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This twitter reported that Chinese's biggest Twitter Account,

"Weibo"  had 120,000 followers (Active users : 110,000) as 

Yuzu's fans in China.

The Male-Female Ratio was 1 to 5:25.

It's beyond imagination that there are so many male fans.

Most of Yuzu's Chinese fans on this account are from

Canton, Beijing, Shanghai,.... .

No report on the age of fans, though.


(Misa-san, the person who wrote this message is a Japanese

 fan living in Shanghai, having become Yuzu's fan since 2015



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18 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Skirting the line between related and off topic...

Apparently, this is how swans cool down :P (warning, big gif) 

Now i have interesting mental images :rofl:


Until the gif popped out, I thought you would send us a swan doing a hydroblade...

If we sent this gif to Yuzu, would this inspire him to finally add his spirals into a program like an EX? That swan has greater leg flexibility and turn out than I do...is it good to envy a non-human on this issue? 

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1 minute ago, 五十嵐 美幸 said:


I love learning new things and this forum has turned out to supply that in the most amazing ways! Kudos to all contributors!


Fruits, biology, animal behavior, chocolate... Who said this is only a skating forum :rofl:

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1 minute ago, Yatagarasu said:

There is a trashbag pants title?!


@Hydroblade why you torture me? :13877886:

We have angry seaweed and boobskirt titles :P i needed another one related to his... questionable fashion choices so i settled for trashbag pants :D

Don't worry you only have to endure it for 100 posts when you hit 1900 :D

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