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4 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Sorry again - when was this? it is an old 24 TV thing, deducing from the T shirt. It is funny and Kumamon is like me ice skating. I would also hope that Yuzu would help me up.



Iirc it's from 2016 24hTV -- the time he wore Ballade costume and skated with Kumamon and the local skaters,  and he also skated White Legend:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:  also, it was his first official appearance after Boston2016🥺 It always makes me extra soft that WL was the first program he skated publicly after Bostom Requiem:YuzuPoohSad: 

ETA: at a quick glance, I think the footage in the gif is not included in the video above, you may need to dig more in the video section or the compilations Wikis, probably it was in some teaser or sneak peek about the show

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Perhaps this has been noticed before but it certainly merits mentioning again - I just took a look at Shomo's free-skate at the GPF and I was struck by how many empty seats there were.  If Yuzu had been competing the place would have been jammed.  I guess the ISU and JSF are learning now that this is what happens when you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

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1 hour ago, EisElle said:

Iirc it's from 2016 24hTV -- the time he wore Ballade costume and skated with Kumamon and the local skaters,  and he also skated White Legend:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:  also, it was his first official appearance after Boston2016🥺 It always makes me extra soft that WL was the first program he skated publicly after Bostom Requiem:YuzuPoohSad: 

ETA: at a quick glance, I think the footage in the gif is not included in the video above, you may need to dig more in the video section or the compilations Wikis, probably it was in some teaser or sneak peek about the show

Thanks for the reference. Poor Kumamon, don't know how the skaters can cope in the costumes. BDD fell over - accidentally on purpose and Yuzu did help up and give a cuddle

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1 hour ago, micaelis said:

Perhaps this has been noticed before but it certainly merits mentioning again - I just took a look at Shomo's free-skate at the GPF and I was struck by how many empty seats there were.  If Yuzu had been competing the place would have been jammed.  I guess the ISU and JSF are learning now that this is what happens when you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

ISU figure skating is dying🤪

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2 hours ago, micaelis said:

Perhaps this has been noticed before but it certainly merits mentioning again - I just took a look at Shomo's free-skate at the GPF and I was struck by how many empty seats there were.  If Yuzu had been competing the place would have been jammed.  I guess the ISU and JSF are learning now that this is what happens when you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Perhaps just as fitting the empty seats at some of the ice shows were covered by black cloths, like a pall, to conceal the lack of patronage

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Part 8 - 

This music discussion is as in depth as some of the Royal College of Music masterclasses featuring concert virtuosi, which of course Shinya Kiyozuka is, and select students of music, who are aiming for concert soloist careers. 

I have been fortunate enough to attend RCM masterclasses as an audience member, one of my school mates is classical guitarist who was participating in the masterclass. This programme was on the same level - Superb.



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I also really enjoyed Yuzu and Shinya's talk very much. I find how yuzu is able to collaborate with different people from the arts very exciting and how he seems to connect with them deeply. I hope we can get a talk between yuzu and mikiko later on :YuzuPoohLove:

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Thank you for the good wishes for the new year and for the latest posts with subtitles everyone! I know a bit about playing classical music, and it's interesting to see how Yuzu moves different while listening to / being into the music (without skating).


@Hanmgse Congratulations to your 1111th post - this is a good omen for 2023 :wink2:.

@BWOZWaltz Thank you for the translation in the live NHK-Chat! 

@axelsandwich I didn't know you were a satellite... Thank you so much for all your great translation work! I appreciate it very much!

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4 hours ago, micaelis said:

Perhaps this has been noticed before but it certainly merits mentioning again - I just took a look at Shomo's free-skate at the GPF and I was struck by how many empty seats there were.  If Yuzu had been competing the place would have been jammed.  I guess the ISU and JSF are learning now that this is what happens when you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

I was there for both 2019 GPF and 2022, the difference was huge. Even during weekend, it was barely half-full this time, as compared to long waits in lines and many security checks during 2019 when the venue was totally full. If I remember correctly, even for the practices there were more people in 2019 than in 2022 for the actual competition (even though they had Memola, the home favourite, competing!).

Although I agree, that Yuzu's presence would likely fill the venue up, I think the added absence of Russian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese fan groups is what clinched it. These made up a lot of the audience in the past at least 6 years, from what I have seen. So the covid and war situations are a factor.

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Of all the recent Yuzu's media appearances, Classic TV with Mr. Kiyozuka is by far my favourite. I really like the formula: no rush, no standard, predictable questions, someone just let them talk. The best script ever! :laughing: Although I know that it wasn't exactly according to the original plan, :xD: it couldn't have been better. I need an uncut version! 

I wouldn't mind an impro challenge for these two: skating as an improvised interpretation of a short piano performance versus improvised piano accompaniment to a little skating etude, in real time. Alternatively with some preparation: first a pre-prepared piano performance, a few minutes to think about what has been heard, then a joint live performance, then a change of leader and playing to a pre-prepared skating miniature.

I will also accept a variant in the form of the YouTubers' battle.  :rock:


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3 hours ago, DancingFeather said:

Thank you for the good wishes for the new year and for the latest posts with subtitles everyone! I know a bit about playing classical music, and it's interesting to see how Yuzu moves different while listening to / being into the music (without skating).


@Hanmgse Congratulations to your 1111th post - this is a good omen for 2023 :wink2:.

@BWOZWaltz Thank you for the translation in the live NHK-Chat! 

@axelsandwich I didn't know you were a satellite... Thank you so much for all your great translation work! I appreciate it very much!

I totally missed that :laughing: I hope it is!

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7 hours ago, Hanmgse said:

I also really enjoyed Yuzu and Shinya's conversation. I find it very exciting how yuzu is able to collaborate with different people in the art world and how he seems to connect deeply with them. Hope we can have a talk between yuzu and mikiko later :YuzuPoohLove:


:agree:  :nod2:  and here is a YT and it's all in the title :girlsigh: 



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