaway:

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