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  On 9/1/2018 at 3:20 AM, rockstaryuzu said:

The forum is so quiet tonight. Guess everyone is catching their breath after the whirlwind of the last 24 hours.



mhmm now I am wondering if there won't be SP open practice content... I am not well-versed in past media days, so I don't know if it's ever happened that they only have content of one of the programs. Or maaaybe all the journalists needed a recovery day after Origin too  :idk: 

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  On 8/31/2018 at 4:21 PM, Hydroblade said:

@Xen, inquiring minds would like to know (the Pooh editors of the Daily Spread Eagle too...)

How is the situation with the quad ladies? What do they think about lady 3F being left at home?


Sorry, me and my muse bunnies were really tired and went to bed. 

Um....the quad ladies are actually being normal? Oh, minus lady 4Lz...seems like she might have gone on vacation for a while due to some weird new idea she had. It's a dangerous idea, so to ensure her safety, general 3F (not lady 3F) was sent to protect her. But it seems like princess Nessie's birth might be going along faster than people thought, so there is some controlled anxiety there. If you want the details, you'd have to ask Chancellor B.Orser. and Chancellor Ghislain.

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  On 9/1/2018 at 5:24 AM, SuzyQ said:

These two are those whom Yuzuru respects :joy:




Watch him join them in it next year....

So now that we know Johnny and Plush were invited to CiONTU this year and Yuzu pays tribute to them....what does that mean next year? Will he invite Yagudin and force Plush and Yagudin to share ice? Or was the hint already given this year? 


*on another note, I'd pay to see Plush and Yagudin have a dork-dance battle like Johnny and Plush. You know it will be epic because neither likes to lose to the other....XD

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  On 9/1/2018 at 4:10 AM, Noelle said:


mhmm now I am wondering if there won't be SP open practice content... I am not well-versed in past media days, so I don't know if it's ever happened that they only have content of one of the programs. Or maaaybe all the journalists needed a recovery day after Origin too  :idk: 


I know I would after spending a day in his presence.

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  On 9/1/2018 at 4:10 AM, Noelle said:


mhmm now I am wondering if there won't be SP open practice content... I am not well-versed in past media days, so I don't know if it's ever happened that they only have content of one of the programs. Or maaaybe all the journalists needed a recovery day after Origin too  :idk: 


:tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5: tinfoil hat on

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  On 9/1/2018 at 5:46 AM, rockstaryuzu said:

You really think it'll show up in the SP? 


:sipping:who knows really.. we'll have to actually see the program in competition to know the content cause of troll purposes.. I am not hoping to see it there but anything can happen I guess :68556365: think I read 4T+3T for the SP somewhere on jap articles but nothing has been said about the solo quad yet

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Think the articles mentioned that his jump layout would be 4S 3A//4T3T for the short, which is ole chopin layout. Which is fine, SP is more about staying as clean as possibly and getting into top6. If he gets +3 to +5 GOEs on all his jump elements going clean, he's fine...he'll probably exceed his SP record.

(To be fair though,I could just as easily see the layout go 4Lo 3A//4T3T but I need to hear the music cut and see bits of his SP to make up my mind-wait is that why he's quibbling on the news releases of his SP? Because fans managed to guess his CoR layout last year with just half-arsed footage?)

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  On 9/1/2018 at 5:52 AM, freeyafanfan said:

:sipping:who knows really.. we'll have to actually see the program in competition to know the content cause of troll purposes.. I am not hoping to see it there but anything can happen I guess :68556365: think I read 4T+3T for the SP somewhere on jap articles but nothing has been said about the solo quad yet


It has actually, he said it's 4S. I think there was some talk on whether or not 4A could be the solo quad in the SP. Personally, I think that'd be riskier than doing it in the free...


And it's not like they couldn't show us footage Nessie-less. Last year they hid the 4Lz-3T for months after media day, though they did show us stuff

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