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Hmm, sorry, but I'm not sure get it.. so if all the judges put +3 for stsq, then the skater get's 1.5? For Worlds long Yuzu got 1.5 GOE, but he had +2s as well..


depending on the level, lvl 4 stsq would have x0.7 factor so the max GOE is 2.1; while lvl3 stsq would only have a factor of x0.5 thus the max GOE is 1.5.


ahhhhhh i was confused about this too because the isu pdf with all the goes values doesnt seem to have it factored

*adds this too my notebook of doom*

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Klera said:
Got it, thank you!


No problem! Also, to answer your previous question, yes, if the skater wants to, the chsq could be the 2nd stsq. I think it is essentially to give room for skaters to not have such a strict level-based stsq (for example, pre-CoP, there would be so many firecracking and fast footwork sequence, my fave is yagudin's straight line step sequence, but this sequence would never satisfy the levels needed in the CoP system) and to include more free skating movements that does not satisfy/included in the level requirements. I think prior to 2010, iirc, it is still required for men to have 2 type of stsq even in the SP. But skaters rarely utilize the Chsq as a 2nd stsq nowadays imo, and used it just as a breathing point and cool down session, since the point given is not too high and no reason to spend energy there :) 


jinabee said:
ahhhhhh i was confused about this too because the isu pdf with all the goes values doesnt seem to have it factored

*adds this too my notebook of doom*


No worries, I am confused too at times, especially since they keep updating things every single year. :yes: 

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Hydroblade said:
I broke the embarassed swan smiley i am sorry, i reuploaded it with another size but since i replaced the image it shows an ugly notice on the forum sorry sorry sorry

To make up for it i leave you with Pooh and sad Pooh: :POOH::sadPooh:



heh? its okay!! anyway, thank you so much with all of these yuzumoticons(?) thank you for your handwork! :devil: :embSwan: 

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kaeryth said:
Just had a random thought: Wouldn't it be nice for Yuzu to skate to Notte Stellata at Worlds 2018 Milano with Il Volo singing live (kinda like Together on Ice)? :space: 


It's olympic season so I hope he does a return to old programs Ex like he did last olympic season.


I'd love that too. Yuzuru's thoughtfulness for what his audience could appreciate best is one of his (many) endearing traits.

Sadly I don't think it will happen. Il Volo aren't superpopular in Italy (strange, I know) and I really doubt they would be invited, though it would be wonderful. I know they have a tour here in Italy but I think they spend most of their time /tour in the USA?

By the way, they're going to tour in Japan for the first time this year...may be the power of our spacekitten? :space: :) 

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Apparently that's the first ever video of Yuzuru landing 4T, filmed 7 years ago (May 4th, 2010):

The fact that he had to train a quad in a packed rink really drives home how hard it must have been for him to practice when he was younger.

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mcq said:


No problem! Also, to answer your previous question, yes, if the skater wants to, the chsq could be the 2nd stsq. I think it is essentially to give room for skaters to not have such a strict level-based stsq (for example, pre-CoP, there would be so many firecracking and fast footwork sequence, my fave is yagudin's straight line step sequence, but this sequence would never satisfy the levels needed in the CoP system) and to include more free skating movements that does not satisfy/included in the level requirements. I think prior to 2010, iirc, it is still required for men to have 2 type of stsq even in the SP. But skaters rarely utilize the Chsq as a 2nd stsq nowadays imo, and used it just as a breathing point and cool down session, since the point given is not too high and no reason to spend energy there :) 


Very interesting! I wonder how long it'll take me to know as much as you do about the technical stuff. I can recognize the jumps, although flip and lutz are still very difficult, especially when filmed from not very convenient angle.

Oh yes, if you allow me to flood a little bit more.. I was always wondering, if the only difference between a lutz and a flip is the edge, then why on the protocol they write "e" and the jump that was planned (for ex 3Lz), and not just change the jump to 3F if the skater jumped lutz from inside edge? :)  I realize it must be a stupid question, but it's been bugging me for a while now.. Are there different requirements for the jumps, for instance how long the skater has to stay on a specific edge? (not sure if my question is understandable)


EDIT: And to stop being off topic: do you think that Yuzu will include 4Lz next season? Even though I really want to see it, and sure it'll be a thing of beaty when ready, I feel that he won't do it next year. Unless it becomes really stable during this summer, I'm not sure it's worth the risk for the next year

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Klera said:


Very interesting! I wonder how long it'll take me to know as much as you do about the technical stuff. I can recognize the jumps, although flip and lutz are still very difficult, especially when filmed from not very convenient angle 

Oh yes, if you allow me to flood a little bit more.. I was always wondering, if the only difference between a lutz and a flip is the edge, then why on the protocol they write "e" and the jump that was planned (for ex 3Lz), and not just change the jump to 3F if the skater jumped lutz from inside edge? :smile: I realize it must be a stupid question, but it's been bugging me for a while now.. Are there different requirements for the jumps, for instance how long the skater has to stay on a specific edge? (not sure if my question is understandable)


I actually have the same question in my mind.

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Klera said:
Very interesting! I wonder how long it'll take me to know as much as you do about the technical stuff. I can recognize the jumps, although flip and lutz are still very difficult, especially when filmed from not very convenient angle.

Oh yes, if you allow me to flood a little bit more.. I was always wondering, if the only difference between a lutz and a flip is the edge, then why on the protocol they write "e" and the jump that was planned (for ex 3Lz), and not just change the jump to 3F if the skater jumped lutz from inside edge? :smile: I realize it must be a stupid question, but it's been bugging me for a while now.. Are there different requirements for the jumps, for instance how long the skater has to stay on a specific edge? (not sure if my question is understandable)


Partially because of the zayak rule. You can only repeat a jump twice in the LP and only once in the SP (unless it is a 3T3T). So let's say a skater do 3Lz3T 3Fe and 2A. That means if you count that 3Fe as 3Lz that person would be going against the rules.


Or a layout like this 3Lz3T 3Fe/ 3Felo3S 3Lz 2A2T 2A 3Lo. If all the 3Fe is counted as lutz then the skater would do 3Lz 4 times, and that is against the rules.


Secondly, I would not call a flutz (3Lze) a flip, or a lip (3Fe) a lutz. In my opinion, I don't think they are the same jump. A true lutz would stay at the outside edge before and at the moment of takeoff while those who lip usually would "attempt" to take off at the inside but then switch to the outside at the moment of takeoff. Do I make sense? Flutzing and lipping is characterized by skaters switching the edge right at/near the moment of take off. Usually the tracing of the blade could also tell you how a skater switch edges or went flat went flutzing or lipping.


Also I am not that knowledgeable, because I did not really skate like actual skaters. I just read a lot from ISU handbook and talk to those who are more knowledgeable like skaters or coaches :) 


ETA : Anyway, if you have any further question regarding technical stuff, we have a sub-thread here for FAQ about skating-related stuff-> here ,

Don't be shy to ask, there will be many who are more experienced who will gladly help out

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This is completly off topic, but a few days ago I was showing some of Yuzuru's programs to a friend (who knows nothing about figure skating but was interested anyway) and one of the first I made him watch was the Boston Requiem, and at one point during a spin he said to me (without daring to let his eyes leave the screen) "Wow... It looks like the music is coming out of him" And he asked me to show him more :space: 


And his words rang so true that I felt compelled to share :love: 

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mcq said:


Partially because of the zayak rule. You can only repeat a jump twice in the LP and only once in the SP (unless it is a 3T3T). So let's say a skater do 3Lz3T 3Fe and 2A. That means if you count that 3Fe as 3Lz that person would be going against the rules.


Or a layout like this 3Lz3T 3Fe/ 3Felo3S 3Lz 2A2T 2A 3Lo. If all the 3Fe is counted as lutz then the skater would do 3Lz 4 times, and that is against the rules.


Secondly, I would not call a flutz (3Lze) a flip, or a lip (3Fe) a lutz. In my opinion, I don't think they are the same jump. A true lutz would stay at the outside edge before and at the moment of takeoff while those who lip usually would "attempt" to take off at the inside but then switch to the outside at the moment of takeoff. Do I make sense? Flutzing and lipping is characterized by skaters switching the edge right at/near the moment of take off. Usually the tracing of the blade could also tell you how a skater switch edges or went flat went flutzing or lipping.


Also I am not that knowledgeable, because I did not really skate like actual skaters. I just read a lot from ISU handbook and talk to those who are more knowledgeable like skaters or coaches :smile:


:bow:  Thanks for all the answers, you make perfect sense :) I figured out that flutz and flip shouldn't look the same, but as I don't see much difference for now, I decided to ask :POOH:

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I also get confused between the lutz and flip, especially if the skater's edge is unclear, but some posters on the old FF were explaining to me that skaters usually go into them from different entries. Like the flip will be from a 3-turn? Hopefully more knowledgeable people can explain this again.


One thing that is so cool about Yuzu fans is how interested everyone is in learning more about technique. I watched fs for years without knowing much at all. Learning is fun!

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I always find it amusing when people say 'this is off topic' and then go on about something related to Yuzu in some way... Everything Yuzu is on-topic here, even if people are having other convos at the same time! :rofl: 


Also, mods/admins, so happy you've now normalized the sizes on those Yuzu!emojis. Amazing work. Have a :POOH:

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xeyra said:
I always find it amusing when people say 'this is off topic' and then go on about something related to Yuzu in some way... Everything Yuzu is on-topic here, even if people are having other convos at the same time! :rofl: 


Also, mods/admins, so happy you've now normalized the sizes on those Yuzu!emojis. Amazing work. Have a :POOH:

Yesss, so many great yuzuticons! Now if only the like button would be up soon, my joy will be complete!! :space: 

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I also get confused between the lutz and flip, especially if the skater's edge is unclear, but some posters on the old FF were explaining to me that skaters usually go into them from different entries. Like the flip will be from a 3-turn? Hopefully more knowledgeable people can explain this again.


One thing that is so cool about Yuzu fans is how interested everyone is in learning more about technique. I watched fs for years without knowing much at all. Learning is fun!


The other difference between the flip and the lutz in the lz is counter-rotated, the curve of entry and the curve of exit is the same for the flip but not the lutz which is why the lutz is harder and worth more points. I'm assuming a wrong edge flip and lutz will still have the same general rule, so a lutz with an inside edge will still have to exit on the opposite curve to the entry to still be a lutz and not a flip? I could be wrong but the edge isn't the only difference between flip and lutz.


And yeah the flip usually has a really short set-up while the lutz is a bit longer. Yuzu has a real short lutz entry compared to other skaters. I'm not great at recognising flips, i typically just think 'was it a real short entry and i dunno what it was? probably a flip' XD typically with the flip the toe-pick leg sorta swings back while with the lutz the toe-pick leg is extended back as the skater sets in on a running edge.


I feel like I'm okay at recognising Yuzu's jumps but will get totally lost watching other skaters except for obvious ones like axel and loop. Yuzu sometimes messes me up with his toe-loop-disguised-to-look-like-a-salchow XD

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